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  1. I understand. As a long time baseball fan, I have a tendency to over-identify with my favorite team. When they win, I win. When they lose, I lose. Of course, I have no actual ownership stake in professional baseball. I'm not a billionaire. Being a fan is about emotions, not reality. It's not really my team. The same is true of BSA. We don't actually own BSA. We are not BSA. We never have been. We never will be. It's time for all of us to stop over-identifying with BSA. It can be fun to be a fan, but it stops being fun when we over-identify with our teams. When we s
    3 points
  2. I’d call it a litigation pivot. Different team for a different strategy, as well as a signal of the level of seriousness. Free agent acquisitions and substitutions mid-season recognizing you have a chance to win or lose the title based on key talent.
    3 points
  3. The people responsible for the abuse goes beyond the abuser. It goes to volunteers, employees and the organization that let it happen. I go back to the Scout's Honor article and book. This dates back to 1991 and shows how BSA knew they had a problem, but kept it quiet. I recommend reading the articles ... it shows why the BSA is where it is today. https://www.bishop-accountability.org/news5/1991_05_20_Boyle_Scoutings_Sex.htm https://www.amazon.com/Scouts-Honor-Patrick-Boyle/dp/1559583657
    2 points
  4. If he is engaged in sexual activity at a scout event, or even trying, call 844-SCOUTS1 (844-726-8871) or email scouts1st@scouting.org immediately. EDIT: I cannot stress this enough. As you rightly point out, it is stuff like THIS (good old boys/girls club letting people get away with stuff) that got BSA in the mess it is in now.
    1 point
  5. That's actually not true. Where the abuser is still alive, they are in fact named as defendants in these cases. So, your facts are just wrong. Yep. Because they failed to do what they were supposed to do or negligent in the way they did it. And because the state legislature(s) allowed the statute of limitations to be reopened on such cases. And no, you are not being sued. BSA is being sued. The COs are being sued. You are not a named defendant in any of these cases UNLESS you were an abuser.
    1 point
  6. Oversight. Negligent. Stewardship. Negligence. Entrusted into the care. Negligence. Implied duty of care. Negligence. Badge on the uniform says BSA (Trustworthy, loyal...). Affiliate, associate, agent, sanctioned and approved volunteer, employee...liable.
    1 point
  7. PERSONAL OPINION: There are significant differences between the facts of the RCC cases that distinguish them from the BSA CSA liability scenario. I believe those differences are critical and place insurers in the direct line of fire to pay on the historic policies.
    1 point
  8. What policies? How is it a bad thing to have a scout visit a troop meeting?
    1 point
  9. They can exit Chapter 7 without having a reorg plan. Or, as I said, they'll be forced to accept the TCC/FCR/Coalition plan.
    1 point
  10. I think we may look back and see a huge strategic error with the Hartford settlement. Why even go there. I'm starting to see a narrowing window for BSA to escape a Chapter 7. I expect the only chance is give up the HA bases, withdraw the insurance settlement and move on. The other side knows there is likely 10's of billions of dollars at stake with the insurance side. They can be patient, filing lawsuits against National HA bases, LCs, COs and insurance companies. Note that these are lawyers directly representing claimants ... not the TCC ... so they can file suit against LCs and COs
    1 point
  11. I copy pasted incorrectly. There are actually 4 lawyers from Robbins Russell added to the mix. Lawrence S. Robbins https://www.robbinsrussell.com/attorneys/lawrence-s-robbins/ Joshua S. Bolian https://www.robbinsrussell.com/attorneys/joshua-s-bolian/ Ariel N. Lavinbuk https://www.robbinsrussell.com/attorneys/ariel-n-lavinbuk/ William J. Trunk https://www.robbinsrussell.com/attorneys/william-j-trunk/
    1 point
  12. Thanks! My main worry was that there may have been YPT, or Guide To Safe Scouting guidelines that were violated, and that may cause issues or negative impacts for my pack. If there's nothing preventing visits like this, then I'm fine with it too.
    1 point
  13. Celebrate that the bear scout got to have a good experience. Hopefully it creates excitement to continue in scouting. Minimize the negative rules. It burns bridges and destroys future friendships. ... I'd ask this ... What is your concern that you are looking for a rule? I'm one that always leans toward following the rules. But rules are usually there for a reason. Avoid harm. Be safe. etc. ... So, is there a concern? Other cubs will want to go? Scout will get experiences out of sequence? Forget about the pack?
    1 point
  14. I don't see any rules or in fact any problems with this. The boy got to do stuff with the older scouts and hopefully had fun. Maybe that will excite him to join the troop when he is old enough. It would have been worse if he attended and didn't get to do anything. He might have decided Troops are boring and don't want him. I don't understand the point about why they should have informed you. Any of your scouts should feel comfortable visiting any troop at anytime, not just when there is an invitation. My advice would be to let it go, it is all good.
    1 point
  15. I expect the BSA at all levels knows the CO model is broken. If they truly implemented the model, @David CO is correct. No unit can switch COs as the unit is simply the extension of the CO. If the CO decides to not recharter, they shut down the unit. Now, the CO can decide to be "friendly" and offer to donate the scout equipment to another unit, but it is the CO's property. I'm probably incorrect, but I thought in the past veteran bars required the unit to be chartered with the same CO over the time period. The BSA doesn't run this way anymore. It seems like they are committed to th
    1 point
  16. If the CO is no longer willing or able to charter the scout unit, the unit should be disbanded. The unit should cease to exist. The unit number should be retired and remain unused unless/until the CO re-charters a unit. This sends a crystal clear message that a unit is part of its Chartered Organization. A unit is not a separate entity. The parents are free to go "shopping" for a Chartered Organization who is willing to form a new unit for their kids. New CO. New unit. New number. The problem arises when parents want to retain the number, flag, history, and identity of a u
    1 point
  17. Uh, no..... this is stealing the opportunity from the scouts to actually learn from doing the requirements for the merit badge. I am so tired of Merit badges that are just hand waved, Eagle projects that are just a bench, and positions of responsibilty where the scout doesn't actually do anything for six months. My scouts know that I am "a hard grader" but they also know that when I sign of on a requirement, they know it and are proud that they earned it. There are too many people that are awarded merit badges and ranks that they don't deserve.
    1 point
  18. News release: Dateline April 1, 2021, Irving Texas.... The Boy Scouts of America in line with the ongoing simplification and re-organization announced the following Merit Badges would be merged, thus allowing the Scout to earn them easier and quicker: Pet care and Cooking. American Labor and Mining in Society. Family Life and Animal Science. Welding and Fire Safety.
    1 point
  19. Sorry, but I think that is a terrible answer. It should be about right and wrong, not about who is most valuable to the unit or council. In many cases, this is how BSA got in so much trouble, siding with the people who contribute the most.
    1 point
  20. I got a bit more detail on the situation. The committee chair noticed that a lot of Scouts with single moms started dropping out. She contacted them and found out that they were having the same experience she was. The individual, who is married, was proposing a three-some with the consent of his wife on camping trips.
    0 points
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