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  1. Past hour
  2. Baby Steps of America.... I expect we were headed to coed all along.
  3. Name changes and minor program tweaks won't make a significant impact. I'm seeing a complete collapse of scouting in my area. Multiple Packs ending, others seeing limited growth. Multiple Troops in my area are also near collapse. Summer camps, camporees are losing attendees. The answer from National... A name change? I think the change is fine, but hopefully I hear about their plans to reverse the decline.
  4. Today
  5. Scouting America is going to be just fine, as long as everyone is indeed welcome so that we do live our timeless values.
  6. Sounds like a Charles Kuralt Sunday morning TV show.
  7. Such wonderful news! Finally, US scouting normalizes.
  8. If you wanna get away from cookies, this is a good place to do it 😜 As long as you stay away from popcorn 😛
  9. What a surprise (not). We conspiracy theorists knew this was the plan all along. Now that the objecting religious sponsors are out of the way, time to make the move.
  10. Nothing new, only that maybe they are finally listening. But trial is not really needed in my view, as it is obviously the best option for small units already, allowing them to officially do it. We all are aware it is already a silent choice for many.
  11. https://www.foxnews.com/us/boy-scouts-america-making-big-change-more-inclusive
  12. From Facebook An announcement was made today during the BSA National Annual Meeting regarding Scouts BSA. The BSA has received feedback through member surveys, councils, and other sources that have encouraged a third option be made available to serve youth and their families interested in Scouting. This option would be a “combined troop” option to help serve all youth and families that wish to participate in Scouting guided by the Scout Oath and Law. The National Executive Committee (NEC) has authorized the Scouts BSA Committee to conduct a limited pilot from September 1, 2024, thr
  13. Not required. But I like to wear performance shirts underneath my uniform shirt. To each their own.
  14. SA = Sturmabteilung Wait till that one hits... Those who cannot remember the past... https://www.britannica.com/topic/SA-Nazi-organization smh
  15. https://m.email.scouting.org/rest/head/mirrorPage/@ioWh-yEhFvF8L2A1kdKKSgVPNuz-_mvo6HpmpCzhyhs3z5ZNbYL1mtzBJBC3ZntkMBuT3abs4KF_BG9qmx7Bxyhnzgmyldo5H4CtUMeCuxc5vGFA.html
  16. @InquisitiveScouter Here's the text of that message: An announcement was made today during the BSA National Annual Meeting regarding Scouts BSA. The BSA has received feedback through member surveys, councils, and other sources that have encouraged a third option be made available to serve youth and their families interested in Scouting. This option would be a “combined troop” option to help serve all youth and families that wish to participate in Scouting guided by the Scout Oath and Law. The National Executive Committee (NEC) has authorized the Scouts BSA Committee to conduct a li
  17. And the barrage continues: https://m.email.scouting.org/rest/head/mirrorPage/@JAZoPn36nBGBwnSUwO9VYxp-uHhpwWPo3y6pE3GABf3-FGCOpsM-PFMe2BwqlMkxmXgNjOeyH0nzZ-YXNBXB1D9e_GIOmayLB-o7V-Xm_-tVOCZ7.html
  18. Council contact shared to our unit in a text. Supposedly will be announced later this week in our council newsletter.
  19. Hey, got any official pronouncements for this pilot?
  20. And there you go- there is your new logo in that email
  21. They had to have felt more confidence in Scouting America than say Scouting USA re: litigation challenges. They already have logos for Scouting America that I have seen shared in screen shots.
  22. https://m.email.scouting.org/rest/head/mirrorPage/@JAZoPn36nBGBwnSUwO9VY6VgCN2Wl28EE7uPz5nsncSawHDh8yNO6LsXeesTuHbFn6mfjMbcKsZLvm8HhvAs7ybQwnt71C3wgYjdxrz2PNY4hBPH.html Imagine all the resources of staff time, effort, money, communication, etc. that went into this... and now imagine all the money and time that will go into changing tens of thousands of instances of the "old brand" across the country. Shaking my head... Nero fiddled while Rome burned Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic or your metaphor of choice...
  23. Now that the rebrand notification is dropping, there are other changes that will begin to be announced. One came from the NAM. As of September 1st, there will officially be a pilot for a "combined troop" option.
  24. Why not Scouts of America? Just drop the boy. I think the name change is dumb and should have been done, if it was going to be done, 5 years ago.
  25. @Eagle1993 Not disagreeing with you that the smartest action would be to have the most likely challenger on board before the filing and before any announcement Would you have had the same assumption before the BSA filed its recent round of trademarks and was challenged by GSUSA? Settlement Agreement between the parties is found in this filing as Exhibit 1. https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/b530ab19-6224-4f25-af12-fa7a92aa4b01_10117.pdf One wonders what the BSA will do if the trademark applications are rejected or successfully challenged in an adminis
  26. Yes, see the Inspection Sheet... And, when you point it out, Be Prepared to learn about a cognitive bias we humans have: https://online.wharton.upenn.edu/blog/status-quo-bias/ After you let them know, and show the evidence, please report back, and let us know if the culture of your unit is one of following the Scout Law (A Scout is Obedient), or one of defiance
  27. @InquisitiveScouterso our troop making me button the top button is wrong?
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