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Chapter 11 announced - Part 14 - Plan Effective

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This framing drives me crazy.  BSA isn't being sued because BSA has money, BSA is being sued because BSA DID SOMETHING WRONG!  That has been the finding of virtually every judge and jury that has hear

Maybe just a moment to take a break in the discussion and upvote or downvote @RememberSchiff for his diligent and faithful monitoring of this site, and all the delightful and informative Scouting news

I just wanted to say happy father's day to all the Survivors who tried and have tried their best, for so long, to be the best father they could be.  The secrets you kept to protect the partners in you

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2 minutes ago, MYCVAStory said:

Sorry....yes, plan may now go effective.  Fat fingers.  

THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes I am screaming in Joy at ya! I want justice for victims.

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That's great news.  BSA can now move forward, with new protection measures in place that should take away much of the opportunity predators previously exploited.  And survivors can try to get some compensation while we are still alive.

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1 minute ago, ThenNow said:

I stand amazed. Only 1156 days to get here. It just flew by like so many lovely butterflies. Ok. Strike that.

At the BSA National Annual Meeting in Denver in 2019, attorneys representing the BSA assured the volunteers (~2,000 I believe) were told that the Chapter 11 process would be only 90 days.  Off just a little.  Has been a difficult time for all concerned because Scouting involves passions from all.

My concerns remain for the survivors.  They have more challenges as the trust works through the claims.  Many survivors are of an age that years are a major issue.  My prayers and concern for survivors.  May the trustee find a way to process the claims expeditiously and there be enough funds that the awards will be acceptable.

May the BSA become a shining light to protect youth from abuse and to set the standard for all youth serving organizations to strive to match.

Thanks to so many for providing expert opinions on all the many twists and turns.  It has made the process understandable.

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