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Insurance for Another Council Required


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Curious if the hive here has run across this issue.  Local council requiring that the other local councils provide proof of insurance for use the local council location (list our camp as a location that the other council will insure their scouts).  I understand having an outside group provide proof of insurance and having council named in policy.  Never ran across this issue before and I have not seen any posts on it.  Thank you for feedback.

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I don't quite follow.  What kind of insurance are we talking about and when you say require, require for what?

Is your council, let's call it A, requiring that an out of council troop provide proof of insurance from council B before that troop can camp in council A camp?

I've never had anyone, local or out of council, ask for proof that we were insured.

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I've see this for summer camp--we typically go out of council, and the camps we go to request proof of our home council's accident/injury/health policy.  Most (I'd assume all, but I could be wrong) have those; they are secondary to a scout's personal health insurance, but do provide some coverage if personal health insurance falls short or if the scout/scouter is uninsured.

We just get a proof-of-insurance document from the council office before we leave and turn it in when we check in at camp.

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4 hours ago, Chisos said:

We just get a proof-of-insurance document from the council office before we leave and turn it in when we check in at camp.

We do a week at our council camp in June, followed by an out of council camp in July.  Pretty much every out of council camp requires us to bring a copy of our council's proof of insurance.  Not a big deal.

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I had to submit proof of insurance from my Council for an event a few years ago.  You are looking for a standard letter confirming insurance coverage called a "Description of Coverage".  After much perseverance, I finally got a copy of the letter from my council's Volunteer Services Coordinator.

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Interesting, we regularly use neighboring council camps.  In the last two years we have stayed at camps in five different councils, not a single one has asked for anything like this.  I started to think that maybe familiarity made the request unnecessary because three of those five directly border our council, but the other two are far enough away that we might be the only troop from our council to stay there.

Our council also gets a lot of troops from out of council at our camps (see story about Michigan closing camps), and at least at the Campmaster office we're not looking for any insurance info from visitors.

In all these instances I'm talking about weekend trips, maybe things are different for summer camp.

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Council A is asking Troop B from Council B to provide proof of at least $1M insurance policy  to use Camp A. (to clear up T2Eagle).  I find it odd, since all Councils carry insurance AND we are suppose to be working together.  Seems to be an unneeded requirement. But, sounds like it is more common then I thought


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1 hour ago, ShootingSports said:

Council A is asking Troop B from Council B to provide proof of at least $1M insurance policy  to use Camp A. (to clear up T2Eagle).  I find it odd, since all Councils carry insurance AND we are suppose to be working together.  Seems to be an unneeded requirement. But, sounds like it is more common then I thought


That is a bit odd (I think).  There are two types of BSA Insurance.  Councils can (and most, if not all, do) purchase an accident/injury/health policy that covers injuries/illnesses that come up on a Scouting event.  This is acquired at the Council level, though most have similar or identical polices (I think).  The other insurance is BSA's general liability policy (since you said $1M, that sounds like what they are asking about).  It is (I'm pretty sure) obtained by the National Council and covers all local councils.

Your council service center should be able to provide a proof of insurance for either.  Though it would seem odd of one council to ask another for the liability policy, since the same one covers all of them.

The insurance most of us are talking about providing when camping out of council is the first one (the accident/medial policy).  The general liability policy is more commonly requested when using non-Scout facilities for an event (say, a council-sponsored camporee is held on the grounds of a local community park, or something like that).


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We pretty much need to provide proof of insurance, or a certificate of insurance, for anything we do, whether it's standing in front of a local supermarket to solicit food donations or use a local camp site or town park for meetings. We have some that are good for the year and others that need to be obtained for each event. While it might seem silly for councils to ask for COIs from other Councils, it's not surprising given the general ratcheting up of liability concerns everywhere. If you have not seen this yet, it is likely to come to a Council near you soon.  

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