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Lost signed Project Workbook


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My son, completed his eagle scout project then went away for school (11th grade). He is now home and finalizing documentation but it appears we have lost his signed copy of his project workbook.


Thanks for any tips.

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What Qwazse and ValleyBoy posted. Does he have the photos, and an electronic copy of the book at least?

One thing I recommend is to make and ask for copies of everything prior to turning in. My council lost one Scout's completed Eagle application, which included the EBOR signatures. Thankfully the EBOR chairman gave him a copy of the completed application, and we were able to submit it electronically. But it was 2 months after the EBOR

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TZhanks everyone.

I found out that the district does have a copy. My son really didn't want to ask as he thought it would look bad on his application, but they were great about it.

I love Boy Scouts. 



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2 minutes ago, ohagar said:

TZhanks everyone.

I found out that the district does have a copy. My son really didn't want to ask as he thought it would look bad on his application, but they were great about it.

I love Boy Scouts. 



Nothing wrong about asking for something they have. I doubt they would keep a copy if they wouldn’t give it to the scout if they lost it.

I would be proud that your son asked the district himself even though he felt like it would affect him.

Ill be in his shoes in a few months, I just need my two meeting with the district for the final BOR.

Edited by ItsBrian
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I'm not sure if or why it was moved to Scoutmaster Minutes, but you have to admit it's a good story to tell a scout.

There's nothing wrong with asking for help. There is something wrong with just hoping a problem will go away on its own. Swallow your pride and just ask. I do this all the time when I misplace my glasses, my keys, my phone, .... and my wife is more than willing to help me out.


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50 minutes ago, MattR said:

I'm not sure if or why it was moved to Scoutmaster Minutes, but you have to admit it's a good story to tell a scout.

There's nothing wrong with asking for help. There is something wrong with just hoping a problem will go away on its own. Swallow your pride and just ask. I do this all the time when I misplace my glasses, my keys, my phone, .... and my wife is more than willing to help me out.


This is a good example of how a boy can show leadership and not be the best manager of paperwork. Thus, why MB applications are in three parts, why T2F requirements should be signed off by the  PL (who is more likely to know the mastered skills of each of scout in the patrol), and why districts/councils generally maintain a copier. In my experience, our nation's youth do some pretty great things ... they just aren't that great at recording it!

Edited by qwazse
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