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Boy Scouts close to ending ban on gay members, leaders NBC


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My local professional tells me that he can't say anything yet...but they had a meeting today with the council executive and I can read into that what I want...


In any case, I've been saying for years that this should be a choice for the chartered organization. Little will actually change but at least in my left leaning neighborhood it removes a big barrier to recruiting.

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Well, if they make this decision, not only will our church not be starting two units, our district will lose at least 15. The problem with local option: what about camp staffing? Who decides what tents/ cabins are shared by whom? Council events? I think Merlyn said you are known by the company you keep. I choose not to keep company with acting homosexuals or those who are not married and just living together (equally as wrong) My choice

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if you feel the need to never be around gay people then you will never truly experience the real world. As for tenting, well no one is ever forced to tent with anyone else be they gay, straight, woman, man. Your tent mate is only the decision between those actually sleeping there any no one else.





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Time to start putting together an effective protest. Something like this should not be left to a handful of people at the national level. Regardless of what side you are on. Like Roe V Wade being decided by a handful of judges.


Time to start over whelming the local and national council folks with an organized protest.


This should be a national scouting referendum, regardless of what the charter says the national can do to it's bylaws

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"Well, if they make this decision, not only will our church not be starting two units, our district will lose at least 15. The problem with local option: what about camp staffing? Who decides what tents/ cabins are shared by whom? Council events? I think Merlyn said you are known by the company you keep. I choose not to keep company with acting homosexuals or those who are not married and just living together (equally as wrong) My choice"


Where to begin with this one....


I wonder which Church you belong to? I wonder what faith you belong to.


Who decides who tents with who? well everyone decides who their tent mate is.


What about Council events? You'll hardly know who is gay and who isn't, and you'd have your own tents and campsites from your troop won't you?


And Merlyns quote you cited is full of crap. There's no issue with you deciding you are afraid of gays and atheists. (Although it is sad, you afraid your going to catch their gay or disbelief in God?)


You shouldn't get to decide who becomes a member in my troop with your closeminded ideals. It is your choice, but your choice shouldn't make everyone else's choice.



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To sheldonsmom's point about homosexual leaders and scouts at events, they are already there. I've known gay scouts, gay leaders and gay staff at national camps. The only change is acknowledging the existing situation.


In the end, youth protection still exists and parents and the leaders who you entrust your children to have to do their jobs. They should have been doing them all along so you'll see little difference other than a huge potential for recruiting scouts and parents who were turned off by the membership policy.

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On a winter camping trip, setting up camp at 4F, in the dark, whilst it's snowing and a bit windy, is anyone really thinking about sex? Seriously? They may be thinking about God, but not whether they like boys or girls. The most important things really do matter when life is on a knife edge. Survival at quite low temperatures shows us down the most important things. I really do try to make every camping trip - regardless of the time of year - so intense and so focused on Scoutcraft and campcraft that no one has anytime to even think of such things.

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I think you are Off topic, but I beg to differ.


A recent review of a case in the perversion files reminded me of an 80's Ohio/Wyoming case that would come close to fitting the description you mentioned. I had forgotten about it until I read the file. Even those who pray to God can still have a wandering eye and heart. I remember a few of those also.


4F may just offer another excuse for an abuser to act. Having had some time in the service, I have seen crazy things happen at 4F and 115F.


No I do not ask anyone coming in the door if they are gay, nor do I intend on. Abusers come in all forms, most often youth on youth.



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I said nothing about fear of catching anything. I disapprove of the example they set. I am LCMS Lutheran. I was raised Evangelical Christian. What difference does it make? I have noticed that if I do not wish to associate with someone is must be because I am afraid of them. The people who aren't in my face with their activities aren't the problem and I realize they are already at the events. Camp staff does NOT always get to pick their bunkmates. That is what I was asking.

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Really should be little impact, other than the few hyper sensitive individuals that somehow cannot even be around someone "different" without having an adverse response. Since sexual orientation has never been part of the program, it will not be now, unless someone chooses to try and make it so. Then they will likely be gone; at least in our unit they would be.

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I'd like to know when this February meeting is?


I'd like to be concentrating on my pack's Blue & Gold, not THIS. I don't appreciate it being dropped on us like this, even though it's not a done deal yet. The last policy in July seemed to make it clear that this was off the table for several years.


This will be end up being very divisive for our pack, and we will lose a lot of families, although I think they would move to other CO's who would maintain the status quo.

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