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Everything posted by dan

  1. What is a garbage patrol? What I think a perfect campsite WOULD be: Each patrol setup far enough away from each other so they could see what the other patrols are doing, but not be so close that they are tempted to go see what the other patrol is doing every few minutes. Each Patrol has their own cooking gear/chuckbox/fire/stove. Each patrol would have there own dining fly. The SPL and ASPL and leaders camped out in the middle of it all, but at least 50 feet away from the patrols. Kind of like the leaders being the hub of a wheel? A place to have PLC meetings. US flag and troop
  2. Thank you again for the feedback. This is not my idea, I am an ASM in the troop. I just thought the best way was to decide who would be the best and ask them, and not interview whoever wants it. I have the feeling that the Committe will just put in someone they can control.
  3. Thanks for the feedback. To clarify a few points. We have a phantom CO, every year when the COR has to sign the recharter, he says we are not your CO are we? And to complicate it even more, the CO is a government organization. The committe says SM is a 3-year term. The committee that the committee chairman put together to pick a SM, gives me some hesitation. They still talk about campouts with 12 scouts and 2 leaders. We average 45 scouts on a campout and at least 12 adults (not all leaders, at least 4 that are 1st year adults, not signed up to be a leader, yet). As you can imagaine
  4. The Scoutmaster from the troop resigned, without giving any notice. He is a great guy, just not a good Scoutmaster, biggest problem was delegation and communication. It was announced that if anyone was interested, tell the committee formed to pick a new Scoutmaster, the committee is composed of 5 previous Scoutmasters and the Committee chair. Now the committee is asking for a written letter if you are interested in being the Scoutmaster. There are 83 registered leaders in the troop, 13 active ASM, 10 active Committee member, and 10 that are active with the district. Does this not se
  5. dan


    I am on the "staff" for Junior Leader Trainer Conference, this is my first year. The name for JLTC in this council is Thunderbird. If you want to see what boy lead could be, or what these scouts can do, signup to staff! I am an ASM for this course. I just sit around and watch and learn, sometimes giving out hints, it is actually boring! Last weekend we had a campout where the scouts went through the weeklong course, making sure everything was practied and ready to go! Watching the 1st year staffers (scouts) work on their presenations 2 months ago and now is unbeleivable! The staffers
  6. And why in the heck is it I use to be a Fox and a good old Fox to? Why isn't it I AM a Fox and a good old Fox to. I know it just a song, but? and while I am asking questions that have no answers, WHY can I not carry a tune either!(This message has been edited by dan)
  7. Cloaked in mystery! is what I choose. Just like Order of the Arrow. Its not very nice to change a poll in the middle of the polling!(This message has been edited by dan)
  8. Number 3 But with only the SM and maybe one ASM, but preferably only SM. Do not surround them with adults. Start with them reciting the Scout Oath and Law. I would not remove him unless he does not intend to change his ways. We all make mistakes, and some boys are taught that hitting is okay. I hate to say. You or I do not have the whole story either. You need to talk to other boys that saw it and get that side of the story also, the hitting and the sing language. And you need to do this quickly before the memory fades or changes. Good Luck
  9. A Scout is Clean in word, thought, and deed.
  10. I sure hope you all are talking about Cub Scouts! The neckerchief is optional in Boy Scouts. This should be up to the PLC. But when I go to other troops Eagle COH, the scouts in neckerchief do look sharper than the ones that are not. But it is a pain to put on and to wear!
  11. System Analyst Evaluate Software, Set up Computer Systems, train end users, interface between users and programmers. Provide suupport for end users. For a paper and film convertor. (This message has been edited by dan)
  12. If you do not know what the troop needs, your ticket is going to have to be written either for the council or the Cub Scout side. You would have to be in a troop for at least a year to see what needed to be improved.changed/fixed. I would suggest you wait.
  13. www.usscouts.org a board full of know it alls! who do not!
  14. Hey we must be in the same troop, any old excuse!
  15. I have heard that the "old wood badge" had less than 50% earn their beads. At least in the council I am in. This was a discussion we had with our troop guide at Wood Badge last year. I am a beleiver that all of the training in the world will not help some scouters. The troop I am "in" has 10 wood badge staffers (4 WB SMs) and not one of them wears a complete uniform except to wood badge or JLT (pants and socks). I have learned more in this forum than I did in WB.
  16. But there is no balance! Why is it okay to miss scouts but not a sports pratice? Baseball teams here pratice 3 to 4 times a week and have at least one game on the weekend. Soccer is not much different. If it where equal, I would not have a problem with it. Every boy deserves to be a Scout; Not every boy deserves to be a Scout.
  17. SPORTS COMES BEFORE SCOUTS HOPS not picking on you. But most people say this. And I do not get it. Will sports make you a better person than scouts! NOT a chance! (TEAMWORK in baseball? come on) Which should be a better teacher scouts or sports. I think Scouts should be more like sports, if you do not show up for pratice (meetings)or game (campouts/service projects) you can not play (advance, camp) May lose sme scouts but or well, BSA will survive. And would be better for it!
  18. Robert I bumped this thread up for you http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewthread.asp?threadID=13117 I could proably find at last 2 more just like it! Good Luck with this issue. As you can see even with all of the discussion here, we still do not know the answer! I see that Ed has toned down his beliefs a little!
  19. A Den Leader most likely knows if their son has done the work or not. It is silly to have them mix colours in school and than do it a week later in scouts. What does this teach them? It will teach them that scouting is boring and stupid! Either the requirment is done or it is not, I do not beleive that the book says it has to be done at a den meeting.
  20. common sense is not common If it where, would not have all of these myths about the BSA.
  21. dan

    Your Uniform

    hops I am 4* (opps I must have hit the shift key by mistake) and I do not get his humor sometimes either.
  22. from the SM handbook In accordance with the provisions of the Boy Scout of America congressional charter, any imitation of United States Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps uniforms is prohibted. As I have learned from this forum, you are either in uniform or your not. If you have on a Scout Shirt and blue jeans you are out of uniform, if you have on a scout shirt and camo pants you are out of uniform.
  23. packsaddle If a scout is not required to wear a uniform, how can you tell a scout what to wear? And I have never seen anything in writing in any BSA publication. Tell me where to find it in a offical BSA publication and I will not call it a myth. I remember the thread, but there was no info where to find this in any BSA books. I have been taught that hats only have to be removed in church and dining halls!? But growing up I was taught to remove hats inside any building.
  24. Myths I have heard Merit Badge Blue cards are only good for a year. Camouflage is not allowed. There is Class A and B uniforms. (imgaine a new scout or leader trying to look up what a Class A uniform is) Father and Son(s) cannot share a tent. You cannot go on a campout unless you are a registered leader. You cannot salute the flag unless you are wearing you hat, because you are out of uniform. Uniforms are required.
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