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Everything posted by Eagle1993

  1. Wow, I’m sorry to hear this news. I don’t pray often but I did for you. I’m glad to hear you are on the path of recovery and hope and pray it is as quick and full as possible. Your examples and stories on how you run your den put the bar extremely high. I certainly hope the new leader is thankful for the information, organization and leadership you display. I can’t think of much more you can do, other than letting the leader know you are there to answer any questions or provide recommendations as needed. Again, wishing you see a full recovery soon!
  2. Family Life Merit Badge has a requirement about talking what makes an effective father and why. I think the separate gender Troops won’t be followed fully and is doomed to fail, but that was BSA’s decision so separate books align with that bad call. They are being consistent..
  3. 100% agree. Though one of my female leaders joked that female Boy Scout leader uniforms are the only “small” size clothing she can fit into.... so that was a positive.
  4. Covered in other threads, but based upon some input I have heard, the difference include images of girls, pronoun updates, some minor requirement changes (family life.. you probably ask a girl about being a mother) and hygiene. Rumors only as I haven’t seen the inside of the book yet. I’m sure they could have created one, but given how they are rolling this out it makes sense to release separate books.
  5. See attached for pictures, prices, etc. ScoutsBSA.pdf
  6. I linked my account once and it worked. A few days later is lost the link and I had to sign on via email. Also, there are 5 leaders in my unit now listed twice. They apparently had multiple BSA numbers and now Scoutnet is synchronized with Scoutbook. It’s a mess....
  7. @shortridge Note that the author was referencing two sources. These sources are indicating membership didn’t surge. I agree that the 70,000+ growth was healthy and a good start, but I’m not sure what National was expecting or hoping for.
  8. Follow up article from Forbes... They are hiring more consultants and reviewing both financial and operational plans.... https://www.forbes.com/sites/debtwire/2019/01/08/boy-scouts-of-america-seeks-survival-skills-to-deal-with-abuse-allegations/amp/ “The organization’s financial state could be in peril should its insurance reserves not adequately resolve the litigation claims, the sources noted. In addition, BSA’s efforts to be more inclusive— by dropping the ‘Boy’ in its main program and welcoming girls and transgender scouts to join— has not resulted in a membership spike.”
  9. I’ve also heard there may be different info about hygiene for girls while camping, etc.
  10. 100% agree... one technique my teams use to get to root cause(s) of issues is the BOB and WOW method. BOB simply stands for Best if Best and WOW is Worst of Worst. Essential you study the difference between units that perform the best (high retention, consistent membership, active, etc.) and worst (high attrition, less active, etc.) and really deep dive to understand why. Ideally, these units would be in the same district so regional differences can be eliminated. Then build this up District by District to see what changes need to occur with training, professional’s focus, etc. The
  11. The interviewer’s questions were odd.... it seemed like he had a clear opinion of scouting but no real experience in it (or even research of it). SFE was actually defending BSA for much of the interview. Are there really no experienced scouters in media that can actually write an in depth article or hold an coherent interview? I only see poorly researched hatchet jobs or shallow and short quick reads.
  12. So, our final count hit 73, with 17 girls. We had two girls drop, one due to sports and Irish dancing and the other as the girl who dropped was her only friend in the pack. We had 22 boys drop.... one moved and most due to sports. Looking at years past, the only major attrition increase was our Lion to Tiger Scouts. I do think we lost a lot of scouts due to a nice but poor den leader.... that was a lesson to watch new den leaders more closely in the future. Recruiting was a bit tougher this year as the school prevented us from emailing all parents. We have done that in the
  13. It’s been a while with number updates, but National is stating over 73,000 girls are in Cub Scouts.
  14. Just curious... what do you use your membership card for? I have a note on my phone with my ID number, so have never used my card. Just curious when you use your card. For packs this makes sense as I think most kids/parents throw them out or lose them. The certificates sit in a plastic file cabinet in my office. I guess it is nice for historical purposes.... but again if this saves paper and cost (as most units probably won’t even print them out) it seems like it could be a good idea.
  15. If “It’s a Wonderful Life” is a Christmas movie, then Die Hard and Gremlins are as well. Case closed! Merry Christmas!
  16. BSA just settled 19 suits in Idaho (LDS Troops). Not sure if the Church settled as well. https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/northwest/idaho/article223365950.html I found this comment to be interesting.... “From what we understand the only way these [four new] settlements will work is if the Boy Scouts do not file for bankruptcy for at least 90 days,” Dumas said. “If they file within 90 days, these settlements may be at risk. We really do not know what will happen.”
  17. I can’t find any official statement, but based upon FB chatter from adults who had daughters in BSA photo shoots for the new handbook - the new female cut uniforms will be available in Scoutshops by Feb 1 - there is virtually no change from the current uniform other than fit It sounds like they dumped the idea of a major uniform change that was floated earlier. Again, not official but they did share some pictures that seemed to validate their story.
  18. Catholic Church, USA swimming, USA Gymnastics, US Soccer all have had issues. Any group that deals with youth better have strong YPT training and background checks or face lawsuits. This is not BSA unique. For example, see this law that went into effect this year https://unitedsoccercoaches.org/web/web/News/Articles/March_2018/New_Law_Brings_New_Responsibility_to_Youth_Coaches.aspx
  19. Yes, I have seen COs (only when churches) named as many times the individual, church, council and national are all being sued at once. https://www.ajc.com/news/breaking-news/another-georgia-boy-scout-leader-sued-for-sex-abuse/zHH6ygpw9CAlhnygOVpCXP/ https://nypost.com/2018/07/24/4-men-sue-boy-scouts-of-america-over-alleged-sexual-abuse/ I’m sure more are coming https://www.classaction.com/child-sexual-abuse/boy-scout-lawsuit/
  20. Stepping aside from the debate regarding the point of religion, I don’t see much upside for the BSA if the drop the faith requirement. It is already extremely weak tea. There is not a large new member group out there that would join (such as when they added girls) and I haven’t heard widespread loss of corporate sponsors or COs like I saw with excluding gays. All that would happen is further controversy and loss of experienced members. In my pack, which is essential tied to a public school, we tell parents to handle the duty to God requirements and let us know when they are complete
  21. I’m sure they are thinking FOS impact... and I don’t blame them. People will not want to give to FOS if they think the money will simply to to Nationals and be part of a bankruptcy fund. I was already asked by multiple parents if they should stop buying popcorn or contribute to FOS until after the bankruptcy.... Councils need to get their message out quickly or they will see major losses in donations.
  22. I hope Philmont would be safe given your comments. But what about Sea Base? I was really hoping to go there with my son in a few years.... but I could imagine that is prime real estate. Hope that they can hold onto it.
  23. It’s not the end of a National office if BSA does proceed with bankruptcy. I think BSA could protect anything that generates net income and is critical to their continued existence... which I think would include the HA camps they own; however, I’m not 100% sure on that and I’m concerned that a judge would decide if they have to sell Philmont. I’m also concerned for the employees. It seems like typically the highest level employees (and highest paid) are rarely impacted as much as lower level (and in my view more critical) ones. Pensions, benefits and salaries could be at risk... I hop
  24. Assets at risk... 1- Summit appears On National’s balance sheet as a major land asset at over $370M. Other high Adventure bases (not specially listed) show up as $60M. 2 - $800M of various financial assets 3 - $258M endowment Financial Condition-from annual report The National Council’s financial condition for 2018 and the next few years will depend, in large part, upon three factors. The first is the outcome of the litigation discussed within this report (see Note 9) and the impact to GLIP (Note 7). The second lies with the success of securing donations for the
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