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Everything posted by Eagle1993

  1. Lawsuits would have been filed regardless. Now they can point to a consistent policy for the 2019 new Scouts instead of what some Councils would have done by pushing exemptions under the following reasons. To be clear, I don’t know if Nationals would have granted any due to #1 below; however, there may have been groups pushing for exemptions under #3 below. Now it is clear how to handle the situation. 1. The member joined or rejoined—or became active again after a period of inactivity—in time to complete all requirements before turning 18. That is, the time remaining between joinin
  2. It should be handled the same way current extensions are handled. It is rare, but there are extensions granted beyond 18. This just makes it clear how Nationals will handle these extension requests. I also expect this exception will be rare. First, you need a youth to join in 2019 that is 16 or older by Feb 1. Second they need to be motivated enough to file and extension by Jan 7, 2020. Third they need to be willing to stay in Scouts probably past High School. I think we are talking hundreds not thousands of extensions.
  3. I actually found this solution to be much better than what was being asked. There was pressure to shorten the time period between ranks or even give credit for work done before joining Scouts. They are offering to this to boys as well and are not changing requirements (other than max age)... plus you have to earn this within 24 months so it is not for those who want to abuse this exception. I would have been completely happy with no modifications and I’m surprised they are allowing the exception, but at least they didn’t follow some of the suggestions that would have weakened the rank.
  4. https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/Implementation-Details-for-Scouts-BSA-FINAL.pdf It is in the interests of the entire BSA, and in fact our nation, that all girls who join the BSA in 2019 should have an opportunity to earn their Eagle badge should they diligently and promptly complete all requirements. Accordingly, after carefully considering recommendations from stakeholders, including feedback from volunteers and professionals at the 2018 Top Hands Meeting, the National Executive Committee of the Boy Scouts of America has approved the following temporary transition rules rega
  5. Getting far off topic but We use real pocketknives but make every scout have their parent come to that meeting. That way we can have our 13-15 Bears work in parallel with proper supervision. Otherwise there would be a lot of waiting while the den leaders work with individual scouts. We have the scouts bring their own knives. The leaders can then point out differences, especially the impact of using a dull blade (some of these knives couldn’t cut warm butter).
  6. In 10-15 years the scouts won’t necessarily remember what place they took but they will remember the memories of working on the PWD car with their parent(s). If some dad takes that away from their son it is a loss for them. I remember working with my father on my PWD over 30 years ago and am building memories with my son these last few years. I feel bad for the adults (and youth) where the parent takes over 100%.... I’m not jealous of them at all.
  7. This is the first year I was asked multiple times about my pipeline. I don’t know what the DE reported by I reported my numbers to the DE (pipeline and actual applications).
  8. Agreed... I had a few leaders take this months ago and a few others last week when I sounded the alarm. Our council had also been emailing and begging people to take the training earlier. Only about half of my 14 leaders completed the training going into this weekend. I talked with a few other units and they told me they haven’t even started driving this with their packs. They explained that summers they disconnect and September is for recruiting. Talking with my DE there is no real impact until recharter. However at recharter the local teams can not override this time which is
  9. Three of my leaders have contacted me today and they’ve spent hours trying to complete it. They keep seeing “Sorry, there was an error performing your action. Please try again, or contact your administrator”
  10. That is crazy DEs would do that to a unit... unbelievable. If a DE wants a girls Pack in the area and existing Packs are boy only then: - Find a willing CO - Find if any Pack would be interested in mentoring their leaders or identify key council volunteers who will help. - Recruit girls and parents making it clear they would help found a new Pack. Sending then your way is garbage and lazy. In my area 60-70% of the Packs have decided to go coed, but not sure of the results yet. We have at least one girl from another Pack who decided to remain Boy only.
  11. Updates are sent to councils weekly. DEs would have access to this. I’ve also seen it published on th Family Scouting FB group.
  12. Will the Church Troop committee be willing to have a linked Troop if the girls Troop can find their leadership? That could help. If you have girls join I would explain the situation and encourage their parents to help be founders of a girls Troop. Perhaps you and the SM could give some guidance. If there are <5 AOL girls then they would need to recruit more (AOL or older) to form the Troop. You may have a parent or two really energetic about this. Regardless, I would definitely let them know about the Troop situation before registering as Cub Scouts.
  13. Good idea. We have started to accept PayPal and other means of payment but those charges are significant.
  14. I believe this started to change in the!late 1980s. My father taught voc ed from early 1970s through 2000s. In the 1970s and early 1980s kids that went into voc we were interested in the trades as a career. The were good kids that worked hard. Then many schools decided that voc ed was a great location to put kids that misbehave. My father who became a director of a voc ed school was already having trouble hiring good teachers as most could make more doing their profession. Then the classes started filling up with BD kids. My dad complained and the response from the school was that they
  15. We have no council fees or insurance (per scout) so only the $33 BSA fee. We make BL optional and charge a $55 Pack fee. We will probably raise our pack fee to $65 to build up some cash reserves as the leaders typically have to loan the Pack money in August for all of our annual reservations prior to popcorn or fee payments are made. I had one parent object and I simply showed them our finances... they understood after that. Given that many of the parents are paying $1-2k per year per sports league scouts are considered relatively cheap.
  16. The defunding and loss of vocational education in high school and trade schools is a shame. If there is one area I think Boys have been short changed it is in the loss of voc ed. Yes, college is great for some but not all. If your talent and interest is in the trades you can live a great and successful life. Unfortunately too many schools have dropped this and seem to think any college is better than other path. I’m not a huge fan of online schools for most students. Most of the people I hire or work with use very little specific knowledge they acquired in college. What they have to
  17. Scout leaders (Troop and Pack) are paid professionals. I was shocked by that one and heard it more than once.
  18. By BSA banning these youth they were not staying out of the situation. They were telling the youth that they are wrong or immoral or some combination of the two. Sorrry, this is not a situation any youth organization is ever on the sideline. I do agree it is complex but ignoring it by banning youth did send a simple message to a complex issue and it wasn’t staying out of it. As far as how to work with the youth... ask the parents. Youth leaders are faced with a variety of complexities youth face... this is just another one.
  19. In my kids school there is 1 transgender youth ... out of 600 students. Their parents fought it for about 4 years (the child wanted to be a boy starting at 5). The child missed classes, was in therapy, had limited friends, etc. Finally after discussions with doctors the parents gave up the fight and now use boy pronouns and name with their son. He attends classes, has friends, and has a much improved life outlook. I don’t think a 5 year old thought it was “cool” to be LGBTQ. What defines gender? Some say XX or XY. Guess what, there are people with male genitalia while having XX chr
  20. I actually don’t think BSA has to take any immediate action. At the Cub Scout level, boy and girl dens can have the same leaders and meet at the same time and place. At the Scout level Boy and Girl Troops just have to have different SMs, otherwise they can meet together, have same Troop number, go on outings together. Perhaps the biggest issue faced is different SPLs and Patrols, but the Troops that want those coed will probably do it regardless of what Nationals says. I put any changes along these lines at 4-5 years out. There is already a ton of flexibility given for the Troops a
  21. I believe in evolution and any fish dumb enough to be caught by me or my Scouts were living on borrowed time anyway. We’re simply helping to improve the gene pool and make fish great again. Your welcome PETA.
  22. It’s amazing you have this much access and it sounds like you are taking advantage of the opportunity! Hope you are emphasizing how much fun Cub Scouts is... some boy talks can get boring if not done well. Unfortunately my school district banned the scouts years ago (we can’t even have a flyer advertising scout night in the school), so it’s great to hear schools that give this much access. Keep up the good work.
  23. 25,700 girls in Cub Scouts as of today. That is an increase of nearly 7,000 girls over the last 2 weeks.
  24. 17 years old?!? My father has seen this regarding EBORs and has had a mom state that their son is shy which is why the mom needs to take the lead in all communications. My father’s response is that your son earned communication MB (required for Eagle) and should therefore be able to communicate directly. What type of leaders are we producing if everything needs to go through mom or dad?
  25. Girl Scouts do seem to have a minimum number of leaders to youth ratio that actually exceed Boy Scouts. Correct, if she wants to stick around she has to register. BSA you can stick around and even stay overnight with youth without registering... up to 72 hours. While some are complaining, this is still much more loose than many other youth organizations. I would expect that this will tighten further as litigation and local laws continue to pass to hold youth organizations liable for protecting youth from adults.
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