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Everything posted by Eagle1993

  1. I believe that @The Latin Scot has had his uniform custom tailored and has mentioned that it turned out well. He may provide additional details. Uniform shirts seem to last a long time, so I say go for it.
  2. I agree. I have been looking at various councils and haven’t seen it either. By the way, this form is now hard attached to adult applications so it will take some time to update those. Was hoping to see the change but haven’t yet.
  3. We haven’t tried this yet but I have heard it works for a local unit. They host a youth activity event at the local school. They invite all clubs and activities in the area to attend. Then all advertise that date to try and have youth and parents go. At the event, they have pictures or videos showing scouts.
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demolition_of_monuments_to_Vladimir_Lenin_in_Ukraine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firdos_Square_statue_destruction https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-middle-east-21666091/syria-crisis-raqqa-crowds-topple-assad-statue Perhaps you can find Nazi memorials in Germany...nope. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/09/germany-has-no-nazi-memorials/597937/ There are many, many, many more examples of former leader status being torn down. I think it is probably the opposite. USA was one of the few countries to honor traitors who tried
  5. I read through the line of credit document for Philmont. https://ministrywatch.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Mortgage-Agreement-Philmont-without-exhibits.pdf Some interesting findings: 1) It appears that Philmont is not the only property to be mortgaged to secure the line of credit. One could only guess that most properties (notice the offshore reference … Sea Base Bermuda) are now probably mortgage Section 12.13 Counterparts - This Mortgage is being executed in several counterparts, all of which are identical, except that to facilitate recordation, if the Mortgaged Prope
  6. @TAHAWK I’m just happy they are listening and adjusting a bit in this case. However, given that they hocked Philmont, I wouldn’t recommend giving them your bank account info any time soon.
  7. I don’t blame you.. Hope this works. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156762459640658&id=414443808703460&ref=bookmarks Here is the FB post. Posted in Talk About Scouting.
  8. CBC Forms released 11-25-19.zip See attached forms. Updated language is in the Additional-Disclosures... document. I'm having trouble linking the post.
  9. Just saw new forms referenced on Facebook. I haven’t been able to download them yet. See FB post below. Thanks goes to the FB poster & BSA for listening! New CBC Forms Released Today. READ ALL OF THIS POST. IF A PERSON HAS TURNED IN THE NEW FORMS THERE IS NO ACTION NECESSARY UNLESS THEY WANT TO SUBMIT THE NEW FORM THAT SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDES THE CREDIT CHECK AS THESE FORMS DO. There is a new sentence in the forms that says, "This authorization applies only to criminal checks/driving records and does not allow the Company to obtain credit checks." It can be found in t
  10. We have had multiple discussions with our PLC about Cyberchip. The scouts’ response vary between laughing and annoyance. I have not heard a single scout tell me it is valuable and unique. As mentioned, the information is typically outdated and at best redundant to what they see in school.
  11. In an updated FB post she referenced the lawsuit that @RememberSchiff posted on our forum... essentially the request that he file a lawsuit. I don’t think she has inside knowledge of the situation and is speculating.
  12. National must answer the following questions: 1) When did they start using Philmont as collateral for debt (March 2019 or earlier)? 2) Did the action taken in March 2019 put Philmont in any more risk of loss regardless of BSA’s financial situation? 3) What specific expenses was the credit line/increase of Credit line from Philmont used for? 4) What other options were considered? 5) How was the Philmont volunteer committee involved in either the decision and/or post decision report out? 6) What is the status of the other BSA properties? The decision they made
  13. There could be a chance Philmont was mortgaged since 2010 I just didn’t see it in the document. I did look into the references Arrow WV Inc. That is a non profit setup by the BSA. I checked Arrow WV Inc last 990 from Dec 2017 and found that at the end of 2017 it had liabilities of $330M and net income of -8.5M.
  14. I read the mortgage and the references to the 2010 and 2012 agreement didn’t include Philmont, it was for land in West Virginia for the “Arrow WV Project”. Project Arrow (in Wedt Virgina) is Summit.
  15. Based on what it looks like to me, they had an existing line of credit, needed to increase it, looked at what they had available to hock and decides that Philmont looked good to them. At some point you have to ask what they wouldn’t be willing to put at risk.
  16. I just went to council two weeks ago post Eagle BOR. They only needed the advancement sheet and the 2 page signed application to go to National, not the workbook. So perhaps this did change.
  17. Yes, private organization can discriminate if they can prove it conflicts with their organization mission/values. The Supreme Court has been fairly consistent. While I personally believe BSA made a mistake banning gay youth in the first place and an even bigger mistake fighting it so publicly in court, I don’t believe it was a primary cause of our massive membership drop. Nor do I believe that reversing the decision was the primary cause for further loss. If this was the case, the Coed Campfire program and the conservative Trail Life program would each have hundreds of thousands of yo
  18. These things don’t magically happen. It takes dedication of many volunteers inside and outside the units at the District level to put on good programs. Yes, our unit has a lot of our own events throughout the year but it is greatly enhanced by broader outings. I could add some districts have talented unit commissions that help out struggling units. If districts and councils don’t matter, then why do certain council areas flourish and over perform in terms of youth participating in scouting and others languish? I don’t believe that is random. I believe when councils and district
  19. At our District level, camporees have added a lot of value. Our Klondike, our on by district, is a Troop favorite. Council level summer camps, merit badge clinics (some) and a variety of partnerships with local universities and professional sports teams have helped provide solid experiences. In addition, my council has definitely helped on recruiting tasks. National... improving IT systems (Scoutbook linkages & online applications) along with high adventure plus program material. Now, I do question if our fees and fundraising are going to these areas in the most efficien
  20. Wikipedia battle continues. The info has once again been removed.
  21. It was updated yesterday. Then deleted today as false information. The updated again. Wikipedia is fast.... Note that it is being edited by a user that was created 3 days ago and these are their only edits. Not stating it is false, but where this is included is clunky in the report so I expect more experienced Wiki users will continue to edit.
  22. Ha! Now, if you said Wilderness Survival I’m all in!
  23. The issue is what services does National provide that we are paying to receive. National does not provide facilities for meetings, any of the District or Council paid staff, most camps any scout goes to, etc. National provides the program outline (actual program materials comes with extra cost), insurance (but not the insurance that councils provide for injuries at outings), IT systems, and administrative overhead. The actual program is put on by units, districts and councils. The correct comparison is GSUSA, Trail Life, 4H, etc. who’s National fees are much less than BSA. My disapp
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