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Everything posted by jjlash

  1. My biggest challenge is instilling the big picture view that training is valuable. Poor training content and poor training delivery certainly contribute to that - people find (either first hand or second hand) that a session was a waste of time and they resist future sessions. We do our best to prevent poor delivery, but are mostly stuck with the content National provides. Another big hurdle I see is the same as we all identify with the youth - they perceive themselves as being too busy. When this excuse comes up (for adults or youth) I point out that "too busy" is just a less-direct w
  2. We do pizza bagels or pizza muffins Bagel half or English muffin half - they hold up okay in the pack and are more filling than tortilla A squeeze bottle of pizza sauce (the Scouts "drank" whatever was left after the muffins were gone) Pepperoni Your choice of cheese stick - or dry Parmesan for lactose intolerant
  3. Those "...years later..." paybacks are great. I especially like the ones that I don't even remember doing. They are what I call "Lollipop Moments"
  4. I tried the Country Meats a few years ago. Bought a case for myself to see if it would be a good fundraiser for the Troop. I found a few flavors that I really like and a few that were just okay - none were bad. I never did get around to letting the Scouts try to sell some - ended up eating them all myself for lunch and trail snacks. As others have said, the popcorn companies need to have lower cost options even if they need to adjust the size accordingly. When my son was selling, we would open the boxes of microwave popcorn and sell the individual bag for $1. We would also buy a can
  5. Also in Iowa - today was #12. School board is being very creative about how to make up the hours. So far our district is still out on May 31. But we have NYLT staff who will (already) be in school until day 3 of the course. Working on plans for how we're going to adjust.
  6. Ah - that makes much more sense. Once on your dashboard, the "my profile" is under the "my training" menu. Thanks @malraux
  7. Looks like you'll need to have access to the "Member Manager" for your unit or district, then you can drill down and edit it. The unit key 3 and the commissioners have access. Dont know if an individual has access to their own record or not.
  8. Sarah Dawson - Scout Exec / CEO of Hawkeye Area Council
  9. As our council training chair, I guess I would say "yes" 😉 I would say that this is no different than any other position or request. Use your leadership skills to truly recruit - which means give them a reason to join that is important to them, provide whatever support they need, set clear expectations, respect their time and efforts, and show your appreciation for what they do. To @RememberSchiff comment about worker bees and a fixed script versus authority - my response would be that we have an obligation to teach the material as provided by national, but also to "make it our o
  10. A few "pearls" from my treks: * The chuckwagon dinner is a great change from freeze dried but dont expect too much. The two times Ive had it, it is commercial-size (boil in the bag) dinty moore beef stew and dutch over cobbler. As I said, a nice change of pace but it is really easy to over eat and get sick (dont ask how I know). * We did cowboy action shooting the first year it was offered so things may have changed since then. We used 22cal revolvers loaded a single shot at a time. It was fun because it was pistols but it was really pretty "meh" if you have done much shooting.
  11. I think there are two reasons to have the actual card - around here some of the outdoor stores give you a discount but require the card. Arguably more important for the younger kids - having their own stuff, stuff with their name on it etc, is kind of a big deal, kind of like getting mail addressed to them. The charter certificate is different - it is a ceremonial thing. I like to attend a meeting of my CO and present the certificate. I know some CO's that frame them and hang them in the fellowship hall.
  12. Just received my council newsletter. It had this interesting tidbit. In general I am a huge fan of tools that let me do things myself. In this case, despite what it says, I think it is about reducing costs for the council by shifting the cost and effort to volunteers. Now somebody at the unit has to buy the DIY business card stock or has to cut apart all the membership cards (assuming they even print multiple per page). And if nobody in the unit has a nice color printer then you get whatever you get. Not a big cost. Not a big effort. Just another thing to push onto the vol
  13. Naturally the material is the same regardless where you take WB. And, of course, no two WB experiences are the same because they are run by different staff at different location etc. The big benefit to attending in your own council is that you will meet and become friends with other Scouters in your own council - the people you will cross paths with at roundtable and at summer camp, on a district committee or an OA event.
  14. If the language is from an individual (or a couple individuals) there are probably others thinking the same as you. I would address much the same way I would address it with the Scouts - a simple "that kind of language is not appropriate", "that kind of language is not necessary", "we can do better than that" or "we're supposed to be setting the example". If it is used by most of the group you'll have a tougher time.
  15. Just got the email - we got a 12-day slot arriving on 7/18/2020. Who else got a spot?
  16. Welcome to the campfire @JohnMiller I agree with your comment for people to consider when and how they will use the tent, but I have to disagree with the rest of your recommendation. Telling people to only camp when the weather forecast is sunny is a disservice - not only will that limit the amount of time they even consider going out, but it will leave them unprepared if they do encounter weather. Much better to help them understand their equipment and recommend a tent that will keep them safe (dry == warm and not hypothermic). In that regard, I would recommend them a tent with a
  17. What sounds easy for you may be a stretch for them. Just like an Eagle project, the goal is not the project but the planning and leadership (and related) skills they put to use in accomplishing the project.
  18. I understand the desire to get them thinking big but I would suggest that you not present any ideas. Rather - challenge them to come up with ideas by asking what they want to do. Do they want to canoe? hike? fish? raft? bike? swim? sail? You could say something like "Ive heard great things about XYZ" or "I know of a Troop that did THIS and had a great time" to give them someplace to start. But in my experience, if you present some ideas they will pick one of those because it is easy. Another approach is to set some limits first - usually cost or duration (how much vacation tim
  19. I agree it is useless for an end user to locate a trainer. But that is not really their model. Their model is to provide materials for the trainers or training organizations and assume that those people will make their services known to the people wanting to be trained. As for collecting fees - they dont do that either. The only cost I have to be an ECSI instructor is the book/certification card I purchase for each student. And those are less expensive than the comparable American Heart Assn materials (Im also AHA instructor) materials.
  20. Wood Badge teaches leadership skills. Things like techniques for effective listening and giving/receiving feedback and embracing diversity and handling conflict. It gives an introduction to the "others first" or "servant" style of leadership but it does a very cursory job at that. If you have had other leadership training, such as in the military or business world, you may or may not get a lot from it. I had never had any leadership training and Wood Badge was a turning point. Not because the material in Wood Badge is so great but because it set me on a path to learn about (study) lea
  21. If you go to ecsinstitute.org there is a "Find A Center" link top-center. You can enter info to search for an "education center" in your area. The Education Center is the organization which puts on trainings. You will have to contact each one - it doesnt show what classes they offer. In fact, many of them dont offer classes to the public, they are organizations such as schools or camps that provide training internally. But it is someplace to start.
  22. Dates and Course Directors have been announced for next year's Philmont Leadership Challenge. I have had the pleasure of working with both of these folks and know that their courses will raise the bar on what is already an amazing experience. PTC Week 4: June 30 - July 6. David Broekers from Crossroads of America council (central Indiana) is course director PTC Week 11: Sept 15 - 21. April Bethea from Grand Canyon council (Pheonix area) is course director Philmont Leadership Challenge is a 6 day session where crews practice their Wood Badge leadership skills through hand
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