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Everything posted by skeptic

  1. Thanks; that is what I was hinting at, but tend to ramble some. Adolesence brings these discussions up in most youth gatherings at some point. It is the time for trying to figure things out, evaluating personal feelings, and experimenting. In other words, normal bumps and activities of growing up and dealing with emotional and physical changes. Overreaction to these things is possible worse than ignoring. IF you are confronted with it directly or indirectly, the issue is how do you address it without putting the youth into the "pervert" category? Do you bring parents into the discussion?
  2. "I want to nail as many predators to the wall as we can". That I would hope few if any here would have issue with. Trouble is, it does not seem to be the main goal, as of course, most, if even alive, have little to take, other than their freedom.
  3. Some of you must be really good with knot tying, and even better with splicing with the way you twist things to make yourselves seem the only ones with valid views. And yes, while this is regarding BSA, the issues extend beyond them, and if that is not important to you as well, then you need to step back and reexamine. Your inuendo and often insulting responses is juvenile and very narrow, as well as hints at actual vengence. Please do not embarrass yourselves further.
  4. So, we now have reached the point of thinking somehow we can change the nature of the process of adolescence? Where does the line of demarcation get drawn between centuries old "normal" experimentation in adolescence and abuse? Was my early adolescent discomfort with slow development, due to a glandular disorcer treated as I entered it, abuse when forced to shower with others in HS? Were the older youth who tended to tease and taunt abusive, or just dealing with their own confusion? Will we ever discover a way to walk that irregular line to the satisfaction of all? Meanwhile, we hav
  5. I have to wonder; if this individual had the job noted, and he held it into this year, where has he been up to now? When all the stuff hit the fan, was he casualty and lost his job, or did he lose his job due to not being successful with YP? Lots of questions, particularly if this is a sour grapes attack because he got let go?
  6. Actually, he was away at college, and became involved with college activism for Lgbt individuals, being elected to president, I believe of his campus chapter. It made the papers and then the local news in his town. Then it went from there when someone decided he should report him. Meanwhile, the unit was already aware and had not had an issue. It was outside people nosing into it that brought the trouble, and then National moving outside the CO, who had no issue. It was the type of case the activists were waiting for, and the drek hit the fan. But National did not do a good job of fighti
  7. Perhaps revise the pullout part of the HB to have specific places for parental and youth initials, not just take their word they covered it? We all know that likely half or more do not really review it, or even look at it. How do we make it more likely to actually have that review?
  8. Again, you are so focused on your own vision of things that you do not look beyond the immediate event. Reality if that Scouting, on the unit and many council levels was moving towards that. But, as too often occurred then, and still does, not just in Scouting, some less than aware people overstepped and made a mess. Mr. Dale's own unit had no issue with him, and so stated. But somebody decided, out side the local council and unit, to make a scene and then National put the stupidity in motion. If, it had been allowed to play out on its own, it would have moved towards the changes. Once o
  9. Yep; it was my point in the nineties with the Gay issue and others that followed. The wheels were moving in that direction, but some felt the need to stigmatize BSA and others for PC reasons. We would likely have gotten to where we are anyway, but maybe on our own terms and with far less turmoil.
  10. For years my shot/vaccination segment has included circa mid forties childhood vac's, polio date aproximated with cube, had dissease, or the actual dates more recently. Few of us have specific records of childhood shots, especially if born in the middle of the 20th century.
  11. As a tangential discussion, I am reminded of BP trying to put Scouting forward as an international way of reaching other cultures without the often caustic political issues adults too often bring to the table. He used the term "Peace Scouts" on occasion. And we can find many stories from international Scouting events and just occasional meetings from other Scout groups that support the idea. We are often far too centered on BSA and pay little attention, other than at World Jamborees, to other groups. We were fortunate in 1979, while on a trek at Philmont, to run into a full crew of South A
  12. As often seems to occur, some post poorly supported historical comments, often having little or no understanding of the evolution of the program over time. As someone noted, much of the past history of Scouting is intwined in the larger societal norms of the time and locations. In the case of Blacks, it became an issue for decades, discussed and bounced around at biennial conferences of Exectutives, and at National offices as early as the early 20th century. That the focus was more on the South at the time is to be expected. Yet, in many instances local councils found ways to work with the
  13. Enough to cover your therapy and creat a tangible and stable investment to allow comfort financially without avarice and living above others in moderate middle income families or individuals in the U.S. Added to that, an honest effort by authorities to punish properly the actual perpetrator if still alive, without punishing his descendents unless they could be proven to be involved beyond familial blindness. Monetarily, a half million dollars invested properly will offer a good return indefinitely. Especially if the cost of therapy is not coming out of your pocket or those earnings. I do n
  14. Must be alot of great brownies available to some posting here. The snide inuendos is not missed by anyone, but that has become the norm with a few now. Not worth even trying to actually having balance and overall fairness with a few. So, since the suggestion is that I do not care about the victims (though I do, but with vetting)I might suggest that some do not care about the youth of today's program. That is surely not the case, but the outlandish settlement figures do not validate that. Have fun with your pointed tongue.
  15. Pure insanity from my perspective. If that is truly their idea of fair and balanced, then they are under the influence. Please do not give me the BS about I do not care or something. This figure is simply so far out there that I am surprised they would share it.
  16. I either need to have new eyes, or I need to change my understanding. The figure shown here is in the trillions, not billions. Now I understand errors happen, but am I reading this wrong, or is that actually somehow their pie in the sky idea?
  17. That one is really important with the chance of metal or splinter injuries. A pine needle under a nail is not fun either. All might result in a tetanus shot.
  18. I just received this through the Methodists FB site. It appears there has been work in the background and they may yet work it all out. https://michiganumc.org/bishop-offers-new-advice-on-scout-charters/?fbclid=IwAR1oUmtjRR5UThWWuFzf1GAIToUFuv6asQ8qwTwW43Mp5L5Z48qXGDh6W44 In the meantime, we are treading water and looking at the Kiwanis, though we would still meet at the church, which they want. With this extension, hopefully we can forego an actual charter org change.
  19. I was led to believe that the early childhood inocculations were forever. I got what was available in the mid to late forties, then the polio when it became available. I had mumps and chicken pocks as a kid in very heavy cases, then oddly got measels twice my last quarter of my freshman year; first the regular "3 day", then just a couple weeks later the German. Missed half the last quarter and messed up my grades royally due to absences. Also was given stuff for plague when I was supposed to go to Peru in the Peace Corps, then got "selected out" and ended up joining the Air Force in 65 and
  20. Yes, most of the suggested payouts are accurate based on info we have seen. BUT, the main gist of the story is that LC's and others are not putting in as much as they can or should. And that is simply not accurate, other than if they were to liquidate. Of course, that would make Mr. K happy, as we already know. Still, I am properly chastised that I suggest his right to "free speech" should be restrained, and that is not corret. Though his free speech tends to be a lot misleading and maybe even a little fuzzy. He got what he wanted though, so he should be pleased, no matter how
  21. Well, the Tribune News Service, one of their papers in Seattle, has published an article which is obviously based on Mr. K's opinions, and maybe one or two of his proselyted contributors. The financial details, such as they are, are of course completely skewed with Mr. K's opinion, obvious to me and likely those that have read any amount of this over the past month+. I really do not understand how the judge continues to allow him to spread these half or less truths, pushing his own views without any other input. Of course, the Tribune service writer is equally responsible for incomplete res
  22. Not really surprising since if they do not require at least that already part of school admission, they again may be open to overzealous legal issues fro my less than favorite legal birds. Tetnus is already a must, and so it should be for a camp setting. Not sure about shingles, as that is primarily adult level and connected to chicken pox. On the other hand, I can assure you it is not fun to have. One of the worst couple weeks of my later adult life. Had it before teh VA offered the injection, but they gave me one anyway, as it can come back in rare instances.
  23. I seldom used an up or down vote for years, but recently, it is easier than getting caught up in the accusatory language of some if you should disagree. I no longer often am patient enough to deal with trying to "explain", especially when it seems pretty clear to me already. Shrug and mostly ignore, or hit the down or even up. Easy-peasy. 😑
  24. Sounds as if they are discriminatedly doing it. Just saying.
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