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Everything posted by skeptic

  1. Lisa; You hit the nail pretty squarely. In Ca, the initiative process has severely damaged things too, as many of them were passed without thinking about how they would be paid. Of course, we also have more severe problems with illegal immigrants than much of the country, in that many of our laws allow them to receive services, even though they are here illegally. While most people understand that they do pay some taxes, they do not feel that offsets the cost of the services. There are no easy answers. But somehow we need to find solutions, or we will definitely find ourselves
  2. Don't they have a device that jams signals? I read about some restaurants that were using them. That would be an easy fix I would think.
  3. DesertRat; I got back into the program in Spring, 1976 and was quite surprised at the materials I found. Fortunately, I was in the Topanga District of the old GWC in the San Fernando Valley, and did my introductory training with the infamous Patrones, who were old school for sure. When I went to Philmont for commissioner training in 77, the talk was all about the loss of traditional scouters and the start of the change back to "real" scouting. But I was really glad to see the new handbook that year. I remember getting a free copy that spring given by a scouter there in the Valley to al
  4. Lisabob; While it is still nascent, and a long shot, I will not be overly surprised if the drive for a rewritten constitution comes to fruition. Even though so many no longer vote, they might still choose to completely redo the whole governing structure. A few other things that could happen, at least on paper, would be limiting pay to all politicians, taking away perks such as cars and per diem for those earning over a certain amount, and some kind of control on judges that make politically skewed decisions against the will of the people and not based on solid law. As long as th
  5. We brought it on ourselves. Hardly anybody is willing to look past the next moment in time and make needed adjustments for the future. I have it, let me spend it. In today's recession, those who have been prudent are okay, though perhaps a bit leaner; most have problems due to their poor decisions and blinders. Our state governments are just the same, or worse. In California, Grey Davis spent the surplus rather than save it for a rainy day. Now the monsoon has hit and guess what, the floods are inundating the state economy and its population. Still, the idiots in the capitol are p
  6. Actually Eamonn, that is exactly what happened here when the infamous "Inner City" program was put in place that pretty much put the "outing" out on the periphery of the program. From what I have seen in historical material, that is when they lost the most "old time" scouters; and many never returned even when much was put back in place, either because they "were" old to start with and disappeared, or they were so upset they simply chose not to. And, I think that would happen again if they decided to go that far overboard. Anyone who looks at the successful troops can immediately see t
  7. "A Scout is Hungry"; he eats when he can, all he can, and whatever he can. The 13th point dates at least back to the 50's, and likely much farther.
  8. Merlyn: So, you have made our point; "YOU CANNOT prove God exists, but you also CANNOT PROVE God does not exist". Perhaps he/she is simply out in the universe riding the unicorn.
  9. Once again, we need to reintroduce "Mr. Common Sense". What makes so many of us think that we are qualified just because we did it, or read about it, or took a beginning course, then participated with a certified group leader? I took "climb on safety" at camp a couple of years ago. So, technically I should be able to lead a climbing outing; right? Wrong! I may know the basic precautions, but I am not really qualified and would not do it unless I had someone truly certified to do the real experience. I have been swimming all my life and earned the life-saving merit badge. Have taken CPR
  10. The percentages have been closer to these reported now for a while from my perception. They just had not been accurately quoted, either due to lack of awareness or because 1-2 percent sounds better. It is higher, I feel, because there is more emphasis put on it in many troops, and also it still has a reputation of high achievement and capability. In some respects, many of today's Eagles may very well be more rounded and of higher achievement than those of the pre project days. The project is overall a big challenge. Scouting skills on the other hand likely are less strong in many ca
  11. Are we seriously missing a major part of this? In our council, if it even gets to them, they lean over backwards to avoid any friction or unhappy scouts or parents. Very odd indeed, based of course on the the info' which we have been given.
  12. How things change with the times. As Eamonn says, we go looking for issues where there like are none. We are a society that glorifies certain elements of physical features and considers sexuality okay in the public, yet we are prudes in so many ways. Our schools no longer require showers after P.E. in the schools, as public showering "might" cause someone embarrassment or occasional teasing or taunting. Many gyms and pools have separate areas for youth and adults for similar reasons; or completely separate times. Most of us over 40 or 50 grew up okay while sharing the locker rooms and ev
  13. Thinly Read: Earning Eagle Scout rank says much Submitted by SHNS on Wed, 06/03/2009 - 12:51. * By BEN GRABOW, Scripps Howard News Service * lifestyle One way or another, people eventually find out you used to be a Boy Scout. Maybe you show a preternatural ability for complicated knots. Or maybe you can't resist the urge to Do a Good Turn Daily. But once people find out, if they have any knowledge of the scouting enterprise, they'll always have the same question. Everyone wants to know if you earned your Eagle. It's an oft-touted statistic that only 2 percent of
  14. Interesting last comment; it seems someone took not at Tahquitz from Long Beach Area Council. They are offering Venture specific program at their camp, along with an already very advanced high adventure program, horses, and COPE. Camp is more laid back, and seems to have a strong draw for older scouts due to looser structure and more opportunity.
  15. Kind of odd; I had just composed the following for a possible letter to the editor locally after having a parent hint that his committed older scout may not go to camp because he may not have enough to do and some friends dropped out that have been going since we planned it. Every year it has gotten harder to get any real commitment on many things. And it is not just in the troop. Perhaps a spin off, or just related? "What has become of commitment, the giving of our word that we will do something, or participate in an activity? Working within a youth organization, or any other type o
  16. Don't know; would swear I did it right; but it worked later. As one of our locals says; "I'm having an attack of 'old-timer's disease".
  17. Thanks Kudu; that is the link. Gives a bit of info anyway; will be interesting to see the whole thing.
  18. I tried to get into the OA restricted area with the admonition, and it says I am unauthorized. What is wrong? I double checked the spelling. Thanks.
  19. I reviewed a link from a Scouts-L posting that gives an introduction to the new book. Like a dummy, I forgot to save the link, and I deleted it from my email. Maybe someone here saw it and was brighter. It was kind of interesting; included an index, and a few of the pages, as well as photos of the cover and so on. Keeping my fingers crossed someone has it.
  20. "everyone "should get a shot at that."" Is he carrying the shotgun??
  21. "Is it possible that SOME parents have completely out of the box unrealistic expectations?" Yes!!!!!!!!!
  22. In 1958, I had to pass the California Constitution test to graduate 8th grade. Most of us in scouts used it as the basis for the Nation merit badge at the same time. The test was very intensive, as some on this board may remember. In high school, we had social science and history as separate classes. In social science we studied civics type of things for one, including voting importance, poly sci, geography, and so on. We also spent an entire quarter on income tax preparation in that class in my senior year; we were given raw data with which to prepare a long form then in use. We als
  23. Or you could simply review all the old "Jaywalking" tapes.
  24. Thanks for the clarification Eamonn. The "do my best" part is always part of my intro to a new scout and my expectations. I try to make it clear that they ultimately are their own judge of how well they live up to the various components of the Scouting guidelines. My observations and comments will be guided by how well I feel they may be doing based on what I have grown to understand about them, and they will become greater as they advance and grow in the Scouting program. The back of our troop T says "Live the Twelve", and they are spread throughout the landscape depicted as the coast of
  25. Last night our council had its annual Eagle Recognition dinner, and we had the privilege of having Alvin Townley as the key-note speaker. He really connected with the audience, and is extremely friendly and focused. Our council arranged to have every attendee receive a free copy of his new book (do not know, but probably taken from the budget for the event), and he patiently signed every one that requested it. I was able to visit a few minutes afterward with him, and felt he is truly attempting to highlight the best things about scouting, rather than spotlight the few things that make the m
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