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Everything posted by Scoutfish

  1. Well, I guess you can see the problem with too hypothetical of a question. While others assume its a vendetta, I actually based it onw hat you said - which was having proof that the leaders violated YPT. But that's also a problem. Sinvce it was hypothetical, I pretty much use the parts and piece of the problem that my mind creates or makes up, which may not be anything like what your mind made up, nor anything like the other posters' minds made up. And sometimes, the very tiniest detail of what really happens can determine wether something is a blatant violation, or well within
  2. What is a real shame is trhis: All the varying religions see themselves as shining example of high moral and social standards. Every one of them thinks they set the bar in compassion, caring and love. Each one thinks they sre supoerior in doing the rigfht thing....as long as you do it their way. Its a shame the government has to make them play nioe and behave around each other. I myself, I am very spiritual and I do believe in God. I have a very strong faith and it is above having to validate it to other people or just ify it to them. But make no mistake: religions - whic
  3. "Most religious people rank their allegiances in the order of God, Family, and Country. I can say the same as well. But I do not insist on demanding that everybody submit to my version of what I think God wants , and using government money to do it. Freedom of religion means just that/ FReedom on the part of the citizens. It does not nore has it ever ment that religion is free to act like it's own government. The government is here to make sure all citizens have equal rigts. No, it sure ain't perfect, and government ( which is only as good as those elected to be in it) sure ca
  4. I was told that either 10 dimes or 10 pennies equals one ounce of weight. But we found out that older pennies and dimes do not weigh exactly the same as newer ones...and that depending on how much wear and tear the coin had - bent egdes, nicks, wearing thin on one side - gave us a variety of different weights. The only place we have a real problem is when people try to sneak by the decimal point. Know what I mean? Our scale has number past the decimal point. Some of the dads will buy scales that read 3 or 4 places past the decimal point. So they think if thie car w
  5. It does sound similar to heaven. It's not a cghurch song or hymn I checked to see if it was Patsy Cline, Betty Carter, Ella Fitzgerald, and even Loretta Lynn. Nope. TRut is, I just don't know a bunch of women singers from those years. Guessing it's from between the 30's to possibly the mid 60's....but I am just guessing
  6. This is in no way scouting connected , nor is it about I or P...I just didn't know which forum to post in... Just got back from a 4 hour away hospital. My mother in law passed away after 4 hours of being disconnected from life supporet after spending 8 days in a critical intensive care unit. It was for the best and we have no quals about the right decision even though it was a tough and emotional decision. Okay, anyways, she used to sing part of a song, but not alot. Just kept repeating part of the verse which is as follows: "Seven( kinda drawn out) ...the time to pard
  7. Nah, I know what you meant about the pharmacist...I just added an aditional elemnt to it....or at least tried I get your comparrison and what you are saying about the pharmacist trying to control somebody els's life.. I was just adding to the fact that a person who decides to become a pharmacist in this day and age is pretty much setting out to do just that as they have to know about dipsensing contraceptives is a part of the job. Another way I see this is a contientious objecter to war. I get that people are against fighting and war. I respect that too. But if you are a
  8. Basement< OGE wasn't insulting you..or at least he wasn't trying. He is simply stating your ccouncil/district, area is full of people doing the wrong things for the wrong reason. If I understand you correctly, they see scouting a a paycheck only: They collect money, they get paid, and they do not actually do anything in return for it. No work or effort on their part to provide a program, and they are all pretty much pissed at you because you call them out on it and expect them to dop what they are getting paid to do. I think most of us see that. So, what OGE is sayi
  9. I think it falls back to just what Moose said: very basic morals. Specifically what she said in "Do unto others as you would mhave them do unto you..." Meaning. let others make their own decisions and run their own life by making the choices they decide. And the kicker is this: If you were a pharmacist back around the time birth control first came out, I could see you having an objection to this new "evil" pill. But the pill ( along with other means of contraception) have been around so long now, that if you go to schoo to be a phamacist, then you are going into a pr
  10. Nah, not Godwin's Law. It wasn't a reference to or me making a comparrison of a point of view or argument as being Nazi like, It was a list of various dictators and the reference was to dictator like actions : "You accused me so now you will pay!" Maybe I should have used the British supreme Ruler from V for Vendetta as my example of what I meant? "Tonight, I will speak directly to these people and make the situation perfectly clear to them. The security of this nation depends on complete and total compliance. Tonight, any protestor, any instigator, or agitator will
  11. I get what you are asking Taserdoc, so I am going to answer the best I can. And my answers will be based on my position of leadership as a CubMaster. What would I do if: A) Nothing. As a leaderof a unit, Iam not in a position to handle or take care of this. This is a where as a leader, I should not be involved , lest you figure I handle complaints filed against me. (you see how that collapses the system right? ) B)At this point, I would talk with council as their lacsidasical attitude shows me they do not have the best interest of the scoutys, the reast of allleaders or BSA i
  12. Dammit! I have been mulling over the "woodsy" comment for a couple hours now, and I am still not sure if I was complimented or insulted. And even if I was insulted...that in itself might still be a compliment!
  13. Nah, he still didn't speak for every gay man. He did speak for those that were a part of his group though. Just like the KKK doesn't speak for every white person, nor does Kudu speak for every scouter...this man does not speak for every gay person. I have enough gay friends to know so. But even if it was only one gay frind, it still says that they are not all anti religious. Matter of fact, they do not care what you do in your houise or what you want to do with your lives, They are not concerned with nor cussumed by what you do. But they only wish the same indifference towards t
  14. I don't know about them redheads.....
  15. " So! How about those Bears?" John Candy in Planes, trains, and automobiles
  16. Even though I am borrowing Joe's quotes, I am not directing this post at any one person. "I thought 'pro-choice' meant people having a choice. Now it seems that the tolerant left has defined 'pro-choice' to mean 'doing it our way', or else! "We choose that your Cathollic doctors will perform abortions!" Funny, isn't the Catholic hospital doing the exact same thing? They are taking the choice away by refusing to do it. They are demanding others to follow their own beliefs. The choice belongs to the individual, not to the Doctor unless based on medical reasons. The doctor is su
  17. Scoutfish

    Bb guns

    Our council and alot of scouters in our district ( when volunteering their bb guns for district events) use the Daisy Red Ryder spring air rifle. It has more spring than air to it. They usually set the targets 15 feet from the barrel line and mats. They are very low power and as far as firepower goes, ideal for boys who are shootying a bb gun for the very first time. But once a scout is experienced, these guns are more of a hinderance than good. The triggers are very stiff and doe scause problems of maintaining accuracy while pulling the trigger. My son can take t
  18. "More importantly it's about the time when a lot of the Christmas goodies are about done." About? Ours al done for about the time New Years rolls in. I'm working on Velentines and summer goodies right now!
  19. yeah, one gay man does not speak for every gay man. I know people who are animal activists. They love animals and put them on equal ground as humans. To an extent. Then you have those who would watch twenty people die in order that one animal be freed ( say if a building was on fire). Some animal activists would blow up buildinga and murder innocent peole to promote their cause...but that does not mean every animal activists fels that way. Shoot, just look in this formun. Kudu specifically and his feelings about Wood Badge. If you take his viewpoint, BSA is in the midd
  20. We have been averaging 69/ 70 degrees the last two weeks with a record high( this date in time) of 76 last Tuesday . 6 more weeks of winter? Who cares?
  21. "No where in what he posted did it say that the program was offered as part of Jamboree as a courtesy to those from out of the country" WEll, actually, it does. "to be held in conjunction with our friends from Scouts de Mexico. " But nowhere does it say this is for illegals or non english speaking citizens. Nowhere does it say it's a permanant thing to WB or that all WB will be this way. It's just for when the Mexican Boy Scouts will be visiting during Jambo.
  22. "So "gay marriage" is viewed quite simply as a deliberate sacrilege by folks who come from that tradition " Yeah, but that's the problem...the gays do not see it as that. They simply want the same type of service for themselves. Gays believe in God too. Gays are religious people too. So now, groups "a" thinks group "B" should not get married because groups "A" is insulted? That's like Bhuddists saying Christians should not be allowd to celebrate Christmas because the Bhuddists do not believe in Christmas and think celebrating Christmas is simply as a deliberate sacrilege .
  23. I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier: When we go camping at Camp ( John A. )McNeill Cub Scout World - wich is abuttied up against Camp Bowers Boy Scout Camp - of which both are located at Cape fear Scout Reservation ( in White Oak, NC........ .....my pack usually tries to reserve a spot at the First Union (bank) Field. This is just left of the Carolina Power & Light( electric company) Pirate Ship which is just around 10 yards past the (John G. ) Goldsworth mines. I have taken most of my scouter training as well as YPT, BALOO, and POW WOW at the BB&T (
  24. Get outdoors.. It saddens me tat you "read" that this course is for non english speaking US citizens when I will bet you that not a single piece of advertising literature ever aid that this is what the course was for. It further saddens me that you ignored the many, many posts explaining this was a gesture to our VERY welcome guests from Mexico during their visit from Mexico durinmg the Jambo. NOw, as Srem said, I would say more, but I'd hate to be banned from this site as I have come to enjoy it very well for the information I learn from the scouters who do not demostraight tu
  25. " When Catholic hospitals stop accepting government money, can they stop accepting non-Catholic patients?" They should be allowed to do just that, with the exception of the emergency room - in which even private hospitals who can turn down non insured - have to at least stabilize a patient in an emergency. And I never said anything about legal overriding moral. But you have to ask, how moral is it to take my money, but refuse to treeat me based on my lifestyle or own morals? You'd think if you can turn me away for my atrocious lifestyle, that you'd turn away my atrocious mone
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