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Everything posted by purcelce

  1. You earned the flap, wear it. Wear the same as your knots, you earned them. WWW Cary P
  2. LOL never knew that people could get worked up over simple words like: my, mine, yours, ours. Guess we'll have to settle this one with dictionaries at 10 paces....
  3. When you guys do the River to River, let me know and I'll join ya. RTR trail ain't too far from my place
  4. People who are late for anything. Meetings, appoinments, work, church, school....the list goes on and on. That's why everybody should be on Lombardi time. Be 10 minutes early for everything. If you are running late, then you're on time.
  5. People who are late for anyting. Meetings, appoinments, work, church, school....the list goes on and on. That's why everybody should be on Lombardi time. Be 10 minutes early for everything. If you are running late, then you're on time.
  6. first six letters of my last name and first initials of my first and middle name.
  7. NWScouter wrote "Note on tap out, national OA changed it to a call out quite a few years ago. National standards dont allow you to touch the candidates. Rumor has it that some were tapped so hard that there were shoulder separations" Taleka touches members with a feather when they are called out. I remember my Tap out. Two of the principals were older boys in my troop. They tapped me out pretty good. Guess they were getting even with me from a prank at summer camp that year. I think my should still hurts from that night, but most people tell me it's old age. WWW Kloshe Kap
  8. I like the coleman 7x5 tents. I can get them for about 50 bucks.
  9. Went through my Ordeal in 1980. Got Brotherhood in 1981, and Vigil in 1984 back in the now defunct White Feather Lodge #499 I'm now a member of Taleka #81 and serve as Advisor to the Vice Chief. WWW Cary P
  10. Hey who let the youth in the adult area Welcome aboard. It's good to have the kids in here. It keeps the old geezers like me an FOG on our toes. Throw a tree on the fire, pull up a chair and sit a spell. YIS Cary P
  11. This thread has been interesting... Made me think back to when I first saw Explorers and was and Explorer. My first contact was as a Cub Scout. Local post were Indian Dancers and they performed at a Pack Meeting. I also remember running into a few Explorers who were with the Cop Post in town. I joined up with an Explorer Post that was into to TV Broadcasting. That was a neat summer. I got to play cameraman at the SummerFest for the local cable public access channel. Only stuck with Exploring for about a year.
  12. arrco, My grandmother is getting up in the years. Last year I got sweater, but it was two sizes too small and had Scooby Doo on it....
  13. Gift certificate for merchandise works for me... But if your looking to get me a bottle of spirits, I prefer a Tennessee Sour-Mash, or a Kentucky sippin' whiskey. smmmoooooth
  14. Smile and say thanks. Every Christmas I get something from my grandmother that is somehting I don't need or is a waist of money. But I say thanks, kiss my grandmother, and rush right out to exchange it without her knowing it.
  15. "An ASM should not sit on a BOR. The BOR should be staffed by Committee members." What do you do if you don't have enough committee members? That has happend in our troop a few times. ASMs have sat on on a few BORs.
  16. I thought the only way you could get a brain disorder was by becoming a "Silver Tabber"...At least that's what people say about me... Nice post, very informative. YIS Cary P
  17. It really ticks me off when people pull these type of things. No where can I find in the Scout Handbook that you must know the 5 points of the Star to make Life. Like BW said, get the Committee trained, or find another troop.
  18. 2Cub wrote "But I suppose I would respond with essentially what NJ has said. It seems like a fairly short putt for the units to be registered to a "Friends Of" organization or an independent family services group. But I'm the first to admit I know nothing about military life. Maybe some of you guys in the service can explain how this would work." If for some reason down the road, a military unit cannot be a CO, then this is what can happen. There are several non-profit clubs on a base. Some examples are the Officer Wive's Club, Enlisted Spouse Club, Air Force Sergeants' Association, Top
  19. There is a huge Montana forest fire going on at the chat room. Come on in, pop a squat, grab a cup full of your favorite beverage, and chew the fat with some old geezer scouter...and yes FOG the Navy guy is invited Cary P
  20. Meryl, I now see where CO's own and operate the units. But it is still lawful for military units to charter BSA units. "On what basis? Do you think it would be equally lawful if the military ran youth groups that excluded Jews? " Not sure what your wanting here? The military does not run the BSA units, Leaders that agree to follow BSA policies run the units, just like they do in every other BSA unit. As for military youth groups that would excluded Jews be lawful? It would be unlawful, but the military does not have any youth groups. It sponsors other established Youth G
  21. Merlyn wrote "The BSA itself says the charter partner "owns and operates" the unit, not the BSA. With this new information, what do you think should (or would) happen if an atheist son of a base soldier wants to join? Should the army practice unlawful religious discrimination and reject someone from a youth group that the army itself "owns and operates"? " I just did a quick check on the BSA website, and I couldn't find anything that states a CO "owns and operates" a BSA unit. If you or anyone else can show me the "owns and operates" quotes, please let me know where to find it. Only
  22. Merlyn wrote "The BSA itself says the charter partner "owns and operates" the unit, not the BSA. With this new information, what do you think should (or would) happen if an atheist son of a base soldier wants to join? Should the army practice unlawful religious discrimination and reject someone from a youth group that the army itself "owns and operates"? " I just did a quick check on the BSA website, and I couldn't find anything that states a CO "owns and operates" a BSA unit. If you or anyone else can show me the "owns and operates" quotes, please let me know where to find it. Only
  23. Merlyn wrote, "What do you think should happen if an atheist army brat applies for membership? Should the army tell the kid that the US military is running a group that atheist kids can't join? Do you think the US military could similarly run a youth group that excluded Jewish kids? " First off Merlyn I don't care for your tone of "Atheiest army brat". None of my post were derogatory to you or your views. So please respect my views. My children are not Air Force brats. They are wonderful kids. Now to answer you questions. For what I know, (and I could be wrong) is that BSA
  24. Meryln wrote: "There's an ACLU lawsuit against the DoD over BSA charters now, and I'm quite sure the ACLU will win, since the government can't practice the BSA's religious discrimination." But until the ACLU wins, (that's if they win) then military units can charter BSA units. FOG wrote, "Is it the unit that is chartering the troop or is the squardron welfare organization or whatever you zoomies call the recreation and support organization?" It is the actual military units that are CO's. It kind of cool to know that one of our IH's has four stars on his shoulder. Now someti
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