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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. We had one family....aunts uncles cousins and sibs camp I. one tent ...kinda reminded me of a clown car with everyone piling out in the morning. They had 10 in a 12 man tent.
  2. Just another reason I hate cub camping.... Seriously..... I have yet to met a single dad going thru a mid life crisis that has anything to do with his kids let a lone scouting.....Cutting into his womanizing time.
  3. I did not have an eagle coach or mentor or buddy when I did mine......I had a half a dozen paged ditto packet I followed.....When I had a question I went to the scoutmaster.... While this isn't PC or the soft warm and fuzzy they want the BSA to be...........Do away with them......or have a hand full of experts per district to answer the question.... We don't need someone chasing an Eagle along making sure he is making progress.
  4. Nice DC so tell me how many scouts have you lost over the adult application and the background check. I have lost 4. One failed three dropped after looking at the app
  5. Ya know folks.......While it is a rule........We have to admit it is a pretty stupid one at this point...... While I don't condone live in arrangements....... Lets look at this differently. Johnny has two live in dads.....They are not legally married.....The men can tent together, johnny and dad can tent together, but the family unit can't tent together but yet live in a household together.. Better yet what if two men are married or the two moms are married. Make it mom and live in male friend or two moms or biomom and biodad who are not married...... Lots of combination
  6. Wow KDD your council is screwed up.... I lovely wife wanted to camp with me I most certainly share a tent with her.......
  7. Another reason not to have age based patrols.... What I envision is the older guys joining the green bar or leadership patrol of SPL aspl and quartermaster, then the JASM. Allowing a constant flow thru the Patrols.....never ending up with a patrol of 2 15 year olds.
  8. I am pretty sure the local council figures out who I am they will toss me out with the things written on this forum about them and their shennigans over the years.... We do have a Kiwanis club that does give us a $100 to maintain their signs when entering our burg boundarys. The Rotarians support another unit.... no lions......VFW can't afford the rent on their building....... No mighty whitey clubs here......Moose, Elks or Eagles. Our wealthy suburban neighbors guard their fundraising turf very aggressively......
  9. Drive right past a casino on the way to work.......I have looked longing at it and thought about it.....I am sure council would frown upon it...... Our unit is fairly close only one unit is closer than us to it....... Hmmmmm
  10. The DE's are not making their friends of scouting goals and are punishing the district. Thats ok.....I have the hook up at the salvation army and good will......I am on the first call list for uniforms. But I haven't been called in a while.
  11. Last time I had a parent fill out an application and have concern about information, The DE contacted the COR and let them know that the application was not approved.
  12. All the applications were handed to the DE 4 different years which means 4 different people. ZERO response even to follow up calls, voice mail as they do not answer their office or cell phones, and emails. rejected no.......Ignored yes
  13. Sure it's the boys program....... While adults designed the program.....But I expect the boys to plan and execute to the best of their ability. Really struggling with the current SPL. Visiting yosemite, Glacier national park, alaska, outer banks is all well and good.......But generally isn't the boys plannng those trips.
  14. Let me see 10 committtee members $10 per meal 8 meetings per year that is $800 Child care for 5 committee member $10 per hour 2 hours per meeting 8 meetings per year. $800 So that is $1600 for just perks for the committee.....That Translates to $5,000 in popcorn sales.... That is more than our enitre budget for a cub pack of 40 members.
  15. Really????? If it is such a big sacrifice then don't volunteer......I have zero sympathy for a whiney parent...... I have no clue how many boys I have bought shirts for, Slushies at the trading post, meals on trips, paid for camp outs and souvenirs......repairs on the church van, gas, oil changes and car washes...........No idea of the dollar amount, because it doesn't matter. It is about giving the boys the best possible scouting experience. If your worried about paying for a meal at a meeting or $10 for a babysitter.....Ya need to look in the mirror and ask yourself
  16. In theory, In the US the councils are supposed to provide shirts and books upon request for those in need. I have filled out the forms and submitted them a number of times, more than 15, and have received the requested uniforms and books twice. I have requested camperships for day camp a number of times and have NEVER received one.....
  17. We have a 75% attendance expectation......for youth and 85% for youth leadership. the penalty is the CC will refuse a BOR till you meet it and you won't be permitted to attend the most sought after events. So you can't skip the creek clean up, all the food pantry work, Busy beaver work weekend in our summer camp and expect to attend the Dave and Busters lock in. All fun and no work makes jack a dull boy. It has made a difference in attendance. I would try an experiment next outing.....No ad hoc patrols. Let a patrols spend a weekend with just a couple of guys cooking and c
  18. Who knows....Scout son turned down his nomination for SPL tonight...... Having too much fun to be responsible right now... Fall fellowship is in a couple of weeks and we are working two weekends in the end of october at the cub spook o ree.
  19. Been there done that......American companies are used to being asked for help.......I have contacted various tent manufactures, National and local outdoor stores or outfitters. Without naming companies, most did not respond. I have contacted several local foundations with very specific request and no help.... Heck I can't even get our council to get boys in need books and shirt. I can get a dozen loaves of bread, a couple packs of hotdogs and kool aid donated by the local grocer, no problem.
  20. I do not like internal counciling of merit badges by troops..... He needs to go outside the troop for the merit badges......Please read the merit badge councilors training guide. Very simply you are not using the merit badge program to its full potential in growing your boys.
  21. Some things are just wrong, I am constantly amazed by the greet and selfishness of some folks.
  22. I wonder what the pack families would think if they found out that the committee is spending the boys money on food for meetings and babysitting. We do not provide food or beverages at the meetings......our meetings are less than an hour long.
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