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Everything posted by Gone

  1. I think the sentiment that any challenge to ANYONE'S "opinion" is seen by the other side as an attack on their beliefs. Left or right, conservative or liberal, this seems to be true of any discussion or debate over the last 8-10 years.
  2. What are you talking about? The article was pretty clear on what Mr. Boies said. He thinks that BSA is not going far enough and should compel religious units to open up to gays too. This other passage also says essentially the same thing; the liberals will not stop until ALL units are open to gays. It's there in black and white...pretty clear what both meant.
  3. Yeah, that's an interesting policy they (BSA) has. On one hand they want you to protect kids against the Internet weirdos by not allowing (moderating) comments and posts to the FB page/group. On the other hand they want the group open so that there's no one-on-one contact electronically between adults and scouts (email, anyone?). I think it is totally possible to have a closed group AND abide by BSA's intention, were it not for this little snip-it from the social media page on the BSA website...
  4. ROFL....When BSA can't manage myscouting or any other information system? No thank you. I like my data in my hands and secure....and working when I need it.
  5. I have relatives in TX and they've been to Orr and Pioneer and have great things to say about them. They are a bit farther north than Camp Rockafeller, Orr is harder to get to but is on the Buffalo River and is surrounded by a federal wildlife refuge and watershed. Very cool (for the south) in the summer but a bit humid since it is by the river. With all the rain the region has gotten this year the river was great.
  6. Use FB as a brochure for your unit. The changes made to the service (many times without notice) are hard to adjust to. Also, depending on user settings they may not see things on your page/group in the manner in which you intend. For a free service it is okay, but we use it as a vitural brochure to raise awareness of who we are, nothing more.
  7. Exactly what those opposing the ban fear.
  8. @@heat4212 we've discussed in this forum the issue of younger parent (under 35) involvement sorely lacking these days. I would contact your District Executive and ask for help. They might be able to get you some short term assistance. Have an all parents meeting where you discuss the open roles, what they entail and how they can be managed. Let the parents knows the pack WILL fold if people do not step up. Have the DE at that meeting so he can help get the message across. Sadly, a pack in my cousin's district went through this. Despite YEARS of planning and notification to the parents abou
  9. LOL....I was in the woods all weekend (most of the weekend) and just got back. My suggestion was going to be to check your mobile settings. Great minds. BTW, how to do you back up your DB? If you are not using dotnet you might want to load that regularly to an offsite cloud file site just in case.
  10. @@lepzid how do you sync other users' desktops if you don't use donnet?
  11. Been through a DUI death. If the kids are in my care they won't get in a car with anyone who has a DUI or wreck less driving record. As stated above, I'd have to really know them to ease that restriction. It's my arse on the line if a kid doesn't make it back home, so frankly I don't care what other parents think. Truth be told we've never had any parent complain about this policy. Having lost a scout to DUI a few years back (not his fault) the unit is VERY weary about this issue.
  12. Your database admin or DBA (the one person with the master copy of the DB, dotnet access and ability to sync the master DB) must first: 1) Back up the master DB locally to their desktop just in case. This will give you the latest changes made by the DBA. 2) Sync with dotnet to get the latest DB. This will download the latest changes made by anyone else with TM access. 3) Back up recently downloaded DB. This will give you a copy one iteration younger than the one on step #1. 2) Sync the master desktop with the web version of TM. This can only be done by the DBA and will sync the lates
  13. We don't agree on much but here we do. We will refuse any adult the privilege to drive scouts if they have a DUI. We ask they disclose and we do our own check at the CO level. No one with a wreck less driving or DUI can drive our scouts, period. Any accident or judgement against a driver also puts them out. Small stuff and minor accidents or violations are okay. Stuff happens. If not at fault also not a problem. Otherwise, no driving.
  14. SMs can also advise boys they are overloaded, hence I suspect that's the premise that's used to limit scouts. Just as we would advise them not to drink 20 Red Bulls, we advise them not to take too many MBs. They usually agree.
  15. The GTA ( does allow for the following:
  16. Whether felony or misdemeanor the answer lies with BSA. They must have a reason. Our unit has only had one person turned down by BSA and he knew it going in that it was likely. He accepted it, stayed away from events but supported his scout until he (the scout) elected to pursue football over scouts. Never had a problem with either.
  17. Up to the counselor to interpret. I would think the second stove would suffice.
  18. @@eagle77, so trophies for everyone. I'm aware of what BSA says a BOR or SMC should be. They've become a discussion about nothing. And we wonder why we are churning out Eagles not worth the paper their written on?
  19. Our SM uses it as a basis for rank discussion. If the discussion is about first aid, and the scout does not know his first aid, how can he participate in his SMC? Otherwise SMCs and BORs are nothing more than rubber stamping guys done with requirements. In the "old days' reviews were hard and solid...you had better know your stuff or you did not pass. Now a days they have become a shadow of what they once were....and we wonder why these kids can't hang a bear bag or pull out a splinter?
  20. I think that one section quoted provides for a remedy for merit badges obviously not earned. This is why I noted it.
  21. I don't think per capita income translates in to how well a council is funded, does it? I don't know so this is a serious question. My cousin lives near national. His council is reported to have tons of cash on hand. His district is in a VERY affluent part of the city, yet they have the same challenges funding and staffing events as I do way up here in God's Country. I'd also be curious as to how council size, location and other factors play in to the funding mechanisms for councils...if at all.
  22. I'd have to agree. And some of the comments (or threats) by those who moderate/own the site do not help either...nor are they in the spirit of this thread title...ironically.
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