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Everything posted by Gone

  1. Assuming one has a wall on which to put said topos. I hear ya with the problem of trekking across quadrants. We did a trail hike in Texas no too long ago (bit of a drive but what the heck) and I kid you not, we cross 4 quadrants!! We did the topo equivalent of the "four corners" during our trek. Thankfully we had both physical and digital maps.
  2. My guess? The author read the bit about the BSA move to digital MB books, made a few inquiries to people who don't really know anything in detail, found a few references to the use of technology within BSA and drew a series of unsupported conclusions. As for the nomenclature she used (e.g., Chief Learning Officer) it sounds like that forum might be an association for those folks in charge of organizational training or learning. As for the technology at Philmont, I suspect she was referring to the STEM treks at Philmont. They do give out a few smart phones, but mostly for app look ups. Noth
  3. I agree @@Stosh, but I suspect a large number of kids in the program are here as resume builders. With all the stuff they are in to these days there's just no room (read with heavy sarcasm) for taking that long to learn anything. Instant gratification marches on.
  4. What Philmont will become by 2016 if this continues....
  5. @@packsaddle so vote out your representative. That's easy enough. Buts it's much easier for those with minority opposing views to play the race card and harangue the majority into submission. If the majority of the populace feel something is wrong it CAN be changed. Laws are changed every day. The Gov can change it by executive order. If the legislature does not like it we have a law suit. Or the legislature can change it themselves with the support of the people putting pressure on a few legislators to draft a bill changing the law. Let's not hide behind the excuse "the system doesn
  6. @@zgeist I can recommend TM and SOAR/mytroop. They work well together, reduce admin, track advancement and display them, email, website, form tracking, etc. Mobile use as well and can be customized. Simple to use so you can pass along to less technical people and support from the companies is excellent.
  7. Absolutely @@Stosh. Those skills are imperative and must be learned and used...and not just as a back up. But the OP was about mapping where the unit has been for posterity as much as using gps on the trail. I get the sense that most regulars here don't use them thar modern tools. BTW, I still use my BSA issue dopp kit with metal mirror too.
  8. Oh Lord, the cheapening continues. Now MB colleges will be hundreds of guys congregating to take courses on their phones. Lovely.
  9. As @@Stosh would point out, troops aren't going to track all that, the individual scout will through managing his own book.
  10. How about put it to referendum? The state house belongs to the people, as does government. Rather than cave to one group or the other, let the people decide. Register to vote, prove you're a citizen and vote. Majority decides what happens. Don't like the vote, exercise your freedom and move. That's what makes America great...or used to. Now we pander to the group de jour.
  11. But most see that flag as merely part of our past. It's the racists that see it as white supremacy or racists in nature. What happens when native Americans ask for the U.S. Flag to be changed because it has been a long standing symbol of racism and oppression to them? They'd have a good point too. Slippery slope when you start infringing on freedoms.
  12. Wasn't that the requirements back in 7th or 8th Edition?
  13. Born and raised in the south. Wife is "of color". While I have seen/experienced some of the things you noted, I will say that over the last 35 years they are FAR less obvious than they were in the past. Back then I couldn't walk with my wife in New Orleans without turning heads or getting beaten up. Now? Much different. Her take on the flag? It's just a flag. Racists will be racists, flag or not.
  14. You can use offline maps on GPS units and turn off the GPS nav capability. It's like having many, many topo maps in the palm of your hand. Where you gonna be when you run out of map?
  15. Agree but some will do the bare minimum so raising the bar just a bit make by increasing total service hours on the trial to Eagle is a positive step IMHO. I'd like to see it doubled. Anything these guys do for rank advancement is for "reward", why not service hours. Let's face it, guys don't get Eagle to be philanthropic. Agree!
  16. Thanks. That explains it. Never knew that was an option. Makes you wonder why they can't roll that out beyond this site. EDIT: And just as I go to log in to myscouting.org my account -- which I have had since 2005 -- seems to be inactive. Just gotta love BSA online systems....not.
  17. Hmmm, looked and could not find it. Can you post a screen shot? All I see are videos, social media links and the Google search that allows you to find a local unit. I can request information from any unit, but don't see any online application to sign me or my kid up. Am I missing a link somewhere?
  18. So a few interesting things: "Demonstrate pocket knife safety"? Does this mean they can carry when they crossover? "Develop and describe a plan for improvement in each of the activities listed in Tenderfoot requirement 6a. Keep track of your activity for at least 30 days." Some guys are going to really hate this. Service hour for TF nice to see. Frankly would like to see more than just one hour. Two service hours for SC. New to each rank "While working toward the XXX rank, and after completing [the previous rank] requirement 10, participate in a Scoutmaster conference." I guess we had too
  19. What GPS Devices, Software or Apps Do You Use/Like? Our crew is trying to map out as many of our treks as we can. We have a shared Google Earth "view" (saved as an ever-growing KML file) which we add to as we go. It was started as a project by the Historian to map our unit's history of adventures. They wanted to one day be able to look back and see all the places they've been. So a few questions our group is grappling with: What device(s) do you use (e.g., GPS unit, phone, old-school compass and map, etc)? What software do you like? Why?We use Google Earth because of the ability to a
  20. Not a distinction most Americans would make, though historically accurate. I think colloquially most people know the Navy Jack as the "battle flag"...drives reenactor friends bonkers. But the argument you hear most people making is that the flag (Navy Jack/Battle Flag) hearkens back to a period of our history which is abhorrent to many. Funny thing is, they are not talking about the 1950s/60s and the segregationist movement, but rather the whole Civil War era. I could almost buy the argument, "We are against the flag because racists used it as a banner during the 1950s" but that's not
  21. Really? I was there this Christmas and it looked like the Army of Northern Virginia was not only in town, but had been there for about 25 years. Couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting someone flying the battle flag or the stars and bars. I wonder if it is just the battle flag that has everyone's knickers in a bunch, or if it is ANY of the Confederate flags that wind them up....or would they even recognize the stars and bars.
  22. You've clearly never played rugby with Limey's, Aussies or Kiwis. That outfit would not even raise an eyebrow.
  23. I was just re-listening to the Green Bar Bill tapes from the 80s where he spoke to that boys of one scout troop about his association with B-P. He discussed his time with him from 1920-something until he was asked to write the PL handbook and then the other guides. In listening to him again, it was fun to hear his focus on the boys' part of the program and the adults' part of the program; specifically the SM. I don't recall offhand but I don't think he addressed advancement and adults. I could be wrong. Each time I listen/watch to those videos I pick up something new.
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