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Everything posted by Kudu

  1. Six-Year-Old Boy Suspended From School After Pointing Finger Like Gun, Saying Pow' http://www.mediaite.com/tv/six-year-old-boy-suspended-from-school-after-pointing-finger-like-gun-saying-pow/ Or: http://tinyurl.com/aedal87
  2. The purpose of "Game of Life" is to distract participants with game theory so they leave Wood Badge with no understanding of Baden-Powell's Game, that real "leadership" in the Patrol System is related to Physical Distance: At least a monthly Patrol Hike without adult (Staff) supervision, and (when camped as a Troop) 100 yards between Patrols. http://inquiry.net/patrol/index.htm
  3. Apparently some children can handle loaded guns: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=preq8JSu0I4
  4. Beavah writes: "I'm not like Kudu, I think Patrol Method is just a method, but one of da most important ones. It's perfectly possible, though, to have a fine troop without a full-throated patrol method, just as yeh can have a fine troop without any high adventure programming on da Outdoor Method." It was Bill Hillcourt who first proposed that Scouting could be explained in terms of the "Methods" that we would recognize today. See "Handbook for Scoutmasters, 4th Edition (1947)": http://inquiry.net/adult/methods/index.htm Green Bar Bill did not realize that he had handed Jo
  5. Here are some "how to" articles (note the additional links at the top of the first page): http://www.inquiry.net/outdoor/summer/camp/troop/index.htm Yours at 300 feet, Kudu http://kudu.net
  6. How far does your Scouts' Patrol camp from the adults? How far do they hike at least once a month (if only on Troop campouts) without adult supervision? Those minimum "team building/trust activity" requirements for the "Real" Patrol Method should keep them busy enough. To that end is Green Bar Bill's "Intensive Patrol Leaders Training in the Green Bar Patrol" course: http://inquiry.net/patrol/green_bar/index.htm Yours at 300 feet, Kudu http://kudu.net
  7. You can register more than 1/3 of an audience with this presentation: http://inquiry.net/adult/recruiting.htm
  8. 'Ender's Game' Harrison Ford stares down Asa Butterfield in first photo: http://insidemovies.ew.com/2012/12/05/enders-game-exclusive-first-look/#disqus_thread Rumor is that the "Ender's Game" DVD will replace the current "Grab All You Can" game in 2014 Wood Badge! Yours at 300 feet, Kudu http://kudu.net
  9. "what I got from wood badge was..." Note how far the Wood Badge Staffers were camped from the participants' Patrols, and then separate your Troop's one Patrol (the participants) at least Baden-Powell's minimum 300 feet from the adults' (your Troop's "Staffers"). See: http://inquiry.net/patrol/index.htm Those ever important "leadership skills" needed to succeed in their lives will occur spontaneously through the Spirit of Scouting, without even a single EDGE PowerPoint presentation Yours at 300 feet, Kudu http://kudu.net
  10. That should have been "nature lore" in the last line The method that follows the sentence above is particularly useful in countries in which the Patrol System is handicapped by a government that picks and chooses a corporate Scouting monopoly that forbids Patrol overnights. "Frequently it will be desirable to have the Patrols start out on separate hike and to meet as a Troop at an agreed place later in the day. This method is particularly useful in Troops in which the all-day Saturday hikes are handicapped by the Scoutmaster's having to work in the morning" (Green Bar Bill, Handb
  11. fred8033 writes: "I'm still fairly new," Then you are not aware that BSA trainers often defended the BSA's "21st century" Patrol Method and Outdoor Method with rhetorical devices such as personal attacks and disinformation. fred8033 writes: "When I see it written as "B-P's Patrol System", that seems to reference the 1970's created B-P scout association and not Baden Powell, the person." My use of the term "B-P's Patrol System" clearly refers to Baden-Powell's Patrol System (as opposed to Hillcourt's Patrol Method, or our 21st century Troop Method). In the United
  12. The semantics of Fake B-P quotes? Scouting is a trick that indoor adults play on boys looking for outdoor adventure. ntrog8r writes: "I'd rather gauge proficiency through repetitive performance and observation. Rather than scheduled testing/retesting I prefer to see Scouts _use_ the skill more than once, or twice, or thrice..." In B-P's Patrol System, that observation is done by semi-permanent Patrol Leaders, the equivalent of our Assistant Scoutmasters. Patrol Leaders schedule regular testing/retesting for Tenderfoot through First Class on Patrol Hikes. Solo Jou
  13. ntrog8r writes: "Didn't someone once say, 'Rank should be like a tan, something earned effortlessly while out of doors' or something like that..." No. Nothing like that. Terms like "rank" and "advancement" are One & Done concepts, like "Once an Eagle, always an Eagle." Maybe you are thinking of Baden-Powell's retesting quote, which is less popular with the indoor "leadership skills" crowd: "He must be repassed in all his qualifying badges once between twelve and eighteen months from the date of his being awarded the badge...He must cease to wear the [Eagle
  14. "Our goal is not to teach someone to rub two sticks together and make a fire. But when you rub two sticks together and make a fire side by side with an adult of good character, you're going to learn about who you are and go on to lead men...You can teach a kid about character and leadership using aerospace and computers. The secret is to get them side by side with adults of character." http://inquiry.net/leadership/sitting_side_by_side_with_adults.htm
  15. With the release of "Ender's Game" just under a year away, Summit Entertainment updated its website today with the first synopsis from the movie: In the near future, a hostile alien race (called the Formics) have attacked Earth. If not for the legendary heroics of International Fleet Commander, Mazer Rackham (Ben Kingsley), all would have been lost. In preparation for the next attack, the highly esteemed Colonel Graff (Harrison Ford) and the International Military are training only the best young children to find the future Mazer. Ender Wiggin (Asa Butterfield), a shy, but strategically b
  16. Although rare, boys like Alec are an exception to the general rule of thumb that eleven and twelve year-olds do not make good Patrol Leaders. It is a natural instinct for them to be leading hikes or overnights almost every weekend, living off the land as much as possible. Yours at 300 feet, Kudu http://kudu.net
  17. Twocubdad writes: "So climbing, caving, canoeing, shooting, etc., aren't Scout skills? ... I don't believe there is any magic in backpacking you can't find on one of these other activities..." The "magic" that once made Scouting popular is simple: a traditional outdoor boy's most memorable events happen without adult witness. In some countries, a Scout could not advance beyond Tenderfoot without undertaking a day-long eight (8) mile map & compass "Journey" through the backwoods without benefit of older boys or adults. Our Second Class "five mile hike" is the only pale ghost
  18. JoeBob, The Troop you describe sounds like a Chief Scout Executive's vision of paradise! "Okay, the boys are learning management skills planning menus and assigning KP as they rotate through PORs." The Patrol Method is Leadership Development's **** . So forget what Wood Badge calls the "Patrol Method." Don't fret about Scout Skills and Woodcraft. Alllow electronics in the backwoods. Don't try to change the whole Troop. By all means, circumvent your six month POR student council PLC! The quickest route to where you want to go is to get your backpa
  19. If interested I will post a couple of construction sites." Of course we are interested!
  20. If interested I will post a couple of construction sites." Of course we are interested!
  21. See if you can borrow an igloo making kit. Paths, Peaks, & Paddles might still rent them out by mail: http://inquiry.net/outdoor/winter/shelter/igloo_kit.htm
  22. http://inquiry.net/outdoor/winter/index.htm
  23. Brewmeister writes: "Is the BPSA what you recommend?" I recommend Baden-Powell's Scouting program. Just moving the Patrols of a BSA Troop to his minimum of 300 feet apart can electrify both Scouts and adult leaders, and make good on The Promise of Scouting. Only two American "alternative Scouting associations" offer Baden-Powell's program: BPSA-US, which uses Baden-Powell's 1938 program: http://bpsa-us.org/ BPSA-USA: which uses Baden-Powell's program as it existed in 1965: http://www.badenpowellscouts.org/ As SR540Beaver notes, this is a strictly
  24. BSA24 writes: "These are not programs which focus on the outdoors." That would be exactly wrong in the case of the above cited Baden-Powell Service Association. BSA Scouting is designed to get indoor boys to Eagle without ever walking into the woods with a pack on their backs. Baden-Powell's Scouting requires a series a series of unsupervised backwoods adventures of increasing difficulty, starting with a solo (or buddy) 14 mile overnight for First Class. BSA units usually squeeze an entire Troop into a campsite about the size of an end zone so that adults can manage the "
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