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Everything posted by k9gold-scout

  1. TMR in upstate NY (NY Council) or White Mountain adventure base NH (Boston Council)
  2. http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSN2635130120080327
  3. From what I understand every year they get 1 or 2 scouts that earn every badge. Yes I have meet 5 scouts who earned Eagle before 13 - each is still envolved in scouting - some were home schooled (parents used the progran as education) the rest felt they enjoyed scouting more than anything. One earned every badge - by the time he had 80 word spread and he had counselors calling him to ask if he had one they offered. He finished the last 2 on his 18th birthday.
  4. Wrap the post with a small bit of 00 steal wool and put an extra back on the reverse side of the uniform.
  5. I was just thinking about this problem today. Start a team of seasoned scouters to help orginize local units. It would take a team of 3-10 with a goal to recrute train and offer guidence for new units. Each district or council could have teams for Packs Troops and Crews. Scouting was always a grass roots program, find a location kids and willing parents then let the proram start. Promotioin is 2/3 motion!
  6. Troop 139 WLACC 54 years 178 Eagles (low year 12 scouts - high year 85 scouts)
  7. I wear the thin olive tie with my long sleve shirt on formal occasions. I did not put any knots or extra patches on this shirt, I try to have a simple understated apperance.
  8. I would encourage you to stay on the Eagle board and vote no. This is a lack of scout spirt and he should not be granted the ranke of Eagle Scout.
  9. The merit badge counselor should approve any work on the badge before any work no the badge can be started. Part of the process is for the scout is first talk to the adult and plan what he needs to do to earn the badge, not how fast he can finish the requirements.
  10. This judge would be happy to ban the BSA and jail its Scoutmasters. Make no mistake the ACLU will change the face of America. When I was a young scout in the 60's some said that the USSR would be more like us and we would become a new Russia. Today I live in that Nation and if we just do nothing the America that every past generation fought to create will just fade away. The young scouts of today will fight with the help of GOD to save our Republic or it will be no more! GOD BLESS AMERICA
  11. Some day (soon) the American people will no longer accept unelected judges changing our way of life; they will no longer be able tell good people they are wrong. If the ACLU continues to try and force God and the BSA out of America the backlash will put the ACLU on the junkheap of history. The USA needs the BSA and will do just fine without the ACLU!
  12. A Soldier's Christmas Poem The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light, I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight. My wife was asleep, her head on my chest, my daughter beside me, angelic in rest. Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white, Transforming the yard to a winter delight. The sparkling lights in the tree, I believe, Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve. My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep, Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep in perfect contentment, or so it would seem. So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.
  13. A Soldier's Christmas Poem The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light, I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight. My wife was asleep, her head on my chest, my daughter beside me, angelic in rest. Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white, Transforming the yard to a winter delight. The sparkling lights in the tree, I believe, Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve. My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep, Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep in perfect contentment, or so it would seem. So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.
  14. Boy Scout - 2nd class Explorer - Eagle - Post Pres. - Council Expolrer Delegate Chairman Adult - ASM - Dist Advancement Chair - Crew Advisor P S - I would like to extend my personal thanks to any Vet who has defended our freedom. I remember talking to the soldiers who came home alone from Viet Nam and often were taunted in public. God bless y
  15. The ACLU is attacking the military and the BSA. You can not take GOD out of public life and expect most just to go along with the idea this is good for our republic.
  16. This website will no longer be active due to a recent US military decission. We will have one final party make a big donation to some local needy group and give away our equipment. I feal like Gen Lee at the end of the Civil War - Fairwell www.crew746.com
  17. Wow I did not think this would happen in my lifetime! Do soldiers still pray before action or is that also forbiden by the ACLU. Now there will be no need for Chaplins just tell them they are an enemy of the state. Next the ACLU will be free to tear down every cross on any public place; then remove God from our hearts and minds. The enemy of FREEEDOM is the ACLU. PRAY for our coun
  18. Our crew specility is Leadership and Shooting. We also do our shair of outdoor adventure. Almost all are Eagle Scouts that like the program and want to stay active and do things not for younger scouts. www.crew746.com
  19. Our crew is 3 years old we have 17 (age 15-19) reg. scouts -15 eagle scouts -12 bronz awards so far - no female scouts 4 adults - 1 female. We meet 2x per month and try to have 1 outing per month - shooting seems to be most popular. We plan one high adventure trip for the summer. All are also active in their scout troop. Our council has had a program in the past but nothing now. We select life scout from our troop and friends to join. www.crew746.com
  20. Our troop has been able to get quality tents from rei-outlet, your local rei store will also repait their own tents at little or no cost. Other on line stores are campmor and northern mountain supply.
  21. Look at - www.mars.org - then just step out and look in the southeast sky.
  22. Ryon, If your troop has other leaders who could fill the SPL job, then talk to your Scoutmaster about JAS. Keep up the good work! - Are you an Eagle Scout? Have you looked at a Venturing Crew?
  23. The dist advancement chair should not sign off any any project that dose not come up to the national standards. The responsibility for final approval of an eagle rests at the district level. The Eagle Review Board should explain what is needed to pass if a project (or anything else) is not acceptable. Most cuncils and national will approve any application that is signed off, only checking reg. time and badges. If your area is letting scouts become Eagle on poor projects you need to call, send letters, and email until your system is fixed.
  24. Our crew will present the colors at the next council eagle scout dinner. We have tried to present the colors in a military fashion but I expect every scout will earn the ranger award before they learn to march in unison.
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