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About zippie2223

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  1. Our pack was struggling to began with. Now we loss half our scouts and parents. Our most active parents moved for good and our second most active parent moved for the rest of the school year and may not come back. My job is now gone so I have to go to work offshore for now. I not sure what our pack is going to do with the three only active familys either moved are no longer active. I told my wife if no one picks up the pack to go join another pack. zippie2223
  2. Good luck to you guys, hope you make out ok. May god be with those in East Tx and west La.
  3. We have been back home for a few days now. I have been working around the house and the shop getting everything back to normal (well as normal as it can get under the circumstances). We did a lot better then most people. Some roof damage and I no longer have any fences or a trampoline (the trampoline was found spread over three yards). I'm just glad to be home and too have a home. Of the five boys in my den two are not planning to return ever. One boy is in school in another state and will not return for the rest of the school year. Two boys parent we have not heard from, one of tho
  4. Thank you, We need all of your prayer and any help you could muster. I don't know what we have left a home. My little bear just relized that this is not s vaction and that he may not be going home for a while. My baby cried for a half hour when he relized that his birthday was not going to happen next month. We are not sure where we are going to go because last word was 30 or more day before we could go home. Then what are we going home to.
  5. Ok we are safe now in Lufkin Tx. I am from Marrero La just South of New Orleans. We basicly Live in a swamp. In fact our CO is surrounded by swamp.
  6. I'm about to take doiwn the computer for safe keeping... Damn these hurricanes, Im moving North...
  7. He filled out applications 3 years in a row. Yr 1 Tiger Den Leader Yr 2 Committee Member Yr 3 Asst. Cub Master Thanks for the advice, I will heed all of the advice giving.
  8. Five day 8:30-4:30 50.00 reg 60.00 late T-shirt included Pack you own lunch BB gun, water slide, Fishing, Achery, Crafts, Bear Acivements and electives, Games, Beltloops (Chess and Badminton) Pizza party on Friday Water at every station, Day care for little tots- 5$ a day On Monday We were the only Den Cheer our den cheers. Our kids loved it. By Friday a few dens had cheers. we found a bee hive in one of the trees over the badminton net on Friday, weird how nobody saw it till then.
  9. I like the guy, but I guess we should run it by the committee? Should talk to him about it before we bring it up? He seemed quite ashamed of his past actions when he told me about it. I suppose that the CC and COR may already know about it since it was on the adult application from last year and this year.
  10. One of our adult leaders has admitted to me that he is a convicted felon. He told me he has a felony dated back to 88' for criminal damage. He has been a great deal of help to us and works great with the kids, plus I would hate to lose a good leader. Our DE has said that BSA WILL do background checks on all applicants. Does the CO have the right to choose their leaders or can BSA turn this leader down based on an old conviction. BTW He has been with us for three years, and I took a look it was on all of his previous applications.
  11. http://www.lascouts.net/pack81/Parent%20Survey.doc Please review this and send me feed back good or bad. We plan to hand these out at roundup. I have not approached the committee yet with the survey but we have talked about doing one.
  12. Hmmmm (the very least we will always take more)... We have 3 Webs1- I would like 2 to 3 more with a dedicated Leader (the leader we have refuses to get trained) We have 4 Bears and 2 part-time Bears- We would like maybe 2 or 3 Bears We have 4 Wolves- I hope to get a another leader and with about 5-6 wolves We want as many Tigers as we can handle with dedicated Leaders What we need most is Leaders and Committee Members. If we have those, the kids will follow.
  13. Our Bear den will be meeting twice a month during the summer. Plus the pack is meeting once a month for a summer time activity. In the den meeting we will be building bird houses, learning about local birds and how to identify them, then a hike/bird watching. We may learn how to identify local fish then going fishing. And BTW I think its GRRRROOOOOOWWWWWWWWWL
  14. Kittle, The one thing I have been noticing in our pack and district, is the more a scout camps the more likely they are to stay in scouting. I don't know if this goes for every pack or district, but the dens and packs that are will to show up at our New Cub Overnighter and/or Fall Encampment are the ones that seem to make it. It may be that the leaders that show up at these events are the better leaders and therefore more likely to succeed? Or it maybe that camping is what the kids and parents were looking for when they joined scouting and those kids are not getting board with the
  15. Most of our money come from popcorn sells. What we do is tell all the parents at the first pack meeting that they owe the pack 40$, but if you sell 100$ in popcorn that fee is waived. We also sell scout expo tickets in March April and May. We give away prizes to the top sellers and the council gives away prizes. We tried kid accounts but it was a mess.
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