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About jg0017

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    Junior Member
  1. I give (free) to all the Lodge members (youth) who go to conclave from 6 to 12 flaps to trade at conclave. If anyone from outside Georgia, Florida, and Alabama, wants to swap from 3 to 12 (or more) mixed flaps from his/her area for the same from S9 and S4, please email me. JG0017LT@BELLSOUTH.NET Mike Greene Immokalee Lodge, 353
  2. I'm building dups to give to the kids to trade at conclave. If anyone wants to trade a set from their lodge for a set (OBV) from 353 or just 3 nice flaps (regular issue please), please email me. If your lodge only issues one flap three of those will do also. WWW Mike Greene mikegreene353@bellsouth.net
  3. I need to know the name and email address of the gentleman who put together the list of all councils. I have a copy in Excel format and I am referring to some information in it in a book about the History of Chehaw Council which is about to be released. The book is non-profit and will be posted on the internet even before it is printed. I need to give him proper credit. If someone knows the gentleman please email me. Mike Greene
  4. For anyone who runs an active website for a troop (or other BSA site) and wants an ICON made please email me (by clicking on the link to the left) and I will make you one. Its a hobby and only takes a few minutes. The Icon will replace the standard Explorer icon in the address line (at the top of the page) when the page is retrieved and next to the website on the Favorites List. There is no way to have it appear on the tab at the bottom of the page. Examples: http://www.t21.ga.bsatroops.org/Eagles%20by%20Troop.htm http://www.dthronateeska.ga.bsatroops.org/ http://www.immokalee
  5. Does anyone know if the Freedom Trails were officially linked to BSA? I see many Freedom Trail metals on Ebay. Mike Greene
  6. An older adult scout who has attended the National Camping School tells me that Green Bar Bill earned his Eagle as an adult. I can or can not verify this fact.
  7. I seem to remember that an Adult could earn his Eagle rank. I think the program ended in about 1960. Does anyone know if this is true and/or the details? Mike Greene DC, Thronateeska District Chehaw Council
  8. I run three web sites for BSA which I update every few days. If anyone else runs a BSA website and is interested in bouncing technical issues back and forth by email to help resolve issues and design issues then please email me with by private email. WWW, Mike Greene
  9. Would someone please let me know the ID and contact info for the gentleman with the great collection of Eagle Scout medals. I saw it at the 2000 NOAC. I think it was a complete set and it was professionally displayed on panels. A private reply is fine. WWW Mike Greene (edited for clarity) (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  10. Central Georgia Council did open Camp Benjamin Hawkins in 2006 for the first time that I know about due to lack of attendan scouts. I do not know the details of the Ben Hawkins matter but in Chehaw Council if we have two or three troups go out of council for summer camp we might not be able to open Camp Osborn. In small councils that still have open, viable camps it really takes a council wide effort.
  11. Question/Trivia (more of an inquiry) I have been told that the 17 counties of Chehaw Council (southwest Georgia) were the last place in continental US to be run directly from the National office (not region/section). It was due to a bankruptcy in the early 20s of the old council and that Chehaw council did not form until 1939. The information came from Ralph Ellis one of the first staff members of Chehaw Council and who actually ran summer camp in 1938 for National for the Chehaw Council counties. I have never been able to verify this trivia. DOES ANYONE KNOW OF ANY OTHER PART OF THE U
  12. FYI. Below are the professions of the SMs and ASMs of the three active troops in Americus, Georgia. a. Owner of timber thinning company b. Owner of a wholesale gasoline delivery company c. Photographer d. Retired e. Physician f. Pharmacist g. Maintenance h. Insurance Sales Mike Greene Americus, Georgia
  13. The test sites are scheduled to get the last of the Phase 1 test releases this month. The word from the people in charge is that it is still on schedule for a NOAC release. I was a real doubter to start with but I have been greatly pleased. So far as I know the plan is still to have lodges bring their data to NOAC and the development/test group will convert it for you. Please thank the programmers/developers who have spent hundreds of hours making this happen for the members of the future. Mike Greene Americus, Georgia
  14. After several weeks of searching the internet and posting on this site I have found these troops with more than 150 Eagle Scouts. I am posting this in hopes of finding more. Troop 23 La Junta, CO., Rocky Mountain, 567 Eagles Troop 61 Kansas City, MO, Heart of America, 267 Eagles Troop 3 Derby, CN, Annowon, 246 Eagles Troop 782 Lavonia, MI, Detroit Area, 205 Eagles Troop 21 Americus, GA, Chehaw, 186 Eagles Troop 97 Southaven, MS, Chickasaw, 185 Eagles Troop 139? ??, CA, Western LACC, 178 Eagle Scouts Troop 232 has no active website. There are two inactive sites. There is
  15. I started this post and several people have asked via private emails about the troop I based it upon. The troop is troop 21 in Americus, Georgia (population 16,000), Chehaw Council. Troop 21 was chartered in 1933 (72 continuous years) and currently has 180 Eagle Scouts on its Eagle Roster.
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