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Everything posted by JoeBob

  1. Man, I wish I had some pumpkin pie to pass around. But you don't find pumpkin pie in the stores when the pumpkins aren't coming in from the fields. Wonder if I could make any money growing pumpkins in the southern hemisphere to sell pies off-season in the US?
  2. Bad enP: Can you honestly tell yourself that you're enjoying Biden as VP? There's no way that Palin would have been worse! You know that Sarah's got a great Dutch oven moose recipe! ;^) JoeBob
  3. Eyeballing 35... Does anybody know what it is in the HTML that triggers the generation of another page for the forum? Is it the number of posts? Can 25 short bump posts get us to 35? Or is it the length of the page itself? Will we have to read odious soliloquies (I hate myself!) and odorous narcissims (but I like my smell!)? Pie, anyone?
  4. BadenP: Nice personal attack! Got any sources? (I had to register this comment quickly before the thread gets closed! I'm guessing that getting the thread closed is Baden's ultimate objective.)
  5. I think Beavah hit it: the fly rigged right down to the ground makes you a little bowl of moist air waiting to drip.
  6. Just a quick note to second HICO, BA, WAKWIB, and jblake. Y'all have already made the arguments that I would make, but you made 'em better. The way I keep score, logic beats emotion. I've deleted several lines this response, because I don't want to degrade the quality of our argument. It's difficult for me to hold back the sarcastic ridicule when responding to emotional arguments. But it's the passion with which the emotional arguments are defended that has really caught my attention. These are good and intelligent people who have willingly suspended their disbelief to push A
  7. Just like the 'consensual science' in favor of AGW, having many forum members click your post thumbs up does not make your argument stronger; just your index finger. ;^) JoeBob
  8. I'm aghast! How can the UK Daily Mail not be a bastion of sophistication? Is that not a nasal twang I hear in the background when reading? Perhaps if dey typed da wurds funny, it would boost their credibility? I think the next five years will be an interesting time for AGW.
  9. I'd like to provide the ad hominem sharpshooters with a target other than vol_scouter. The mini ice age starts here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1242011/DAVID-ROSE-The-mini-ice-age-starts-here.html Short version: 'some of the worlds most eminent climate scientists' think that the 20 to 30 year long climate cycles we're seeing are the result of flipping ocean currents, sorta like the thermocline in a lake.
  10. It's been forever, and the memories aren't good! Longer narrower snowshoes are good for going down the trail They don't turn as easily as the wider rounder types that are good for padding around the motorpool. If you weren't bow-legged before, you will be after. The smallish shoes of synthetic materials look like they'd be good for getting the mail, but would be inadequate in the back country with a pack. You need enough shoe area to keep you from breaking through the top crust.
  11. Stosh, Good info on volleys. Thanks! I've often wondered how many blackpowder rounds could be fired before the weapon becomes fouled and has to be cleaned. The limit on my .44 cal muscle-loader is about 5 shots between cleanings, since it's still tight and accurate. I do occasionally capitalize the 'D' in Damnyankees, because damnYankees doesn't look right... ;^) JoeBob
  12. Let me help with a few references: Winter Could Be Worst in 25 Years for USA: http://www.accuweather.com/news-weather-features.asp?partner=&traveler=0&date=2010-01-04_1701&month=1&year=2010 GAS SUPPLIES RUNNING OUT IN UK: http://www.dailyexpress.co.uk/posts/view/149760 Ice Slows Operation At N.J. Nuclear Power Plant: http://cbs3.com/local/nuclear.power.plant.2.1404207.html Elderly burn books for warmth? http://www.metro.co.uk/news/807821-pensioners-burn-books-for-warmth Vermont sets 'all-time record for one snowstorm': http://www.necn.com/Bost
  13. I think the absence of blackpowder smoke is a HUGE farb! From Cowboy Action Shooting I've seen blackpowder competitors have to wait for the air to clear in front of their guns so they can see to take a second shot. Since it's a timed competition, on still humid mornings when the smoke hangs heavy, they'll try to remember where the targets were and shoot through the wall of smoke. Can you imagine two opposing lines of War of Northern Aggression skirmishers? 1) You wanted all your men to fire at once so that everyone could still see the enemy. 2) There must have been a huge advantage in be
  14. The only advantage that I can see to having written rules for the moderators, is that some of us could then argue about how a certain rule was or was not applied. As a relatively new member, I like it just fine the way it is. The moderator's presence is usually in the back of my mind if ever I compose a fiery message. I appreciate the time they invest. Gentlemen Moderators, Thank you! Brown-nosing completed. ;^) JoeBob
  15. My 4th grade daughter is chomping at the bit to join a venturing crew specifically because she hates the sewing craft project that her girl scout group is working on. I think it's a double negative to ask 4th and 5th grade boys to SEW a HANDBAG. Good luck with that. ;^) JoeBob
  16. "Inconvenient truth for Al Gore as his North Pole sums don't add up" Owl got caught in Copenhagen yesterday stretching the truth again: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/copenhagen/article6956783.ece Dr Maslowki, who works at the US Naval Postgraduate School in California, said Its unclear to me how this figure was arrived at, based on the information I provided to Al Gores office.
  17. 2 more tips: 1- Wear LOOSE FITTING clothes, if any, inside your sleeping bag. If your clothing is tight, it restricts the blood flow to your extremities. Just reading about your sweatpants under jeans made my toes cold! 2- Wear a wool sweater or poly pullover as a BAFFLE around your neck. (ie- Don't put your arms in the sleeves.) When you're lying in your mummy bag, raise your arms and you'll feel the cold air rush in through the breathing hole. Lower your arms and you'll feel the now warm air ooze out. As you shift positions during a cold night, you're pumping the mummy bag
  18. Ev: Good thing you had a trashcan nearby. I've found it hard to get the little chunks out of the crevices on my keyboard...
  19. I found this link to be a great resource for Whittlin' Chip: http://www.cubpack178.com/documents/whittling_chip_prog.pdf
  20. Short Ridge, Google 'Flag Retirement'. Most of your results will be from Scouts with the few exceptions being veterans organizations. Scouts and Vets have traditionally been entrusted with the special duty of retiring flags with respect. Believe it. It's for your own good... ;^)
  21. WhiteHair: Which point of the Scout Law does that fall under? Almost all: Trustworthy: Not lying about how I feel. Loyal: To my country and the flag that represents it. Helpful: Can I remind you of why we stand and pledge allegiance? Friendly: I didn't just ignore you, like others did. Courteous: I said it nice! Kind: This is probably for your own good... Obedient: Doin' what Mama taught me. Cheerful: While smilling. Thrifty: er - maybe not. Clean: Not being dirty about it. Brave: As opposed to others who hide behind PC to avoid confrontation? Reverent: See
  22. GWD - I don't buy into the Politically Correct version of history that slavery was totally and completely evil. For instance, the decendants of slaves in the US are certainly doing better than the freed slaves who returned to found Liberia. But that argument doesn't belong in this thread, or even on this forum; so I'll defer for now. (Actually, I don't type well enough, or have the time to invest in winning you over to my point of view. Maybe over the holidays.)
  23. DWS - I think he'd have called that a 'misplaced modifier'. Although his favorite part of speech was a 'dangling participle'.
  24. I saw the topic title, "Inappropriate Adult Knots", and thought that I was dropping in to a discussion about the pros and cons of tying a Hangman's Noose. Instead, I've learned that there is an illegal knot that I can put on my uniform to use as bait to catch... Just kidding! Really! I named my son after my homsexual debate coach, because he was a good man! JoeBob
  25. Hey Shortridge, Although not codified, Scouts and Veterans groups have always been the two traditional sources for proper civilian flag retirement. http://www.flagkeepers.org/ProperDisposalCeremony.asp Pack - Sounds like I may not like your neighbor, after all. I can't defend slavery in today's world. When were the good old days? Heck, I miss Bush! But I was referring to the absence of courteous manners, chivalry, and other charms associated with Southern culture.
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