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Everything posted by JoeBob

  1. At CM training this weekend I learned that the 'New Method' will do away with the name 'Webelos Two' and replace it with 'Arrow of Light Scouts'. I didn't know fifth graders had a problem with Webelos II, but I'm a bit worried about the abuse inevitable for 'Arrow of Light Scouts'. 'We'll Be Loyal Scouts' is shortened into Webelos. 'Arrow of Light Scouts' will become AoLS; 'Ay Oles'. Say it three times fast, and tell me you don't see where this is going...
  2. Basement said: " Then I see The hate being spewed by Glen Beck and his like " Take your presumptions to the Politics thread. I shouldn't address them here.
  3. Like Packsaddle said, don't SIT in a canoe unless you're drinking beer; KNEEL! I even kneel on mini-cell foam pads when I'm fishing from a canoe. Better hook-sets! http://www.paddling.net/buyersguide/Canoes.html Used canoes can educate you. First canoe in '73 was an aluminum Ouachita. Fed it to Bull Sluice when the first drop flooded enough water into the boat to dislodge my flotation block. The boat had a 'nose up' snooty attitude after that. Second canoe in '76 was a 17 foot Old Town Royalex hull. It's still in heavy use in Wisconsin.
  4. Do they really want us to file Tour Permits or not? Sometimes it's easier to re-define your outing so that it falls outside the definition of requiring a tour permit, than to deal with the paperwork. Filed one once. Ain't going back unless I have to. This website is anonymous, right?
  5. A kidnapper has buried your child in a box with limited air. The police have caught him, but it's in his best interest not to tell where under the earth your child is suffocating. If he doesn't tell, he can deny doing it to a jury. If you tell me that you don't want some police sergeant to apply a little pain or mental distress to the psychopath to find your dying child, I don't believe you. Other scenarios: Bomb on a plane. Nuclear bomb in NYC. Plane hijacking into the World Trade Centers. You wouldn't condone torture if it could prevent any of those?
  6. Eagle, I guess I wasn't clear enough in introducing my suggestion. The muzzle sweep problems that I've observed have nothing to do with scouting. Younger hunters and competitive shooters, whose scouting background is unknown to me, don't share the same respect for weapons that I was raised to have. I was merely suggesting a teaching exercise to help transition range discipline to real world application. Didn't mean to get anybody riled up...
  7. Eagle, In range scenarios, when the subject knows they are being watched, you're right. They know the rules and follow them. Afield, when firearm handling is the secondary concern, consciouness of direction muzzle is immaterial.
  8. 1- I have no knowledge / experience / training regarding firearms courses. So this is a question / wish / request based on behaviors observed in younger shooters at competitions and in the field. New shooters have no muzzle awareness. They are not conscious of that invisible laser beam that comes out of the end every gun at all times that should never sweep over a human. I don't know if this is because of video games, toy guns, hollywood, or lack of exposure. But I'm getting swept more often and observing others in the line of fire; usually by the younger shooters. Sugg
  9. Vigil, Taught camp archery this summer. First day cut down a 2" sweetgum tree behind the range. Let all the cubs crush a leaf and smell the gum. Told 'em I'd do a little work each night, show 'em our daily progress, and we'd have a bow at the end of the week. 1st night - debarked and limbed it. Day two - Assigned scouts homework to name the bow. 2nd night - carved notches and strung it. 3rd night - added a deerskin grip and two plastic circles (Small saucers with holes in 'em - spindle inserts) Day 4 - shot the bow for each class - once - sweetgum is not a tight wood! Told '
  10. Vigil, I've a friend who shoots a beautiful wooden recurve and accuses me of having 'training wheels' on my compound...
  11. Basement nailed it. Start with a recurve for teaching technique and building muscle. Graduate to a compound once the weight you want to hold for hunting gets too heavy. Heavier bows for hunting result in better arrow penetration for humane kills. The weight reduction at full-draw (let-off) enabled by compound bows means that you can hold your anchor point longer for better aiming and shot placement. I found a plethora of bows on eBay. Most sporting goods stores will have target arrows. When you move up to hunting, you'll want to have arrows made that fit your draw length and
  12. Is a double barrel a single shot? How about a double barrel muzzle-loader? Since all muzzle-loader calibers exceed .22, can we extrapolate that muzzle-loading calibers are not restricted by BSA rules? If so, I've found the perfect gun for Boy Scouts: http://www.batteryb.com/double-barreled_cannon.html
  13. A Wolf in our pack worked hard with his soon-to-be-deployed dad to complete his Bear requirements in November. Do you think we could hold that award back? I liked the fire and peer pressure it brought to bear on the rest of the den. Pun accidental.
  14. Single shot? No lever action, bolt action, pump action or semi-automatic? Single shot? I'm not sure I've ever seen one. I've got single shot deer calibers, but no single shot .22.
  15. Pack - you got me. Don't some of these leeches make "not work" a verb in its own right? Perdid - Do you know how the percentages CLAIMED to be educated today compare to the percentages who were actually literate in the 1860s?
  16. Two more embers for the fire: 1- Education before the government takeover was better than now. As evidenced by the grammar and the eloquence of letters written by lowly privates during the War of Northern Agression, those little one-room school houses could do a pretty good job. 2- There is no longer an immediate penalty for not having an education. You will be fed and housed by (socialistic) welfare or charity unless you choose to be homeless. You need to be educated in order to increase your earnings if you work. If you choose to not work, why bother to be educated?
  17. Calico - hope you caught a few big ones. Whichever half of the split hair you're holding, my post was about media bias against Scouting. The original article failed to make note of the Scouts building a structure worth X dollars, which is how they secured favorable lease terms in the first place. Now I'm gone fishin'. JoeBob
  18. This buying guide said everything I would have typed, better: http://www.galttech.com/research/sports/canoe-buying-guide.php Materials, manufactures, and prices included. We're still paddling a 17 foot Old Town (Royalex) that I bought in 1977, so it's 33 years old. Usage has been 25% class 3 (Eastern scale) whitewater, 50% flatwater, and 25% riding a rack.(This message has been edited by JoeBob)
  19. Pack and Basement: (Mostly copied from the other thread:) The annual family vacation takes place at the inlaws' lake cabin in upper Wisconsin. Lotsa eagles and loons that we don't see in The South. Monday's low was 40 degrees with a high of 72. At home in the big 'pimple' the low was 74 and the high was 94. Mom takes care of the motorized water sports; and the bicycling (Look Dad, no hills!) fishing and canoeing are my purview. Given the choice between a wilderness overnight hike, or paddling to an island campout, the 11 year old daughter has opted to fish her way into camp. (I w
  20. Pack and Basement: The annual family vacation takes place at the inlaws' lake cabin in upper Wisconsin. Monday's low was 40 degrees with a high of 72. At home in the big 'pimple' the low was 74 and the high was 94. Mom takes care of the motorized water sports; and the bicycling (Look Dad, no hills!) fishing and canoeing are my purview. Given the choice between a wilderness overnight hike, or paddling to an island campout, the 11 year old daughter has opted to fish her way into camp. (I will have to convince her that nine year old brothers do NOT make good bait...) I've already starte
  21. Pack and Basement - Great advice. My daughter is 11 and quitting GSA because she has NO interest in knitting, etc. Already shoots a 30 lb bow well, and is waiting until she's 14 to join Venture. You've inspired me to take her on an adventure next month in Wisconsin. I should quit waiting. Thanks, JoeBob
  22. CalicoPA: Split hairs often? What if I said that the BSA owned the materials and paid for the labor to contruct the building? Would omission of that fact color the reportage?
  23. Argh the sports! 3rd Grade son = Year round tennis, Basketball, lacrosse, and dropped swimming and baseball. 4th Grade daughter = Year round tennis, tennis camps, tennis leagues, two basketball seasons, and is dropping volleyball, baseball, and swimming. The wife and I laughed at our overscheduled friends and swore we'd never get that way. From kindergarten on, we always had somewhere to be. At what age did you start sports? They start at lot earlier now. Both of mine want to spend time hunting with me in the Fall, but they haven't enough time to practice, much less have
  24. Great topic. Good posts. Two I haven't seen yet: 1- Face to face social interaction is on the decline. Facebook, Twitter, eMail, and discussion forums like this one have surplanted getting to know your neightbors and the parents of your child's classmates. 2- Electronic games, computers, and TV provide a substitute outlet for boys' energy, babysitting for lazy parents, and an addictive vortex that sucks in young minds hooked on instant gratification.
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