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Everything posted by Gonzo1

  1. Eamonn, Gunny and John-in-KC have good comment. If you're needing to improve the shoe shines of the ship members, you're probably wearing navy issue boondockers, right? A good shine on most of the boot is all you can expect. But, since the boondockers are steel toe, you'll get great results on the toe area. Sorry SSS, not a big fan of the candle, but if you'd like to melt the polish (wax) into the leather, apply the was, use a bic type lighter and wave the flame about the wax to just barely melt it in. I have found this to be acceptable. Patience is the key to shoe shining mi
  2. Packsaddle, From the requirements: While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, any school, or your community. (The project should benefit an organization other than Boy Scouting.) The project idea must be approved by the organization benefiting from the effort, your Scoutmaster and troop committee and the council or district before you start. You must use the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook, BSA publication No. 18-927A, in meeting this requirement. It seems as you describe it, this int
  3. Packsaddle, Thank you, you made me laugh (you bastard) (wink), everyday is a great day. Signed, Gonzo, another bastard. Merlyn, I didn't mean to offend you or others by lumping those creatures in with Atheists. I'm sorry, I hope you accept my apology. Venividi, I believe the extremists are motivated by hatred. I'm glad I could clarify.
  4. First, a message to this forum moderator: I will take a brief hiatus from a non-communication with Merlyn to reply to a recent post then Merlyn, I will resume my silence towrad yu. for that, I hope you and others will be grateful as I will not argue with you and potentially make you angry. Merlyn: You said "That's about your style, gonzo1; gratuitously insult atheists, then refuse to debate with one" Here is what I actually said: "I'm sure atheists who post here .......are nice people. That is, they are not "bad". Therefore, I am not some religous person spreading a common lie."
  5. John in KC I truly believe (and now many will disagree) that the medical care (that is what the doctors and nurses do) at Walter Reed Medical Center is top notch, best of the best. The problem at Walter Reed has (or had) to do with the transient barracks for those on "medical hold". *********************************************************** Now hear this! Now hear this! (to attract your attention, insert sound of Boatswain's pipe) I said in a post about a month ago or so that I would not communicate with Merlyn, so, someone please let him know that I'm through with him. Mer
  6. I don't think that going out of council is not supporting council. I would say that not doing pocorn sales (of some kind) is not supportive or not doing Scout-o-Rama or whatever. As to skimpy food portions, there can be lots of waste when junior doesn't like fish sticks or green beans or whatever. As your troop goes ou of council, some other troop may come to your council. Perfect example of why I like patrol cooking camps.
  7. Venividi, (and anyone else who didn't understand my comment) My reference to the murderous thugs who unprovokedly attacked US, The United States of America on 9-11-01 was a cleaned up version of how I really feel about the bleep bleeping SOB's who killed +/- 3,000 innocent people. I don't insinuate that people who don't believe in God, like atheists are somehow "bad" because they don't believe in God, i.e. godless. I mean to say that people, like the gutless creatures we fight today are cowards who hide behind women and children. They hide in places of worship and hospital
  8. ogghall, Welcome. I think we should all thank our lucky stars we have President Bush in office instead of some schmuck like Gore, Kerry or Edwards. I suppose some people think we could win by having tea and crumpets with these Godless, murderous bastards that want to kill all of us.
  9. Local, Dear Friend Local. So as to keep the tone here most civil and non-argumentative, I must ask that you check your email for PM. G
  10. Raise your children - spoil your grandchildren Spoil your children - raise your grandchildren Whatever your kids want, make 'em earn it. If they're old enough, make 'em buy it.
  11. There is also the "Trained" strip, but that's obvious. Also, for commissioners is the Arrowhead. Gonzo
  12. Fox, I don't particularly like the title of this thread. "Get a Life" seems to imply (or is that really infer?) we don't already have a life. Many of us have devoted countless hours (and dollars) to scouting, some of us are just getting started. Regardless, it may be easier to get some answers here from a fountain of knowledge rather than asking someone at roundtable who may be prone to go back to your unit with other info. This is a harmless avenue to use, learn from it, enjoy it, even make friends. I have backpacked with Packsaddle (and look forward to it again) and exch
  13. I hope he has a good time. The pull up thing was discussed a few months ago also. Improvement should mean just that, improvement, he should be moved up. It doesn't say that improvement must be in each of the areas.
  14. Beavah, Pretty much a ditto of mtm25653. I voted for GWB twice. I would again if possible, but not is Fred Thompson were in the mix. I've never contributed to a presidential candidate before, but I will contribute to Thompson's campaign if he runs - which he probably will. The main thing I like about Bush is that he did what he said he would. I believe if Gore had been elected, he would have treated the 9/11 attack as a criminal matter and not a military matter - like it shuld be, a military matter. If Gore were elected, we'd all be riding bicycles to work. I do not agre
  15. Adults who are commissioners can earn the Commissioner's College patch with rockers for Basic, Bachelor's, Master's and Doctor's level rockers. Maybe World conservation too, but I'm not sure.
  16. Scoutldr, Maybe we're suffering through the Hawthorne Effect.
  17. Crossramwedge, Don't be discouraged. Your son's time will come, be patient. Gonzo
  18. Perhaps BSA could "beef up" the BSA Lifeguard requirements to EXCEED those of Red Cross lifeguard standards.
  19. Beavah and Packsaddle, It sure is more pleasant to disagree with you two than with Merlyn. I'll agree that Carter was honest and honorable. carter's character is probably what did him in, he was too honest and too honorable if there is really such a thing. Regarding Ford, all he ever wanted to be (politically) was Speaker of the House. As we know, he became President, I think he did an acceptable job, but the nation wanted something different, and boy did we get that. I'll also agree that it's different to fight a war and not have any real sacrifice at home. Americans (in
  20. Another contributing factor may be institutionalized softening. BSA may be softening scouting with the new WB course. As I understand it, the staff cooks for the participant for some of the course? C'mon. BSA took Cooking MB off the Eagle list, having the option of swimming MB and a couple of others, less outdoor activity. Hmm, maybe a Gameboy MB, Playstation MB are in the future.
  21. Eamonn, You may have hit the nail on the head. I took WB in '94, 3 weekends, 2 or 3 patrol meetings, it was more of an outdoors oriented course, sort of "advanced scoutmaster" type training. There was some touchy-feely stuff, some leadership and management, but not much.
  22. Welcome to the forum! Scouts are voted by non-members of OA for membership into OA. The Tap-out ceremony is when anyone elected should have been "tapped out". Check with the SM and the OA folks who conducted the election.
  23. Hmm, double digit inflation, high unemployment, double digit mortgage rates, "oil crisis", Iranian hostages, do-nothing presidency, I'd have to say that James Earl Carter will be remembered as the worst president in modern times. BUT, the media (and historians) will fall all over themselves because Carter was for a while the best ex-President for his work with habitat for Humanity. But then he called on the UN to post observers HERE!!!! The way he has ripped President Bush is appauling, he stay in Plains. President Bush may not be the best in history, how could someone compare to Washi
  24. I think some of the weakness comes from weak leaders. We have this guy in our church (not a scouter) who likes to camp, but the only thing he cooks is hot dogs and hamburgers. I offered to go on a two family campout and I could show him a thing or two, but he said "why bother, hot dogs work" I told him I could make pizza in camp, he would rather call out to domino's. He said if it rained, he would just hide in his tent with the family. I started to chuckle, in fact, I'm chuckling now. Gonzo
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