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Everything posted by fred8033

  1. The scout-led annual planning was one of our troop's high points for years. The idea was the SM worked with the SPL so that the SPL was ready to run the planning. Some of the prep was finding school and holiday calendars. Others were getting paper calendars, easels, tape and other materials. Then, the troop had last years annual planning goals and choices put up to the side. Then the troop would work through goal planning, idea generation and also then putting date and events on the calendar. The SPL and PLs would vote and coordinate. Often, any scout who wanted to attend could. But it
  2. I agree ... We were better with <city> troop <#> Problems ... many of our troops pull from multiple cities. Personally, I don't see it as a big issue if my kid was in a neighboring city troop. It would be interesting ... Metropolis Troop 5. identifying troops would be harder. Data input would be harder and would always require city and state.
  3. I'm with you. No policy necessary. I've seen thoughtful practices such as new SPL is really elected a two year position. Six months of incoming ASPL. Then 12 months SPL. Then outgoing ASPL for six months. But even with those thoughtful practices, I prefer none. IMHO, the best is to keep it simple and keep the adults in the back of the room. At annual planning, schedule elections twice a year. As close to just over six months as possible. I liked how our troop did it for years. An ASPL scramples to find paper and tears it into election slips. SPL asks for nominations.
  4. "professional life" ... I was differentiating with trades. Trades can provide good income to raise a family. But, trades still mostly require a two year degree (or more) that directly targets the skills to be used. IMHO except for technical degrees (sciences, math, engineering, etc), the general college degrees rarely directly help professional careers ... except to get hired. I've seen many many well educated high school graduates that I consider as well suited for most professional jobs.
  5. Now is when you plan 2020 trips. You're right on schedule. I'd call someone experienced with that exact water. Flows. Waves. Tides. Wind (predictable and BIG issue for us on certain parts of river due to landscape). A good advice I'd give is do your big leg on the first day. We always planned 19 / 20 miles first day and 8/12 miles second day. Scouts were tired on the second day and wanted to get off the river a little after noon.
  6. I firmly agree, but it's now the starting point for a professional life. Very hard to have a long term stable career without a college degree. Personally, I don't see it adding much actual value or capability anymore.
  7. How fast does the river flow? It depends. Moving water or lakes? Unloading, portaging and reloading? For our river trips, we timed it in the fall so the river was slow at about 4 mph. We did 18 to 20 miles the first day. Plenty of breaks for lunch, etc. The key was that even if the scouts did not paddle, we'd get to our destination. It was more a matter of how long we were on the river.
  8. I had misinterpreted as "in-work" merit badges. The question was different in that it was asking about completed merit badges. Specifically, the troop stub portion of the blue card. I do know counselors that keep their inventory long term. I don't. If a scout needed it signed again, I would after a brief chat of where and when and a few of the details.
  9. ... Personal use. Not troop ... My absolute first choice ... his paper scoutbook. Put clips or tabs on the key pages were data is recorded. ... Get a zippered cover so he can keep blue card and other paper records if he needs them. My electronic choice is scoutbook. They used to have an individual account if your troop doesn't use it. If they do, ask for your login as a parent. Then, connect your scout to it. It has good reports and good tracking. And, it's BSA's official records.
  10. I knew a scoutmaster that kept them for 20+ years. I personally see little value. I'm with T2Eagle. Now that records are electronic, it's mostly redundant. Minimize the time invested. Have an envelope for 2010, 2011, 2012, etc. Throw away after a few years or eight if it makes you feel better. I've never seen a troop use their portion of the cards to recreate records. Maybe in the old days it would have happened. But not now.
  11. Yeah. I was in a mood, but that is the common comparison to a logical fallacy.
  12. Until they see the scout. Question is a little like "when did you stop beating your wife?". It's hard to answer because you shouldn't be doing that. The blue card should either be in the hands of the scout or the counselor. When done, the scout hands in the troop's portion for the troop to keep. The scout keeps his part. The counselor keeps his part.
  13. I see sports and scouts with similar pros and cons. The big difference I see is that results in sports is much more visible. Confidence. Satisfaction of the parent watching their kid drive kick the ball, hit the ball, pass the ball, etc. Scouts is much more subtle. I often think it's hard for parents to see the benefits. But when I looked close at my kids after each camp out or event, I always saw a little more maturity or capability or pride. My cheap parent view is sports is about more immediate gratification. Scouts takes a longer time to see. Not all parents will wait t
  14. I think this is one of the reasons. All my adult leader friends who brought a smile when they showed up have moved on. I still have many friends, but it is not like it was. And I must admit ... this last month, I've done a lot of yard work and home projects that I have put off for a decade. It's sort of nice working my ticket back into my home life.
  15. I've been mulling when to step away and make room for the next volunteer. This will be my 20th year in scouting as a parent. 18th year as a volunteer leader. 500+ nights camping. ... I like sleeping outside on a nice cool night more than sleeping inside ... Wood badge was 11 years ago. Lots of district and council work. I've also done a lot of volunteering outside of scouting. I once thought scouting would be my life-long volunteer passion. But, it's lost it's luster for me in many ways. Maybe that's normal that as you get more involved and more responsible for the content, you
  16. We had scouts skit by patrol. Parents in the back. Siblings tended to do their own things either with patrol or with parent. Sometimes we had the patrol flags and scouts sat by their patrol flag. Usually a semi-circle.
  17. It has been a few years, but we used the online application for those who were not at the recruitment or join events in-person. Essentially, we'd get them signed up any way possible. BUT ... we preferred the paper. It allowed us to charge the full pack dues. Not just that portion that was paid to national or council. It was always uncomfortable having someone fill out the online national / council application, and then ask them for the pack membership fee later. We used that fee for program, awards, special events, advancements, food, cub books, annual t-shirts and misc cost. We
  18. Very sad. BSA is tagged with the greater fault when BSA did more than most institutions to at the time.
  19. You are right. It is fear. I fear someone reading our chat / discussion as direction and advice to go create a library of checklists. I'm okay to use them initially as a tool to teach out to plan a troop meeting or run a PLC or plan a campout meals. I fear another troop rules book. I fear permanently using a library of checklists. I just remember too many times and too many scout leaders that want to write more rules or add forms / checklists instead of providing subtle guidance in the background. I've seen many experienced adult and youth scouts work with new scouts and new lea
  20. I think the scoutmaster found them effective. And, it promoted his controlling the troop even without his interacting all the time. it created a very procedures oriented troop. There was a flow-chart on how to request rank advancement. Who to get your advancement report from? Then to review it? Then to submit the reviewed signed off sheet to the advancement chair. With the signed off advancement review, the advancement chair would schedule a SMC. Then the scout brings back the slip from the SMC to the advancement chair so the advancement chair can schedule a BOR. Then .... I thin
  21. I worked with a troop that had at least 35+ checklists. SPL pre-campout planning checklist. ASPL pre-campout checklists for visiting the patrols to make sure they were filling out their PL pre-campout checklist and submitting them back to the ASPL. SPL PLC running checklist. QM pre-campout checklist. QM inventory-checkout lists. I swear the troop had at least two and up to five/six checklists for each position in the troop. IMHO, the scouts earned a mini-MBA by being in the troop. One or two templates are useful ... such as for new patrols ... a meal-planning form. Or for new SP
  22. I also prefer not pushing checklists on the scouts.
  23. I absolutely agree. From what I see, patrols are meaningless to most of the "troop" meeting. Until a different structure would happen, I agree with your comment. Focus on what is important to patrols. From my perspective, it's always the camping. Food. Activities. Ideas. Future camp / activity planning. Maybe it's also planning to be the service patrol (flags, setup, etc) or the program patrol (adding games and content). IMHO, it needs to always include felllowship time.
  24. I actually think that is a real suggestion. It mimics Cub Scouts, but if you minimize adults and the patrols keep meeting, then I could see it working and working well. I really think patrols are subverted by troop structures and habits.
  25. Free range ... I tend to agree with the "free range" ideal of scouting. Though with today's legal system and risk adverse society, I doubt we could make it cleanly happen. But even then, I don't think it's so bad if we can get the adult leaders sitting in the background enjoying coffee and out of the scout's hair. It's not ideal, but it's achievable. No SPL or PLC ... I like the idea of having the patrol leaders at the top of the POR chain. It's so true that today's BSA POR chain views the PL as the entry level position. It shouldn't be. The whole scout experience and look and fe
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