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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/20 in Posts

  1. As I said previously: HIPAA is the most misunderstood law and it has gotten worse since COVID. The HIPAA Rules apply to covered entities and business associates. What is defined as covered entities and business associates? Only three entities A Health Care Provider A Health Plan A Health Care Clearinghouse Are you a health care provider? Are you a health plan? Are you a health care clearinghouse? Here's a handy chart to walk you through it. No? Are you the business associate of any of the above 3? No? Then So, your IT guy M
    4 points
  2. Photographing the color guard: cool. Photographing players and audience: not cool.
    2 points
  3. I agree — I did some event photography over the years semi officially and the key is what Parkman said about being “purposeful and dignified.” As I got better equipment, I generally went to longer/telephoto lenses to record ceremonies so I could still get good photos from the periphery of the event to limit how intrusive I was being as much as I could, but the key is how your behavior and body language convey that you are recording the event and the participants versus the now caricature of the cell-camera wielding parent blocking everyone’s view to get a snapshot of junior...
    2 points
  4. Another factor for any non-profit board of an organization that seeks grant funding is that many (if not most) major grants want to know if all of the Board members are donors. In some cases you aren't eligible or may receive lesser consideration if your Board donation rate isn't 100%. Of course, this can be accomplished by requiring a minimum $1.00 donation or a minimum $1000 donation.
    1 point
  5. @Eagle94-A1 got it. https://books.google.com/books?id=OewRADmIubAC&pg=PA42&lpg=PA42&dq="Scouts+in+Action"+%2B"July+1947"&source=bl&ots=1Lb2GW3iqa&sig=ACfU3U11r9RCgW7KZV-3iOFrsaOiANCOIg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjkhrfTmvPrAhURVN8KHdvGBtIQ6AEwAnoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q="Scouts in Action" %2B"July 1947"&f=false
    1 point
  6. @RememberSchiff, It was from the 1940s. When I get a chance at home, I will see if I have the item saved.
    1 point
  7. If memory serves, SCOUTS IN ACTION did the story way back when. I found the story, or a very similar one, back in 2010 when I was doing a Scouting History project for the district banquet.
    1 point
  8. Opps! That was an embarrassing typo from my phone! It is www.campdoc.com. I thought it was webdoc.com.
    1 point
  9. Yes, but any licensed provider could do it. They just have to enter their info, just as on the BSA form. And yes, people cheat. We have had parents fake Part C's before, and called them on it, discretely of course.
    1 point
  10. I've always found that photographers get a special license to take pictures during ceremonies like that. Its important to record moments like those. Just be purposefully and dignified when you do it and you'll be fine.
    1 point
  11. Another pro tip... Carry a few copies of the BSA Health and Supplemental Insurance Form (or other form if you have a different insurance) in your medical binder. If you give those to the provider and explain it is supplemental, you can save parents aome headaches and bucks down the road. Our supplemental insurance through our council covers any co-pays... https://www.hsri.com/forms/claim forms-approved/Boy Scouts of America/Boy Scouts of America - Council & Unit.pdf You will still need to fill out and get a form signed at your council office when you return home, thoug
    1 point
  12. I'm not sure how long you've been at this game known as scouts, but hard earned experience is that if you do this: "One form (call it "Scout copy") is kept at the scouts house, by the scout, and one form is kept at the "Form Keepers" location ("master copy"). " you will spend a lot of time every Friday before pulling out of the parking lot ensuring that each scout has a form, and then you'll spend some more time as one or two scramble because they forgot it. If you're just going to have the scouts responsible for their form what is the point of having a master file that never gets used?
    1 point
  13. Yes, we were far more rural in the earlier days. I am hoping to find more now that I have added Newspaper.com to my list. They have actual Ventura papers, but not all the way back to 1910. It is that first couple of decades that is so sparse. I stumbled across the first apparent unit in 1910 just scanning through microfilm. Have yet to find anything more on that unit, other than the Congregational church minutes officially terminating the group in 1914. I suspect it was not overly active during that period, or it would have shown up a bit. No names of even the leaders. Good news is tha
    1 point
  14. I am very serious. The messaging concerning Boy Scouts (AKA Scouts BSA) has been IDENTICAL programs, no changes to the program, the same program for all, etc etc. Step on up and get your Eagle. Now there are in fact two handbooks, a Girls Handbook and a Boys Handbook. One would assume actually 4 handbooks, 2 for Girls English and Spanish and 2 for Boys English and Spanish. What message does that send? Basically subliminally telegraphing that there are in fact differences. There probably are not any other than the photos, but is that in fact the case (one would hope that is t
    1 point
  15. Why then was there no concern about Cub books being co-ed in terms of photos and representations? Those packs/dens are also supposed to be separate, right? It's such a weird thing to bother with. Either it's a problem or it's not. And yet we get this seemingly split perspective on it from National. Or maybe that makes total sense considering the source. 😅
    1 point
  16. The "optics" here are not good. Different handbooks suggest different programs, even if its actually all the same program.
    1 point
  17. But but...it's all the same...They promised Except.... Then they added the linked troops, then the early adopter units sort of looked the other way for girl only dens, then the councils looked the other way for the same, then units in Oregon played the system and started a girls Explorer Club and called them a troop and brought them to camp and there was much rejoicing, and then National rolled inconsistent adult leadership requirements and there was no explanation, and many units said they were just going to be coed, then many councils started inflating the number of perspective gir
    1 point
  18. Really??!?!? Are you serious? If they changed the Boy Scout book to add some pictures of girls and changed some pronouns you would have went nuts claiming they “changed the program”. They are adding a girls book with picture of girls and adding “she” instead of “he”. They did this in a separate book so they don’t upset the existing boys and their leaders... and that is now an issue? WOW! Perhaps we need to add trigger warnings to any BSA announcements going forward so existing leaders can go to their safe spaces prior to hearing such things like there is a scouts BSA book with pic
    -1 points
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