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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/23 in all areas

  1. I am COR for Pack/Troop dropped by a Roman Catholic parish and picked up by my Byzantine Catholic parish. My pastor voluntarily not only paid the increase but asked for an additional 1 million in coverage. We are not a large or wealthy parish so it can’t have cost all that much to do. I think many pastors/bishops who disagree with BSA are using this liability/insurance cost as an excuse. Note in this case the bishop did not say parishes couldn’t charter units. The pastor decided he didn’t want to charter the units after we met with him to ask if the Pack could go co-Ed.
    2 points
  2. 1 point
  3. I love that “primordial goodness” bit, until I butt up against the head of a scout who picks and chooses the points he wants to obey. The day after a critical incident, the kid literally rattled off the law, skipping “courteous, kind, obedient.” I corrected him on his omissions and said, “You made vows. They define what a scout is. If someone is the opposite of 1/4 of those things, they are not a scout. This is a scout camp.” He tried, poorly, and still had to be sent home. After that, I dealt with self righteous older scouts who should know better but disregarded the same point
    1 point
  4. My ASM who was a SM of a Troop for many years had several of his former scouts mail him their Eagle Scout medals when BSA fought against including gay scouts. He said it was hard on him but he understood and respected their stance. I'm here at summer camp with a Life rank gay/transgender scout and am happy I don't have to kick them out due to someone else's beliefs. BSA has many faults, but allowing LGBTQ and girls as members are not one of them.
    1 point
  5. An interesting twist is Michigan Crossroads Council has moved to an online WebDic or something. This would be great. I wouldn’t even mind if I had to print a consolidated report. Please national, take $4 of our fee and do something like this. Make our lives easier.
    1 point
  6. As I said previously: HIPAA is the most misunderstood law and it has gotten worse since COVID. The HIPAA Rules apply to covered entities and business associates. What is defined as covered entities and business associates? Only three entities A Health Care Provider A Health Plan A Health Care Clearinghouse Are you a health care provider? Are you a health plan? Are you a health care clearinghouse? Here's a handy chart to walk you through it. No? Are you the business associate of any of the above 3? No? Then So, your IT guy M
    1 point
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