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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/19 in Posts

  1. No offense, but who is Suzanne Blanchard? How do we know her information is factually correct about the mortgage? What proof does she have to claim Stinnett and Smith, two long time Scouters and volunteers now seek to "destroy" the BSA? Let's be frank, and I likely speak for most, but not all of this forum. The behavior and decisions made by Irving over the last decade has caused volunteers like us to distrust the BSA. Oftentimes, even when decisions are made that I agreed with, the methods in which they were made were not transparent. Membership standard changes, YPT rule changes,
    3 points
  2. While there is less community it certainly isn't less relevant (look at suicide rates over the past 50 years), and I think that's the key to your last question: what image should the BSA project? There may be fewer parents interested in developing responsibility and self sufficiency in their kids, but the BSA isn't even close to getting the attention of those that are left. But I do agree that the image problem is a wreck. Part of the problem is the need for some better PR. Maybe we can get our UK friends to ask the Duchess of Cambridge if she'd pop on over and visit some scout troops aro
    3 points
  3. They want to sell the BSA mailing list. Just another fund-raiser to put more cash in their pockets before the bankruptcy judge fires them all. See the other topic about mortgaging Philmont to gain an enlightened view of Irving's trustworthy intents.
    3 points
  4. I keep hearing the "selling data" issue come up. I think this concern is kinda silly being most of us provide data to facebook and google willingly on a daily basis. Being self employed for most of my life, I was amazed how much paperwork I had to sign when I became an employee three years ago. Point being, many employers require the same checks, if not more. I suspect some may want IP addresses soon.
    2 points
  5. National must answer the following questions: 1) When did they start using Philmont as collateral for debt (March 2019 or earlier)? 2) Did the action taken in March 2019 put Philmont in any more risk of loss regardless of BSA’s financial situation? 3) What specific expenses was the credit line/increase of Credit line from Philmont used for? 4) What other options were considered? 5) How was the Philmont volunteer committee involved in either the decision and/or post decision report out? 6) What is the status of the other BSA properties? The decision they made
    2 points
  6. Thanks for checking as I don't FB. If National did not inform Mr. Stinnett while he served in either position, I can understand his quitting and if he does take legal action, the BSA would likely revoke his membership anyway. Given his Scouting history, I suspect he still cares deeply about Scouting and Philmont plus he is an attorney. IMHO, sending him an email thanking him for his service to Scouting and asking him to save Philmont for future generations is worth our time and effort. Mark Stinnett 1975-1978: Camp Director and Ranger (Philmont) (from FB https://www.faceboo
    2 points
  7. Just to verify, I went on facebook and looked for Stinnett's facebook page (he's a lawyer in Colorado Springs). He put up two posts on the 21st: he quit his Philmont position as Camping/Program chairman and his National Committee Member position. So, I guess there's no point in sending him any email.
    2 points
  8. No doubt yall all know more about the Scouting world than I do, but this was on FB this evening...
    2 points
  9. Concur. The image of Scouts themselves may be the only thing untarnished by the issues and controversies of the last several years. That is why the message we put out to the world should not mention the Boy Scouts of America or the institution of "Scouting." Scouts, Scouts, Scouts . . . young men and young women . . . future leaders, future heroes. Scouts change the world.
    2 points
  10. In an updated FB post she referenced the lawsuit that @RememberSchiff posted on our forum... essentially the request that he file a lawsuit. I don’t think she has inside knowledge of the situation and is speculating.
    1 point
  11. The posts by @RememberSchiff, @Sentinel947, & @Eagle1993 are very well taken. I'm pretty sure we're seeing high level BSA politics play out online. Not knowing any of the players directly it is hard to ascertain motives. However, looking at this as objectively as possible I sense that Mr. Stinnett has simply had enough. It's not that he's trying to destroy the BSA, but he's fighting for it. At that level fights can be nasty and so you get quotes like Ms. Blanchards. My feelings mirror those of the other posters. I have been a defender of national on this forum a great m
    1 point
  12. Many of the factors described by the OP in the first post, and then clarified as lifestyle choices are very prevalent in wealthy areas. The only difference is those with $ are able to hide it better and (unfortunately) the myth persists that those with wealth must have worked hard for it and the poor are lazy. In many wealthy areas, drug use by adults abounds, and broken homes are the norm too. In no areas are the kids responsible for where they were born and to whom. Yes they have choices too, but they are still kids.
    1 point
  13. Lots of great stuff in this post by @MattR. I picked this one because supplemental training, Roundtable sessions, campfire discussions, district newsletter articles, parking lot conversations, etc. are things that we can do right now without altering official training syllabi or training schedules or making program changes. All we have to do is just take the initiative and start talking to other Scouters about typical problems with leader training and program quality, and how to solve them. Scouts change the world.
    1 point
  14. And that's the catch, isn't it? Program changes only come from National, and given their track record, any changes are likely to be poorly conceived, poorly received, and poorly implemented. Our best hope for moving forward may be if National puts a moratorium on any program changes for the next ten years or so. In any case, they may be too busy with survival to worry about something like youth program. So let me offer some optimistic thoughts. I agree that the decline of "everybody knows everybody" residential communities has hurt Scouting by breaking the connection between Sco
    1 point
  15. To boldly camp where most will not camp anymore!
    1 point
  16. The BSA has said, to paraphrase, "That's just legal mumbo-jumbo that the law requires. We promise we won't do anything other than the usual criminal background check, same as we've always done. Scout's Honor." I can't believe people are being so naive about this. As my dear late dad used to say..."I was born at night, but it wasn't last night."
    1 point
  17. Why does this disease that everything has to be bigger, better, blingy-er always infect organizations? Instead of Bechtel, BSA could have done so much more good if it had developed a program to help retain Council level camps and properties on a regional basis. Property management expertise, help in setting up regional joint purchasing agreements to maximize cost efficiencies, marketing help, seed money to help transition some holdings into public ownership rather than being lost to sale and development. We are not scouts if we can't get kids outside. We are losing too many council camp proper
    1 point
  18. it is hard to check summer camp "Merit Badge Counselors" because most of them, in the camps I have witnessed in operation over a six-state area since 1981 are not Merit Badge Counselors. They are minors -thus ineligible to be Merit Badge Counselors - assigned by council employees to conduct Merit Badge sessions and participate in the faking of records. There will be no record of their registration, because they are not registered as Position Code 42 Merit Badge Counselors, an adult position. Field sports and waterfront are more likely to have actual Merit Badge Counselors due to liability
    0 points
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