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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/18 in Posts

  1. I'm just glad the fingers are there to heal! It's no picnic though. I took myself off the opioid faster than the surgeon recommended, but that stuff scares me. I lost a cousin to an overdose a few years back. As near as I can figure it, I have about 40,000 hours on power tools. You would think I woukd know how to stay safe by now. As for the boys getting on my case, I think it shows they like me. I have been teaching them tree felling and cutting techniques from the old green and brown field books. while admonishing them to be safe. So they are just delighted to pay me back in my
    4 points
  2. I was only half listening but yes - it is through PTC, not through camping HQ, and it sounded like no training course is required. And did anyone notice the dates....June 23 - July 7. Weeks 3 and 4. The weeks that were traditionally LDS weeks but quite suddenly became empty weeks this year. No surprise that they are trying something to recoup that lost income.
    2 points
  3. I am reminded of the IOLS scenario: The three words no SM wants to hear: "HEY, WATCH THIS !" Heal quickly and well, friend....
    2 points
  4. I never did report back on the Court of Honor! I went with the white NESA neckerchief which was PERFECT, since it was nice enough to look spiffy (white on tan/green = VERY classy!), but not the same as the blue neckers the boys were awarded that day. It looked great, it didn't draw attention from the boys being honored, and it was in all a lovely gift from the Scout and his family that gave it to me. I did have to stifle a few laughs during the ceremony though; each boy had a moment when his old neckerchief was removed as our COR attempted to place the new blue Eagle necker over their col
    2 points
  5. Facebook? Is that still around?
    2 points
  6. If for: Cub scouts, https://www.scouting.org/outdoor-programs/shooting-sports/ and look for the Cub Scout shooting manual. Boy Scout merit badge, read the pamphlet for the particular award. or see the Shooting Sports Manual and updates. Venturing, read either the handbook or see the above link for Venturing Outstanding Achievement
    1 point
  7. That's one thing the old yo1 YPT had over the new one IMO. As cheesy as they were, I liked that they included scouting specific scenarios such as a leader walking off with a scout, or the scout taking pictures by the showerhouse. Plus in the old one they reiterated Two-deep in almost every training module, which I think they only mentioned once in the new YPT2. Overall, I think YPT2 looks prettier and has more in depth information about Child Abuse in general, but I think its a less effective training tool for Leaders
    1 point
  8. I feel like we should be the target audience... I have a 9yo CS and a 11yo BS. The value proposition of the 3 of us going down for a week at $650 is pretty compelling... but looking at the descriptions the activities are weak. So we have horse rides on docile horses and climbing on very easy routes and short hikes. This looks like Cub Camp or First Year Scout Camp. That's not what I want to see at Philmont. B-P and others talk about the mythopoetic value of Scouting activities. Beyond the physical majesty, Philmont also serves as some sort of pinnacle of high adventure. Yeah, that's debatable
    1 point
  9. Yea, I think this is just better marketing of something that was always available and making lemonade out of the lemons of less crews signing up this year (for whatever reason). Given the popularity of National Parks I think they may be exploiting an available market.
    1 point
  10. IMHO it has gotten two expensive and too complicated to go. We have had plenty of scouts go but more and more they are planning and going on their own adventures (in and out of scouting) for the same or less money.
    1 point
  11. Hi guys/girls, I am new to this forum. I am in Scotland and have 1 daughter, 6yr old Charlotte who attends Brownies here, I am one of the assistants at that group and really enjoy volunteering there :).
    1 point
  12. I limit myself to one tank of gas in the big chainsaw now. My back and bad left shoulder will be sending me nasty reminders next morning if I go much past that. Old age is no place for wimps ! "Tiny wheel of sawing death" I love it! They can trim your fingernails faster than you can blink.
    1 point
  13. You can look on their site and there are many many slots throughout 2018, waaaay more than I have seen in years past Many literally any day this summer
    1 point
  14. I read Canadian Broadcast Corporation.
    1 point
  15. Not having much fun right now, ran my hand into a carbide tipped saw blade a while back. Still have all ten fingers but did some damage to the extensor tendon. I'm in PT. now and slooowly getting better. But the scouts want to cut a corner off my totin chip card! Help
    1 point
  16. 《 places some dry twigs, kindling,and a hickory log or two on the coals. Ah there we go》 Now, where did I put that coffee pot?
    1 point
  17. I was surprised at the camp directors response I was expecting "No, please submit your $33" but here is his response: "I would say that yes, it does meet the new rule. The reason for the change was to ensure the CBC and YPT are completed and a Merit Badge Counselor application will check those boxes. At Camp this summer we are planning to accept registered Merit Badge Counselors to satisfy the requirement. "
    1 point
  18. Crazy Crow and Wandering Bull are higher priced than Wal-mart, or Michael's. But the quality and selection is much better. If you want to do some really nice loom or gourd beading the beads must be constant in size. Other wise you end up with a lumpy mess, unless you carefully cull all the oddball sized beads . If you just want to have some cubs make a bracelet or something it matters much less. I have also found that cubs have a hard time with the smaller beads.
    1 point
  19. Interesting. Whenever an organization makes an announcement about an upcoming announcement, I get mildly suspicious, lol.
    1 point
  20. Refer here for a great resource that show's common themes and similar requirements.
    1 point
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