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MikeS72 last won the day on September 29 2023

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About MikeS72

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    Senior Member

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  • Interests
    Scouting, reading, memorabilia collection
  • Biography
    Eagle Scout 1971; Woodbadge MT-14 1972; Woodbadge Staff SC-1 1974; Order of the Arrow Vigil Honor 1972; District Award of Merit 2021; Silver Beaver 2021; Cub Scout Den Leader; Assistant Scoutmaster; Assistant District Commissioner

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  1. Actually there is a form in the project workbook. Eagle_Scout_Service_Project_Fundraising_Application.pdf
  2. Just a guess.... GSUSA may well be ok with seeing us rebrand as Scouting America but would consider it a bridge too far if all we do is drop the word girl from their name.
  3. Scout shops were given a limited number of the newest uniform shirt that has a QR code sticker put on the receipt asking for feedback before committing to a full roll out. It makes sense to me that if we are going to incorporate the name change on uniforms going forward that it will cost nothing more to have the new version branded accordingly. (by the way, I have one of those new shirts; better fit and much more comfortable than the last revision) I would also expect that they will do as they have with every other revision to uniforms or literature and continue to sell current stock bef
  4. One of our most popular weekend events is an annual wilderness survival weekend. This despite the fact that most of our scouts have already earned the MB.
  5. How about going back to an earlier version?
  6. While I was not involved in Cub Scouts at the time, a quick Google search brought up an article from the September-October 2008 edition of Scouting Magazine detailing how to use those beads, along with the white diamond that held the lanyards for them as a part of Tiger Cub advancement and immediate recognition. How to use beads to encourage Tiger Cub advancement - Scouting magazine
  7. Go back to late July/early August of 2020 and you will see more explicit examples of why the OP was angry about one specific affinity group at the last NOAC. While the only affinity group I attended that week was a NESA group I knew exactly what and whom he was angry about, as a very crowded dining hall found me at an empty space at a table with the person he described in detail several times. In the 20 or so minutes I was there I found the young man personable and polite. If anyone remembers the conversations right after NOAC there is no doubt what the OP was referring to at that time
  8. Had I not spent 2/3 of my life in the public school system CiS may well have been the first I heard it used as well. Due to many years in elementary, middle school, and high schools it is a term that I am very familiar with and use often.
  9. On the roster page for the current Pack or Troop you click the check box by the name of the Scout. That will change 'transfer' at the top of the page to a clickable link. Click on it and it will ask you for the unit type and number, that will allow you to select the correct unit. Once you click to complete the transfer it will let you know that the registration has been created. The new unit accepts via my.scouting and it is done. (Just did one today for an outgoing AOL)
  10. The term upstander versus bystander has been used in anti-bullying programs for probably 15 - 20 years in many school systems. Exactly what we would hope a Scout would be if he or she witnessed bullying.
  11. Either the parent or a key 3 member of the pack can initiate the transfer in my.scouting, which will then require a key 3 member of the troop to accept him.
  12. Pretty sure the fundraising guidelines apply nation wide. No idea other than imposing their will on a Scout as to why they do not allow them to submit their own proposal. In our district the Scout usually works with a mentor, sometimes someone in the same unit, sometimes someone they are comfortable with from outside the unit. Once they are confident everything is ready to go with the proposal the Scout contacts the DAC to set up a meeting (in our case this meeting is frequently just before or during Roundtable) to go over everything and get approval. Once the project is complete it is
  13. This was part of a presentation by Anthony Berger, who is the National Director of Cub Scout programs. I do not recall anyone asking about the Scouts BSA rates. This is the overall rate nationwide, which I am sure varies depending on district or council. Here we see a lot of Cub earn the shooting sports awards at the many Cub camping events our council hosts. My district also offers 5 -6 free shooting sports days each year.
  14. Yes. This was a part of the presentation at our council leadership summit yesterday.
  15. I would be extremely surprised if any council would be able to ignore the new requirement that a completed background check must come back before anyone has contact with scouts or serves in any capacity. How will your council exec explain the sudden absence of said volunteer if and when that background check shows that they should not have been accepted due to abuse being uncovered? If I am not mistaken this is one of the YPT conditions of the bankruptcy settlement. (and something that should have been in place all along, just like ending the 72 hour rule that should never have been
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