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Chapter 11 announced - Part 14 - Plan Effective

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On 12/15/2023 at 1:08 PM, Eagle1970 said:

So it sounds like this will stop the Trust to some extent.  In all of the various cases I read about, with appeal after appeal, I'm stuck between Justice Served and Justice Denied.  If we have gone through this for nothing, it will clearly be the latter.

I have a new-found sympathy for those waiting for this case to make it's excruciatingly slow way through the court system.  A matter (nothing BSA related) that I filed in early June 2022 is still crawling along and according to my lawyer may take months yet.  Three of the six people named are no longer in their positions, and even once a determination is reached it's more than likely that any penalty that is assessed, if wrongdoing is found, will be so minor as to add more insult.

"Walk a mile" is an effective but bittersweet teacher, and any small injury I've sustained pales in comparison to what has happened here.  May 2024 find some tiny amount of resolution for CSA survivors. 

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This framing drives me crazy.  BSA isn't being sued because BSA has money, BSA is being sued because BSA DID SOMETHING WRONG!  That has been the finding of virtually every judge and jury that has hear

Maybe just a moment to take a break in the discussion and upvote or downvote @RememberSchiff for his diligent and faithful monitoring of this site, and all the delightful and informative Scouting news

I just wanted to say happy father's day to all the Survivors who tried and have tried their best, for so long, to be the best father they could be.  The secrets you kept to protect the partners in you

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22 hours ago, MYCVAStory said:

...hope the BSA will learn and make the changes necessary to keep children safe.

1/8/2024(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In one of his first official visits, BSA CEO Roger Krone met with Derrick Driscoll, Chief Operating Officer of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) at their headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. He was accompanied by the BSA’s Youth Protection Executive, Glen Pounder, Chief Marketing Officer Michael Ramsey, and the BSA’s General Counsel, Joseph Zirkman.

In addition to Driscoll, the team met with NCMEC’s Stacy Garrett, Vice President of Content and Community Engagement, Staca Shehan, Vice President of Analytical Services and John Shehan, Senior Vice President of the Exploited Children Division and International Engagement.

“The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children is the nation’s leading voice in fighting child sexual abuse and exploitation,” said Krone. “The BSA has some of the most vigorous youth safety protocols of any youth-serving organization, and I believe NCMEC’s experience and insight can be indispensable in our continuing efforts to create safe spaces for youth inside and outside of Scouting.”

“Both of our organizations are committed, first and foremost, to the safety of children, so it is fitting that we collaborate to share perspectives and ideas as we walk this path together,” said Krone.

Krone said relationships with organizations like The Center for Missing and Exploited Children are critical because of the insight and resources they offer can strengthen efforts nationwide.

“One of the purposes of this visit is to discuss how we can work together to ensure that our youth safety policies remain cutting edge and effective in a world where the tactics that abusers use to access kids get more sophisticated every day,” said Krone. “We’re not standing still. We want to evolve and advance our policies for our Scouts, families, and communities, and we strongly believe NCMEC’s resources can be an important part of that.”


“Right now, there is no database of banned individuals,” said Dr. Michael Bourke, retired Chief Psychologist for the United States Marshals Service and chair of the BSA Youth Protection Committee. “In other words, there is no official way for organizations to share the names of individuals banned for breaking key youth protection policies."

More at sources:



(full article link below with audio)



Edited by RememberSchiff
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Article is now posted on official BSA scouting newsroom site (link below).

Apparently, the BSA sent this important press release to Globe NewsWire earlier which Google Search found first posted at a Chinese (Hong Kong) news website and then later on Yahoo Financial where I linked and backtracked to authenticate.  Odd to me.





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Some irony here.  I have been trying to update my YP off and on now for a few weeks.  I use Chrome most of the time, but it will not work at all for some reason, even after assuring the background is cleaned out.  Got on earlier using Edge, which I do not prefer.  It locked up, and now I am in limbo with the first retake segment.  Of course, it should have worked with Chrome, and the hangup is just very annoying.  Yet, I get an email about my renewal needed constantly.  Guess I will try again later.

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On 1/6/2024 at 2:04 AM, SiouxRanger said:

Maybe just a moment to take a break in the discussion and upvote or downvote @RememberSchiff for his diligent and faithful monitoring of this site, and all the delightful and informative Scouting news and insights he brings to us. "Diligent" is how I think of his effort.

(AND, moderators, all upvotes should be attributed to @RememberSchiffand downvotes attributed to me.)

Thanks all.

All the upvotes should be attributed to @RememberShiff.  For me, at least, and from your upvotes, I recognize that he/she? has clearly spent many hours "behind the scenes" ferreting out really interesting and useful (not to mention uplifting insights in times not always so uplifting), all to my (and perhaps your) enlightenment of really neat things carrying the movement forward. Maybe even arcane.  Where does @RememberSchifffind this stuff?

A magician never reveals his/her secrets.


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On 1/8/2024 at 12:01 PM, RememberSchiff said:

“One of the purposes of this visit is to discuss how we can work together to ensure that our youth safety policies remain cutting edge and effective in a world where the tactics that abusers use to access kids get more sophisticated every day,” said Krone. “We’re not standing still. We want to evolve and advance our policies for our Scouts, families, and communities, and we strongly believe NCMEC’s resources can be an important part of that.”

This is the way forward.  Recall that in the early days of Scouting, the cities were filled with aimless youth and miscreants.  Men such as James E. West (an orphan and my handle's namesake) were child advocates first, and Scouters second.

You may have wished for the BSA's dissolution, or more contributions from the councils, but Scouting will never die.  Our tradition is rooted in service and citizenship, and we would do well to remember the 1900s in the US.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In case any Survivors haven't heard....from the Trust:

The Trust has now established a deadline for submission of Trust (“Matrix”) Claims Questionnaires. You must submit your Trust (“Matrix”) Claims Questionnaire and supporting documentation to the Trust by May 31, 2024.  If you can submit these documents sooner, please do so as claims are reviewed on a first-in-first-out (“FIFO”) basis.


Failure to submit a completed and signed Claims Questionnaire by this date will result in the denial of the Claim.


If you have any questions or need help completing your questionnaire, please contact us at info@scoutingsettlementtrust.com.

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13 hours ago, MYCVAStory said:

In case any Survivors haven't heard....from the Trust:

The Trust has now established a deadline for submission of Trust (“Matrix”) Claims Questionnaires. You must submit your Trust (“Matrix”) Claims Questionnaire and supporting documentation to the Trust by May 31, 2024.  If you can submit these documents sooner, please do so as claims are reviewed on a first-in-first-out (“FIFO”) basis.


Failure to submit a completed and signed Claims Questionnaire by this date will result in the denial of the Claim. 


Clearly, the trust has to have claims submitted before knowing the aggregate exposure and therefore the individual settlements.  So, this is a step forward.

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14 minutes ago, Eagle1970 said:

Sounds like they didn't receive very good legal advice. Perhaps they need to bring a class action claim against their lawyers who will be receiving about 1 billion of the 2.46 billion settlement. Of course lawyers seldom eat their own. 


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While I feel bad for anyone in this position, if they were filling out their own forms, without assistance, then they likely didn't have lawyers or didn't seek their advice.  But, yes, if an attorney filled it out and checked the box, that would not be good on them.

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Scouting Settlement Trust to Advance Partial Payments to Survivors while Litigation is Pending

"We have been asked repeatedly by Survivors if we can distribute some money while the claims process is under way and we have found a way," said Hon. Barbara J. Houser (Ret.), the Trustee overseeing the administration and distribution of the compensation fund. "A confluence of factors, mostly related to ongoing litigation, currently limits the amount of money we're able to distribute, so we have developed this program to put some money into the hands of Survivors who have been waiting for a long time for some measure of justice."

Under the Advance Payment Program ("APP"), eligible claimants will be able to receive payments of $1,000 before their allowed claim amount is finally determined. Eligibility to participate in the APP will be determined based upon a rigorous application of criteria to the information provided to the Scouting Settlement Trust (the "Trust") by individual claimants. 


To date, approximately 2,914 payments totaling more than $7.3 million have been issued by the Trust to Claimants. An additional 252 payments totaling about $650,000 are scheduled to be sent Feb, 13.

Judge Houser said the Advance Payment Program allows claimants to receive some money while their claim determination is being finalized. 

"As I have shared previously, the Trust is constrained from paying claims until various key issues are resolved," said Judge Houser. "The APP allows us to get some money to more Claimants, rather than getting an initial distribution to the smaller number of Claimants whose claims have been fully evaluated."


Judge Houser has set a deadline of May 31 for all the remaining Matrix claims.

Much more on factors affecting payments and APP at sources:




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23A741 LUJAN CLAIMANTS and DUMAS & VAUGHN CLAIMANTS, Applicants, v. BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA, et al., Respondents. | PDF | Boy Scouts Of America | Fourteenth Amendment To The United States Constitution (scribd.com)

Justice Alito is not a proponent of the equitable mootness doctrine and is requiring BSA to respond by 2/15/2024. Day before IRO deadline of 2/16/2024. Indication Scouting Settlement Trust will be shutdown pending SCOTUS decision in Purdue case. APP probably attempt to scramble the egg even more.

8-1/7-2 SCOTUS rules non-debtor releases are not authorized by bankruptcy code.

We shall soon see....

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35 minutes ago, BadChannel70 said:

23A741 LUJAN CLAIMANTS and DUMAS & VAUGHN CLAIMANTS, Applicants, v. BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA, et al., Respondents. | PDF | Boy Scouts Of America | Fourteenth Amendment To The United States Constitution (scribd.com)

I expect that cases exist where a third party (ie; chartered partners) may have exposure. Because of the nature of the BSA and its dependence upon chartered partners to approve and recruit leaders and to use the program as their own to better serve youth (the idea being that the chartered partner would assign persons of good character) putting the burden on the national organization and its insurance coverages would reassure those organizations that they could continue to charter/partner with the BSA. Imagine if a wholesale exit of churches and service clubs were to happen what would happen to the program. Additionally, this could/would mean more money to law firms and attorneys who already are the biggest beneficiaries of this whole thing. 1 billion of the 2.4 million going to 'legal expenses' already. 

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