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Revoking or Rescinding Eagle Scout rank


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I would talk with your District and Council Advancement Chairmen. I have seen membership in the Boy Scouts of America, both youth and adult, revoked from the local Council, and affirmed at the National Council. I have not seen award of a rank revoked.


The following words from Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures #33088, although applying to appeals of award of rank, may be instructive:

A decision at either level finding in favor of the Scout shall be final. Units have no right of appeal of a decision.


To me, that implies: If a unit disagrees with an Eagle Scout about any number of matters after award, the local and National Councils aren't going to do much regarding the rank. They can, and they have, done a fair bit regarding membership.


This is all preliminary information. You've not shared with us the facts of your issue. We can point you to indicators, but we cannot help you much further unless we speculate. I think many of us who are regulars here have learned the hard way speculation is not fun and does not work well.(This message has been edited by John-in-KC)

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Russell Henderson, one of the two thugs that beat Matthew Shepard and left him to die entangled in a fence is an Eagle Scout. Note the present tense word IS. The BSA has not revoked his Eagle Scout. Unless you think the action's of the Scout you're thinking of trying to get the Eagle Scout rank revoked is worse than this, then it might be best to just let whatever is bothering you stop bothering you and just move on.(This message has been edited by calicopenn)

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To expand on Calico's final sentence. Back when my son was playing little league baseball, he was fortunate enough to be on an exceptional team that won every league and tournament game they played. In fact, almost every time, they would run rule the other team. This wasn't a hand picked team, just a bunch of kids in the right place at the right time with some good coaching. Because of that, they were not very well liked by many of the other teams. To make a long story short, they were in a tournament and it was the final game for the championship. For whatever reason, the umps began blatently making calls against our team and looking the other way for the other team. In short, the umps threw the game to the other team and gave them the championship. The only comfort we could give a bunch of hurt 7 year olds was that THEY knew in their heart and mind that they were the true champions and that while the other players took a trophy home, they knew they didn't really earn it. I don't know who or why you might want to revoke an Eagle. Like Calico, I think I would let it go. If the person didn't really deserve it, they know that in their heart.

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The directory is not the same as the list of all Eagles. The directory only includes those they had some sort of current records on, and a lot of people were missed in the search. Even some who responded were not included. Many never got the mailings or phone calls asking for their info.




Awards can be revoked, it is possible. It is also virtually unheard of, but the corporation does have the ability to revoke an award, and can in fact prohibit someone from wearing or displaying it. There is no common procedure for this, thus you can assume it is not intended to happen.


Two possible reasons exist that could be grounds for this, so far as I am aware:

Activities that are against the nature of the organization.

Fraud in obtaining the award.


If you think a case is serious enough to require revoking an award, you should contact your Scout Executive, but most likely nothing will come of it.

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