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About RRR3

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  1. To everybody sending me a reply. Thanks you for your input - I really mean that *Yes - our council is well advised in advance of all our activities and invited to all functions *Yes - I have knots, but choose not to wear them *Yes - Council had to review the heroism award paperwork - but I caught them in three LIES and only was the matter resolved after I went to the National *Yes - I have been lied to in the past on other matters by council *Yes - I have a very successful troop - very active in the community and supported by the community (When I say I - it's all
  2. It seems to be, our troop does not get any support what so ever from our district or council in anything we do. If you aren't part of the good ole' boy click - forget it. I will give you the last example: One of my scouts just received the "heroism award" on Scout Sunday, presented to him by a Congressman and a State Rep. Over 200 people in attendance, local newspapers, television station, girls scouts. leaders and scouts from another council. BUT not one leader, scout, our district to include our council showed. This is the latest example - I could write a book. We don't get visits
  3. Does anybody know if the rank of Eagle Scout can be revoked or rescinded ? I know it has been done in the past. Can you please advise if a special form or what the procedure is (if there is any) Scoutmaster
  4. Does anybody know if there is a form or procedure to rescind or revoke the rank of Eagle Scout once the award is giving to a young man ?
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