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-Ok folks,

I have finished all the practical parts of my ticket.

All I need to do is the write up. But with most of us in this day and age, I have a tendency to not make time. I could of had the write ups done a month ago but I feel time is on my side, and it's not.

So this is where I need your help: PM me everynow and then asking how things are going. I figure a little peer pressure will get me off my rear end and get it done.



Cary P


Bobwhites rule!!!!

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I don't remember a write-up. I remember sharing ticket items with my TG as each approached completion. I remember a final working evening with my TG, where we reflected on the trail behind and looked over the trail ahead.


I don't remember any writing though...


So, congratulations on getting to ABD (all but done).



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Who hoo Whooooooooooo needs somebody to keep after them????



Make an appointment with yourself!!!!


Next Thursday and Friday nights. The best word in the English language is FINISHED!!!!


Just do It!!!!!! Job's isn't over 'till the paperwork is done. you can do it!!!

Best wishes,


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Most people on this forum don't agree with me on my comments on the forum because I'm blunt, specific, and call a spade a spade.


One of the lessons of WB is: "Lead by example."


Well, when your eagle candidate comes up to you and says he has it all done except for writing up the final report, not to worry, you can assure him that the reason you don't have your WB beads is because you screwed around until it was too late, and the two of you will better enjoy your common lost opportunities.


If you can't motivate yourself to get your beads, you will never be able to honestly motivate young men to get their Eagles. I would suggest not working with the BSA program. The leadership of our young men is too important to be left in the hands of those who can't lead themselves.


Quit whining, get off the sofa, get your head out of your butt, write report and get back to making men out of boys or at least just quit whining.





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Wow!! Wide Screen!!!

"Bobwhites rule!!!! " ???

However I seem to remember that somewhere near Belleville IL lives a very active Bob White.

You have of course heard "I'll set the dogs loose!!"

Well, any reports of you not making time will result in the Bob whites being let loose!!

Which can be very painful!! Causing very sore ankles.






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