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Wood Badge and Adult Leader Training


  1. Wood Badge and adult leader training

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    • I hope you and your troop have a great time. 1.  SA Swimmers tests are mandatory.  Ensure everyone is a swimmer. 2.  SA Height / Weight standards. 3.  Check with your Troop if anyone gets sea sick or motion sickness.  If they do they should consult with their Doctor about participating. 4.  I arranged for Snorkeling lessons and SA snorkeling beforehand, we rented a high school pool and had a local scuba shop do the training.  It helped a lot because they show how you clear snorkels, do dives, clear water in your masks, etc.  BSA has a snorkeling badge we had the shop follow. 5.  Equipment shake-down.  You have to bring your own snorkel and mask, try them out beforehand.  Also the flipper fin socks are nice to prevent blisters. 6.  Wilderness First Aid, CPR and AED are mandatory (adult).  This course is a 16 hour course and not offered all over.  They will precheck certification when you get down there. 7.  Review your first aid kit.  Know what’s in there.  Prep for being in the sun and water - aloe, sunscreen, swimmers ear, motion sickness, etc  8.  Review all medical forms.  All sections are needed including Part C with the high adventure advisory section reviewed and signed by a Doctor. Have fun!      
    • So you you may have remembered I was depressed because it seemed one of my Scouts had given up. He had about 2 weeks before 18 and still needed a projected and 3 MBs. HE MADE IT! (And yes, I am shouting with joy!) He was able to get his project approved and completed within 10 days. Even had a nice write up about it too. As fro the MBs, he was able to find his paperwork from his old troop on one of them, one was finished at the meeting, and one was finished right before getting everything approved for BOR. He had the paperwork, but could not find it in time for the meeting. Just waiting for the EBOR. And we may be growing We had 2 Scouts visit this past month, and two more are scheduled to visit this week.  Life is good.
    • Please do... district committees are vital to the health of the district.   
    • Welcome to scouter.com .  Some experienced member will hopefully respond shortly, meanwhile here are some past topics that may help you.    
    • Great post, thanks. i used to teach the same approach. I believe the SM should have a feel for how a scout is doing before they are ready for the BOR. Like courious scouter, I may have signed off his SMC long before he completed the other requirements. For me, scouting is about personal growth. Some scouts have grown a lot, but they are in no hurry for advancement and that’s fine with me. I tend to have a good feel for simply by finding opportunities to have a quick chat asking how it was going. We might have something in common and I would bring that up or ask how a new patrol mate is dong. You can learn a lot about scouts at a SM  conference, but few small chats tells you pretty much what you need to know. You can sign their book if they have it, or during a conference they request and use that opportunity to brag about them.  Our CC told me of one scout during his BOR who didn’t remember having a SM  conference with me after lunch earlier that day. When she reminded him of our chat while I bought him an ice cream bar, he was surprised to learn that was a SM conference. He just asked me how baseball was going. Any excuse to have an enjoyable chat with a scout.  If I knew a scout was having a challenge with the scouting experience, I would try to get them to discuss it, and then I might ask if they felt they were ready for the advancement. Sometimes they would say no and set a goal to prove themselves. Even better when they want to grow. The sign off is important, but if it’s also fun, I can say 25 years later, it’s memorable. Barry  
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