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Everything posted by CNYScouter

  1. First off, most parents like the one here won't take training, don't want to be a leader, just want to be a royal pain cause they are always right. You hit the nail on the head, nld. This parent has been involved with a Troop for almost 10 years with an older son (stayed on to help out once he aged out) and hasnt taken a single training session or has never registered as a leader. She was asked to be on the ship committee but is too busy. The first time she interrupted and starting complaining I told her we could use more help and offered her the job of CC. Her idea of helping was
  2. Up until the last couple of meetings the few parents that have stayed at Ship meetings have pretty much sat in the background and keep comments to a minimum. I now have a mom, whose child has been in the Ship since the start, has been interrupting and is questioning everything. After the first time she did this she was told that if she had any questions or issues to talk with me in private but did it again at the next meeting. During Venturing Leader training it was suggested to ban adults from Ship/Crew meetings and have them meet in other room. This parents interruptions
  3. Yes, he has BSA Lifeguard, Professional Rescuer CPR certification and Red Cross Basic First Aid certification (all required in NYS to be a Lifeguard). To be hired as a Full-time life guard you need to be 17 and hes only 16. My son had his interview yesterday. Because he is a first year staffer they require that he works 1/2 the time in a program area and 1/2 the time in a service area. They want first year campers to see both sides of camp staff, not get bored in one position and they feel it helps return staff so if someone takes a job in a postion they dont like they wont be in it
  4. In the description of the Adult Association method it states that Adults serve in a shadow leader capacity. How would you describe this to a new Venturing Leader? How about some examples that show a leader acting in a shadow leader capacity. We have some new Committee members and would like some different ways to explain their role.
  5. One thing about this interview that I am not sure of is that they have requested that Mom or I be there. I think it may be beacuse they want to be sure that both him and I understand that our camp is a long drive and he needs to stay the whole summer. It is also very remote and even though they take staff into town a couple of times and once he's there he really has no where to go. My wife has jokingly asked if I think he can live a whole summer without his cell phone and video games. But I guess in todays world that might not be all that uncommon.
  6. From my understanding of the Venturing training the use of consultants from outside the unit is part of the Venturing program and should be encouraged. I have a parent who has suggested that I stop looking at outside activities and has said that most of the Ship members only want to do advancement in Ship meeting. When I find out about any activities that I think the ship might be interested in doing I pass that information along. These activities usually cover the requirements, such as First Aid, CPR and the swimming requirements, where we do not have the experience (or qualifi
  7. The Sea Scouts hold a training weekend at Camp Round Meadow in the Catoctin Mountain Park in Thurmont, MD. every January. Catoctin Mountain Park is about 20 miles south of Gettysburg. http://www.nps.gov/archive/cato/recr/roundmea.htm There are also other camping options available at Catoctin Mountain Park.
  8. My son has an interview this weekend to be on staff at our councils summer camp. His first choice is to work at the waterfront but that position has an age limit of 17 (Hes 16). He was told to put this down (by last years Waterfronts directors father) as his first choice as they can have two 16 year old staffers if they dont have enough older scouts apply. (He was also told that they are short staff this year). His second choice is archery range assistant. I think this is neat because my SM when I was a Scout is now retired and goes up to camp every summer and is the archery
  9. RememberSchiff wrote: I have never seen a "fitting in" problem at a scout gathering. I dont know about fitting in but Scouts do notice the lack of uniforms. The first Troop my son was in went to the council Camporee a few years back. Not a single Scout brought their uniform. When I asked the SPL what he thought of the Camporee he said that it was embarrassing that they were the only troop there without a uniform. The second Troop had an anything goes policy about uniforms. One of the older Scouts told me that the Troop didnt go to Camporees any more. One of the reason
  10. A week back Eagledad said in one of his posts: Through my years of experience, I observed the two most difficult skills for scouts to develop are "communication" and "delegation". This is another area where the ship could use a big improvement in. Ive been using the Ask your Boatswain (or SPL)" when I am approached with a question but it still hasnt sunk in yet. What tips can everyone give to help scouts to develop "communication" and "delegation" skills.
  11. Since I posted Finished my Ticket What next? I contacted my CD. He responded that he had gotten the paperwork from my TC, recorded it, and gave it to his SE. His SE had forwarded it to my councils SE. My council has no record of ever getting it. Both my SE and CD said they would look into it and have it resolved in a couple of days. Its been well over two weeks and I still havent heard anything. I just sent e-mails again to both my SE and CD but havent gotten replies yet. A lot of what is going on may have to do with my council got a new SE Jan. 1 (old one retir
  12. Sea Scout manual #33239C page 84 under The Eagle Award where it says that a Boy Scout can make Star, Life and Eagle in a Ship if they have reached 1st Class when in a Boy Scout Troop: Personal conferences, conducted by the Skipper and the board of review, for each progress award must be reviewed by the Ships Committee. As a Ships committee is made up of adults I interpret this if a Sea Scout is doing a BOR for a Boy Scout rank through the Ship the BOR is made up of only adults. From page 83: If you and your skipper agree that you are ready to advance, your (rank) applica
  13. Men by Martin Mull & Steve Martin (1977) It's great to be on a ship with men and sail across the sea, oh, We don't know where we'll land or when, but it's great to be with men. 'Cause men can sweat and men can stink and no one seems to care, oh, We'll throw the dishes in the sink and clog the drain with hair, oh! (And clog the drain with hair, oh!) Men, men, men, We're a ship all filled with men, So batten down the ladies' room, there's no one here but men! There's men above and men below and men down in the galley, There's Butch and Spike and Buzz and Biff
  14. The Ship was gong to go to an indoor driving range for an activity in March but we just found out it closed and is out of business. They are now collecting ideas for another activity. In keeping with Scouting is a game not School spirit, what types of activates can you suggest for team building? They would like to keep this to a one day activity. We cant do things like a COPE course as early March is more like winter and it is later in March it is usually cold rainy and muddy outside. I have plenty of team building games but would like to suggest an activity that does this
  15. Instead of lowering the age for Scouts to 10 perhaps WEBELOS can be split with the first year being run by the Pack and the second year run as an offshoot of Troop program. Earn the WEBELOS badge as part of a Pack and the AOL as part of the Troop. Back when was involved with a Pack I noticed that the WEBELOS dens that were run like a Cub program usually had very few crossovers and the Dens that were run more like a Boy Scout patrol had almost every Cub crossover into a Troop. It just seems that even with training my Cub Leaders dont understand Boy Scouts and thus dont really un
  16. As the Ship only has teens I don't know about younger Scouts but the youth wanted to go surfing in Hawaii. There has also been talk about chartering a 78' sailboat in the Bahamas. I personally have a few trips that I would like to do: 1) Iceland holds a Scout Jamboree every few years that I would like to attend. 2) Go to one of the Summer Camps on Catalina Island off of California. 3) Do the Chisholm Trail Adventure at the Texas High Adventure Base from the Longhorn Council. 4) Seabase
  17. I have seen complaints on this message board that todays Scouts want to do is sit around and play video games (or cards) and get out be active. I have seen complaints on this message board that todays Scouts dont know the basic scout skills. I have seen complaints on this message board that todays Scouts dont know team work and exhibit any leadership skills. I have seen complaints on this message board that todays Scouts do not have pride in the Troops anymore. If I remember right camp wide games usually require teamwork and leadership, utilize basic scout skills and get th
  18. IMHO one of the biggest problems the Scouting program is facing and one of the biggest reasons for loss of youth membership is the Adult-run Eagle Mill. Maybe its just around here but it seems that the majority of Scout Troops are the classic Adult-run Eagle Mills. When I think about how many of the youth today are in this type of program that the future of Scouting is not looking all that good. The first change I would like to see to help eliminate the Eagle Mills is a requirement be added to earn the AOL for the WEBELOS and his parent/guardian attend a WEBELOS to Scout Transition
  19. NE Region Seabadge is tentatively the 3rd weekend in October on Cape Cod. Details and registration packet will be out some time next month. I think it would be great if our council got involved with a WB cluster. But from what I have heard the WB elite still run our course and wont even consider joining a cluster. As far as snow, we are way below normal with lots of bare spots. However hour north of here got almost 48 in. last week with most of it coming down in one night.
  20. Sorry for the confusion I should have typed TC instead of TG. I planned on making the calls but wanted to know if the time I have been waiting to hear something was normal. I've been working my next "ticket" since I actually finished my goals last March. My TG was not my TC. Myself and one other person in my WB course were Venturing Leaders as was my TC. He was also the TC for the other Venturing Leader. I have had little or no contact from anyone in my WB course. When I talked with my TC in December he did say that there were only two others beside myself who hadnt
  21. I finally connected with my TG a few days before Christmas. We discussed my ticket goals and he said that I finished my ticket within the 18 month deadline. He then told me he had paperwork to complete and that I would get something from National within a couple of weeks. Its been almost 6 weeks and I havent heard anything. I thought maybe the SM might send me an e-mail saying congrats but nothing yet. What should happen next and how long does it take?
  22. The water activities the Ship did last year: They started with a swim test at the local indoor pool in late spring On Memorial Day weekend we went to the Nygard regatta which has sailing, swimming, canoeing and rowing as part of the competition. Every Thursday evening from Mid-May thru Mid-Sept. we small-boat sail (Laser and Sunfish) (and weather permitting) 2 weekends were spent at my summer house on one of the Finger lakes were we swam, boated, went kayaking and canoeing, and went tubing and water skiing. In August we went to the NE Region Sea Scout Sailing Champions
  23. OGE wrote: I might point out that Venturing does not have Roundtable meetings Then why is there a Venturing Roundtable Guide? From www.scoutstuf.org Venturing Roundtable Guide A guide to planning a successful Venturing roundtable. Includes "how -tos," activities/games, and program features. Item: 34342
  24. Right know I am pretty sure when the question is asked OK, where do we go from here? How do we all do a better job in the future? The answer this clique will give is to hold elections early to get themselves into the top positions in the Ship. At this point none of this group has shown any effort in running the Ship and fulfilling their roles. They want the title but dont want to put any effort in. I also dont think it right to allow elections to replace the current Boatswain early just because some else has decided they now what to do it. Especially when he was the o
  25. It seems that a clique has formed in the Ship with some of the youth members. We had 2 new members join in the last few months which now has the majority of the ship members in one High School and the rest all coming from different schools For an event last weekend duties were assigned at the Ship meeting. Between the time of the meeting and the time we left this clique got together and made changes without consulting the Ships Boatswain. I think they made these decisions not to be mean to the other members but made them without any thoughts of the consequences nor how it made
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