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Everything posted by CNYScouter

  1. I had a discussion about patch placement on the new uniform with our local Scout Shop manager the last time I was there (and feel free to correct me if I am wrong). . This is not official but to me it matches what is shown in the picture of the right sleeve in the new uniform flyer. The council shoulder patch, veteran unit bar (if worn) and unit numerals (if worn) go in the same place as the old uniform. From the Leader Uniform inspection sheet: Left Sleeve Council shoulder patch is directly below the shoulder seam. Veteran unit bar, if worn, is centered and touching
  2. Thanks for the replies. This in now a non-issue as the parent that was going with the Ship has now backed out. jblake47 wrote: ...and where was the new skipper of the old ship when you needed a second leader? Kinda makes one wonder what kinds of games are being played out here. The person who is now the Skipper was the Mate (asst. Advisor) when I was Skipper. She is in her 60's, a memebr of the CO, an empty nester and does not have a child in the Ship. In the spring she decided that she would no longer go on any of our trips and expected the parents to step up but none
  3. In Oct. there is a Venturing Event in a council near us. Back in the spring when I first found out about this event I presented it to the Ship members to see if they were interested in attending. The youth wanted to attend but no other adult was willing to go. Shortly after this I received an email from a parent saying that she thought the Ship should no longer do any trips or overnights and only meet and do weekly sailing. It also seems that the parents didnt want a youth-run program but one that had every thing done for their kids (and not by them either, they expected me to
  4. The Troop my son was in a Scout scheduled an Eagle project approval just like a BOR. BORs for this troop were done once a month right before the Committee meetings and required a Scout to sign up in advance. They could do the same for an Eagle Project approval. The same committee members that did the BORs for that month did the Eagle project approval and usually were just mixed in with the BORs. I agree with Lisabob in that generally it wasnt a stumbling block or inquisition but if the project didnt get approved by the unit it probably wont get approved at the district lev
  5. if anyone is interested the Lions Cub Program Leader's Book can be downloaded online: http://www.cnyscouts.org/forms/Lions%20Cub.pdf
  6. A Committee member's signature is required in the Eagle project workbook before a Scout can begin his project. This can be downloaded at: http://www.nesa.org/how-to-manuals.html I know of a couple of Troops that require a Scout to present his Eagle Project Wookbook to the Troop Committee for approval before the CC or a Committee Member signs it.
  7. I live in the NE and here are the costs for our council camps: Cub Day Camp 5 days (5 lunches and a youth T-Shirt included) - $110 Cub or Webelos Overnight Camps 2 nights (5 meals and a youth T-Shirt included) - $155 Cub Fishing or Shooting Camp 1 night (3 meals and a youth T-Shirt included) - $90 All the Cub overnight camps costs are for both a parent and a cub to attend. Boy Scout Camp is $265 6 nights (17 meals) per Scout.
  8. At our last roundtable I sat next to someone on our District Advancement Committee. Both she and her husband have been on this committee reviewing Eagle Projects and doing EBORs for 25+ years. During a break we were talking with her about Eagle project ideas as my son is struggling with making his mind up about a project. The topic turned to the Eagle to Life Mentor. She said you would be amazed at the number of Scouts that turn in Eagle project workbooks for approval that are half filled out or missing required signatures and are rejected. The worst case just happen in Jun
  9. I missed the part about 3rd graders the first time I read it. After reading it again a couple of comments: I also have to wonder how much did these kids really learn? In 5 months they earned the Bobcat Patch, the Wolf Patch with Gold arrow, and silver Arrow, Bear Patch with Gold arrow, and an average of 11 silver arrows each. I just seems like an awful lot of requirements in a short period of time. This statement also stood out to me: I started poking around the Cub Scouting organization to locate 4 Lion Patches for the boys, working my way all the way up to the Cub Scout
  10. Our council is now in the 3rd year of using the Lions Cub Program (Kindergarten). It is a LFL program. Dens, called Prides, go to a Pack meeting and have 2 meetings a month. A monthly trip or activity is optional. These are parent/child activities and use the shared leadership like Tiger Cubs. Pride meetings are to be only 45 min. long. A sample Pride meeting theme on Citizenship would be saying the Pledge of Allegiance, a simple explanation of the American Flag, a game and the activity would be to color a picture of the flag. Our councils FD was at Roundtable and said that
  11. I have been asking myself a lot of the questions everyone has posted. It is just frustrating that it seems that all the units near me are off doing there own thing. I want to keep my son in a Pack within the school district but our schedule conflicts with too many activities with the other Packs. I think in every unit I have been with there has been a least one Leader who has the you dont need training attitude. The first Troop my son was with both the SM and CC had this attitude and it has been well over 10 years since some one from this Troop has had SM training. Heck, this
  12. The committee is being controlled by an untrained den leader out of sheer force of personality and little vey knowledge of scouting. (/i> I think BW you hit the core issue right here. This pack is big enough to recruit the nessesary leaders but this DL is going to be tough to deal with? What can you do with some like this?
  13. My youngest will be a Tiger Cub this fall. I want to keep him with kids in our school district and only one Pack (of 3) in the district fit into our schedule. Last week I attended the Packs first Leaders meeting of the year. On the way in I went past a guy rummaging through a bunch of boxes in the back of his station wagon. This turned out to be the Pack leader (more on this later). There were 8 people at this. The Pack Leader (was a Tiger Parent last year took over in June) Myself and a parent of another Tiger. (She is new to Scouting and willing to assist as ADL) 2 co-den le
  14. To me it sounds like your troop needs to stop using the Troop method and start using the Patrol method. It usually works that the older Scouts are doing the more adventurous activities but it doesnt have to be that way The older Scouts in a Venture patrol can do the level campgrounds accessible by car and flat calm water. I think that High Adventure is often pushed to much, not every Scout wants to go to Philmont and finding their interest is important. Perhaps you can challenge this group in other ways than High Adventure. Teach them to cook in Dutch Ovens or other ways t
  15. The first place to check for questions like this is the Guide to Safe Scouting or G2SS. there is an online version and one that can be down-loaded to view offine. This can also be purchased at a Scout Store. It is updated every year. http://www.scouting.org/HealthandSafety/GSS/toc.aspx In the Appendix there is Age-Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/ageguides.pdf For archery - Target, Action (Moving targets) at the Cubs Scout level is at Council/District Outdoor Programs Only. Field Archery is not done at the Cub Sc
  16. Too many conflicting interpretations, Its kind of like interpreting the US Constitution, it depends on how narrow or broad a meaning you give to things. In an Eagle Service project an event? When I read this I think of an event as something like going to Jambo or Seabase or summer camp, not an Eagle Service project. In a broad interpretation an Eagle project could be a personnel event but what I read into this is that an individual Scout can not raise funds for himself to attend something. On the other hand, cant materials and supplies be seen as gifts? If an Eagle proj
  17. BW, I have looked through the three resources and have found all of the answers except: Can a youth identify himself as a Boy Scout when seeking donations for an Eagle Project? You answered: NO, a person cannot seek donations for an outside organization using the name and image of the BSA unless it is a BSA activity approved by the council scout executive or the national office of the BSA. Eagle Scout projects are "outside the sphere of scouting" You have given answers for this question but I couldnt find in the thread where in the resources you gave where you found th
  18. dampcamper wrote: What is the procedure to remove a scoutmaster that clearly doesnt belong in charge. After reading through this thread I'm curious: What has this SM done that shows clearly he doesnt belong in charge?
  19. According to the BSA 2007 annual report there are 1.2 million adults and 2.8 million youth (4.0 million total members). I see unit positions being created but no mention of training courses being created Will every Parent be required to register as a PA? Will they be required to take Fast Start, YPT and NLE? If not, I dont see any use for this position except to Pad adult numbers. Doesnt a unit have a person whose job is to be a Parent Coordinator? Isnt one of the jobs of the CC to make sure the unit has the resources to run a Scout program which would include getting p
  20. Eamonn gave me a great activity for teaching the planning process that I have used in Crew/Ship Officer training. Have the Scouts write a plan to make a desert and then make it. Eamonn suggested making a pie. If you are worry about time have them make Brownies. I could see this being done with a Dutch Oven Cobbler also. Have them first write out the plan; be sure to have them assign duties of who is doing each step. When the plan is finished, pull out the ingredients and have them follow the plan and make the desert. I found that I could easily fit another training
  21. Here is data from the 2000 US Census for BSA membership: 1970 - 6,287,000 members in 157,000 units 1975 - 5,318,000 members in 150,000 units (-15% in members, -4.5% in units from 1970) 1980 - 4,318,000 members in 129,000 units (-19% in members, -14% in units from 1975) (-31% in members, -18% in units from 1970) 1980 to 1999 it shows a increase every year 1999 - 6,248,000 members in 145,000 units http://www.allcountries.org/uscensus/443_boy_scouts_and_girl_scouts_membership.html (This message has been edited by CNYScouter)
  22. I would contact your UC or Training Chair and ask them to run the supplemental training module for Scoutmaster Conference Training for the Troop. This module will teach Scoutmasters, assistant Scoutmasters, and other troop leaders about the purposes of the Scoutmaster's conference and will offer suggestions for questions that could be asked at these conferences. The link to the syllabus is: http://www.scouting.org/boyscouts/trainingmodules/scoutmaster%20conference%20training.aspx Not only will everyone be on the same page but will hold SMC's per BSA guidelines.
  23. I havent attended any Venturing only weeks so I cant comment on this. I have looked at what is available out there and many of these programs look really good but I havent had the opportunity to attend one. I did talk with a Skipper from Maryland who has two or three Sea Scouts every year attend the two week long Road to Ranger program at the Goshen Scout Reservation in VA. Sea Scouts form this ship keep going to this so I have to think it is a pretty good program. As to whether a Venturing Crew should go to a resident camp or create their own capstone activity it will depend on the
  24. I like Eagledads idea to call an adult meeting and teach everyone how the BSA suggests the SM holds a Scoutmaster Conference. After being involved with a unit like this, it is very likely a chance that you will get resistance to training and trying to get them all to take 8 hours of training nearly impossible. You may want to consider having your UC or one of your district trainers come in and do the Supplemental Training Module Scoutmaster Conference Training This module will teach Scoutmasters, assistant Scoutmasters, and other troop leaders about the purposes of the Scoutmas
  25. The online version of the guide to safe scouting is at: http://www.scouting.org/healthandsafety/gss/gss01.aspx look under I. Youth Protection & Adult Leadership Barriers to Abuse Within Scouting The BSA has adopted the following policies to provide additional security for our members. These policies are primarily for the protection of our youth members; however, they also serve to protect our adult leaders from false accusations of abuse. Note: Bold type denotes rules and policies. Two-deep leadership. Two registered adult leaders or one registered leader and a parent
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