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Everything posted by acco40

  1. My district has both a District Executive and a District Director. Both do a fantastic job. My question is what are the roles or job descriptions for each position. As volunteers, we are told to contact either one if we need any assistance or have questions. I'm assuming that the District Executive reports to the District Director who in turn reports to the Scout Executive (Council level position). We do have an Asst. Scout Executive (Council) and a Director of Field Service (Council).
  2. Scout Sunday/Sabbath is national but the issuing of a patch is not. Our council for years has held a contest in the fall for the boys to design the "A Scout is Reverent" patch each year. The Scouts and Scouters can earn/purchase the patch by attending a service of their faith in the month of February, preferably on Scout Sunday/Sabbath.
  3. Any Scout attending a service of his faith in uniform during the month of February can earn his "A Scout is Reverent" patch in my council. Nothing sacred (no pun intended) about 2/2 or 2/8.
  4. dan, Why have a Scout Sunday on a Saturday? (2/8/03) I heard of Catholics sometimes not having much "rhythm" but does it afflict Methodists too?
  5. packsaddle, I agree with most of your post, and that reminds me ... A priest and an atheist were on a fishing trip together. After awhile the atheist gets a nibble and then a huge jerk on the line from a whopper of a fish that pulls him into the water. The atheist thrashes around and screams to the priest, "Help, I can't swim. Save me!" The priest answers, "Do you believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost?" (This is an old joke. I guess I could modernize it with Holy Spirit.) The atheist goes under but bobs back up and upon hearing the priest states, "Please, just save me,
  6. kwc57, You are lucky. I got my Republican diatribe every day by my high school calculus teacher. I did not have the option of moving (being only 17). Rooster, Yes it is very difficult to separate politics from morals/ethics/religion. But when churches get tax exempt status from the government and then organize highly political efforts to influence legislation I get a little queasy.
  7. BW, In my council we are taught that the responsibility of assigning merit badge counselors (MBCs) is the task of the SM. The procedure is the Scout approaches the SM (or advancement chair) about his wish to work on a particular merit badge. It is the SM (or advancement chair) who holds the resource which lists the MBCs, gives the scout a prospective MBC name and phone number. The youth then makes the call to the MBC. Sometimes the SM (or advancement chair) gives the youth a few names or and the scout can pick the MBC from that group. Therefore, the youth does not pick the
  8. sctmom, Pack's may have pack leaders' meetings, committee meetings and an annual pack program planning conference. My only point about den leaders is that they are NOT committee members and should not need to attend committee meetings. Of course they should attend pack leaders' meetings and the annual pack program planning conference. Imascouter, in his post, suggested that den leaders attend committee meetings. They should not. They are not committee members. This is in full agreement with the Cub Scout Leader handbook. P.S. The Cubmaster is not a committee member.
  9. Good suggestions. Only one comment, Den Leaders are NOT part of the Pack committee. Although I have a hard time convincing my pack! I've attended almost 100% of the committee meetings (I am a den leader). It is great to have a representative of the den to the meeting but I would re-write your sentence: Insist on the den leader (or a representative) - WAS Insist on den representative (or den leader) - NOW And a boom chick a rocka, chick a rocka chicka boom!
  10. To put more confusion into the pot ... For us here in Michigan and I suspect most border states, we frequently camp in Canada and if the trip is under 500 miles we have been told repeatedly by our council that we only need a local tour permit.
  11. OGE, I agree with you. Why not just forget having elected officials and just have the people vote directly, a national polling system. I shudder at the thought. It makes me laugh when constituents complain that their elected officials don't vote the way they want. In my view, the elected officials should represent their conscience, morals, and beliefs and not necessarily their constituents. In an ideal world, they would be the same. Those guys in the powdered wigs continue to amaze me with their foresight.
  12. It is my understanding that Webelos can (and should) camp with Boy Scout Troops. However, during Camp-o-rees, most Councils state that 1) Webelos dens/patrols should not compete against Boy Scout patrols (same goes for Cub Scouts of the Tiger, Wolf and Bear variety). Many events are set up for Cub Scouts only and Boy Scouts only. Cub Packs have much different rules for camping (see BALOO) than do troops. In "camping together" they would still have to follow the appropriate rules of their organization (Pack and Troop) which are vastly different. Therefore, while not forbidden, it is a
  13. First of all, like the religious awards, the World Conservation Award can be earned in Cub Scouts and in Boy Scouts and has different requirements dependent on when it was earned (as a Wolf, Bear, Webelos or Boy Scout). For Boy Scouts, the World Conservation Award is worn on the uniform shirt, centered on the right pocket as a TEMPORARY patch. It is the same for Cub Scouts (slightly different badge by the way). For Boy Scouts only one temporary patch may be worn at a time. However, for Cub Scouts the WCA may be sewn on the pocket and the Progress toward ranks (Wolf & Be
  14. troop_358, Merit Badge counselors have the option of accepting the Merit Badge worksheets or not. They are fully in their right to not accept them. MB counselors should follow all YP guidelines. However, it is not necessary (and I think somewhat silly) to think that the boys have to earn the MBs in pairs. If a boy has trouble cold calling an adult, don't become an enabler. You can have him practice with you, have him call grandpa and practice, etc. but DO NOT MAKE THE CALL FOR HIM! Four year olds can be taught proper phone manners.
  15. sctmom, Pack meetings should be set up for families, parents, scouts, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, ... Den meetings should not. Although "family oriented", the den meeting should involve a scout and his parent(s) and not siblings (unless in the same den). I have nothing at all against working (for pay outside the home) mothers. My only gripe is that the children should come first for all parents. Just to strike another politically hot nerve, women are lucky, society generally gives their approval to women who work outside the home or to those who stay at home. For men, so
  16. Dan, Old and bald are more physical decriptions (but both or relative). I'm a good ole Bear, thank you very much. Back to Gilwell, happy land ...
  17. 1) Working parents need daycare. News flash - maybe the kids need their parents more instead of money. I don't need (or necessarily want) a cellular phone, cable TV, DSL, satellite dish, health club membership, season tickets, microwave oven, and on and on with the "necessities" of life these days. Our children want our time, not our money. 2) Kids have more to learn these days. I always laugh when I hear that. What most kids need to learn today is how to socialize with each other without adult supervision and/or presence. Children need to know DIFFERENT things today
  18. Heck, with a name like "Old Baldy" I say that they discriminate (or at least make fun of) 33% of all Scouters that I know (including me). I'm a gettin' to work on MY lawsuit.
  19. According to Federal Law - can't discriminate: against people with handicaps under Federally-assisted programs based on sex under programs receiving funds on the Clean water act based on race in housing based on sex in Federally assisted education programs based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin for jobs (maybe for professional scouters, a violation?) For this, does sex mean "gender" or ... (noun or verb?). I believe it means gender so the BSA should be okay on this one. According to the State of New York "Neither federal nor state law bans sexua
  20. Meryln, What are the federal and state non-discrimination laws? Last time I looked, you could discriminate on the basis of sex and sexual orientation in many states. (Not an endorsement, just what I believe to be fact.) P.S. Your first two links require registration to get access to the articles.
  21. Except for possibly the last item in BW's list, "Nudist" Scouts would fit the bill! (and maybe the pocket and formal requirements) (Yes everyone, that was said in jest.)
  22. I'm confused. I'm not 100% sure what the state and federal anti-discrimination laws dictate but I do know that the US military does receive taxpayer money (federal to be exact) and they discriminate on the basis of sex and sexual orientation.
  23. Our troop meetings are on Monday evenings. During the school year, I recently instituted holding a PLC meeting on the Monday evening right after our monthly outing in place of the troop meeting. This gave some of the boys (non-PLC) a rest (after a Friday-Saturday-Sunday camp outing, attendance on the next day troop meeting was usually lower than other troop meetings.) The boys are awful young (SPL is 12) and are struggling somewhat right now (the troop meetings are too much like a school classroom session) but that is what they have seen in the past and that is what they keep coming u
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