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Everything posted by johnsch322

  1. After last weeks meeting and TCC hosting MJ the coalition made the announcement of forming an advisory group on YPT. What will they do this week come up with a slideshow that shows why they think the LC's cannot give more to the settlement?
  2. It will be interesting to see how the coalition of lawyers responds. Will they dispute what the TCC says the LC's have? And if they don't how will they say that the offer is as good as it can get?
  3. I am not championing anyone, I just don't think that being part of the TCC should be a disqualifier. I also do not think that without intimate knowledge of a person one can say that someone suffers emotional and mental fatigue.
  4. I do not believe there is an average survivor. We have all had different courses in life. Being on the TCC does not make you a bitter spouse. I believe that someone like John Humphrey who had a successful career before the bankruptcy and is passionate about CSA would make a perfect candidate. He appears to be quite rational and clear headed. I think that his tireless dedication with the TCC is outstanding.
  5. One little correction the TCC is the nine claimants who were selected by the US Trustee. They hired the law firm and only the law firm is paid by the BSA. If what you say is true I would think that would rule out pretty much any survivor.
  6. I think we are at the point of the negotiation where the car salesman offers free window tint. They claim it has a $499 value without telling you it will cost them about $50 and won't last 2 years before it looks like crap.
  7. Exactly and from all appearances this coalition of lawyers does not seem to be working in the best interest of survivors. They also are the mass tort lawyers who so many of those in this forum were so against and claimed that is where the false claims came from. My belief is that they are acting in the best interest of the BSA and themselves first.
  8. I just watched this. It is gripping and heart breaking but speaks to what so many of us have endured. If you do watch it I will tell you that it will reopen feelings we all would like to forget. How Boy Scouts Child Abuse Cover-Up Was Exposed (theintercept.com)
  9. Another reason not to vote for the current plan: Press Release | Press Releases | Newsroom | #childabuse | #children | #kids - Parent Security Online A proposed federal law for no SOL in civil cases of Child Abuse.
  10. I have seen the pics of Ken Rothweiler at the Bellagio and on a yacht in Marina Del Rey Ca. I also find the optics to be very disingenuous for someone who claims to be working so hard for survivors. He doesn't seem to be in the game for the long haul rather just for the quick payout along with the other coalition lawyers. I have been attentive to what the TCC has said in the Town Halls and in their video and the contrast with the coalition cannot be any greater. On one hand we have attorneys saying we will fight for you to get more and you deserve more vs the were done HipHipHooray why
  11. I wonder if the yacht belongs to some of his hedge fund friends?
  12. TCC has just filed a bunch of depositions against the insurance company's. @CynicalScouterwhat does this latest turn of events mean?
  13. I think this forum has numerous purposes besides info to abuse survivors who may not actually write posts. It gives us a sense of community that we are not alone as survivors, it gives us a place to vent our feelings, it gives us a place to state our beliefs and yes it gives us all a place to communicate information (please come back @CynicalScouter). I for one appreciate @ThenNow’s dark humor and sarcasm. It helps to have a good laugh once in awhile in all of this crap and yes occasionally I don’t exactly understand the joke but hey I only have a High School Diploma.
  14. Not sure if everyone understands this every abuse incident that occurs after MJ stated that the 72 hour rule was not a good policy and that incident makes it into the courts this will be used as evidence of negligence. If your LC allows this to happen your liability issues go up.
  15. That is more than likely the same argument from 50 years ago when virtually no background checks were. To expensive, to burdensome etc. etc. and where did that get BSA. How many less victims would there have been. I will say it again if MANDANTORY background checks were done on all those who did an overnight with scouters and it saved only ONE scouter from being abused it would be well worth the cost and effort.
  16. If you take over the assets you take over the liabilities also. The determination of validity will lie with the trustee. If there are records of you being a scout and the files indicate an abuser was in that troop in that time frame you will most likely get compensation.
  17. If you were 7 or 8 years old and now 75 to 80 and with memory becoming an issue for you (dementia) I could easily see were these things could be murky to a survivor. It doesn’t make it any less real. In California you have to have been interviewed by a psychiatrist if you are over a certain age (I think 55) and have the psychiatrist certify that he believes you were abused. I believe if a defunct council was absorbed by another council than yes they are liable.
  18. Interesting that you want TCC lawyers to show proof when it was the former person in charge of YPT that pointed out the fact and found it to be not acceptable. If it was the source of even one abuse I would say that it is a policy that should not be in effect. If other organizations do it why can’t BSA? As I have mentioned before my wife while we were in Canada had to get an RCMP background check before she could go on an overnight with my daughter. We paid for it and had no complaints about it.
  19. 546 survivors in the Larry Nasser, USA Gymnastic case get 400 million dollars of which the majority of the settlement will be funded by insurers. Think about that in relationship to what the BSA offer is.
  20. Well that precedent of not violating has already been established in cases that had been settled that included insurance payouts.
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