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Everything posted by johnsch322

  1. My thoughts exactly. How can not one of 100 vote differently. I also would like to know if this was a coalition lawyer.
  2. I do not believe it will overwhelmingly pass and would not be surprised if it gets less than a 50% yes vote.
  3. I haven’t watched the video but I did read the transcript. It gives a very telling behind the scenes look at the coalition. It is no wonder why TK wanted to be deposed. It is a story that needed to be told.
  4. What kind of comment is that t0 a Merry Christmas post to an individual? would like to see how you react to "Good will towards all men"?
  5. Merry Christmas to you @ThenNow!! You give with all of your wit and insights all year long.
  6. I doubt that there was many survivors “who learned to live with their demons” in a type of life that you have lived. Also for every survivor who the sick feeling that may have come more awake there are more survivors who as result of this bankruptcy have sought out help and have been able to bond with others. I am not sure where you are in life but for many of us we finally feel empowered against the system that abused us.
  7. I have been reading statements from survivors that they are now getting calls from coalition lawyers telling them that they filled out their ballots incorrectly and need to vote again. These claimants are saying that they know they voted correctly and they all say they voted no. The coalition lawyers are urging them to revote thru the coaltions e-ballot. Other survivors are urging them to contact the court. Reviewing the votes is going to be a mess.
  8. “Oh, the red button there kid. Don’t ever, ever touch the red button”
  9. The bigger question would be why was he allowed into the BSA to start with?
  10. Tina Turner is warming up her vocals ”out of the ruins out from the wreckage can’t make the same mistake this time we are the children the last generation we are the ones they left behind”
  11. Once some form of a settlement is done will not mean that survivors won't still be suffering. I try to think about how I can help others. How can my voice, my pen and my words be used to help other survivors? I cannot answer myself at this point of time but hopefully an answer will come to me.
  12. I value perspectives. I want to hear about diverse experiences. I learn from others. This has been a long and winding road. I am not "greedy" and I do not believe that anyone who is a survivor is greedy. We all have had a different journey in how we have reacted to our abuse. I am on multiple forums and I will tell you that survivors come from all walks of life and have walked a myriad of journeys. I will also tell you that not one survivor I have talked to has struck me as greedy. I do find that a lot of survivors are misinformed, confused, angry, and trust no one. M
  13. My belief is that the insurance company's are not under any pressure right now vs the BSA and the coalition who want to make a large dollar figure and announcements to try to get the settlement to pass. Why offer $5B (hypothetical) when you may get away with $800M?
  14. If you have no idea on how to come up with damages then how can you make an assessment that what survivors are asking for is in your word "greedy"? When a trauma to a person or persons happens as a result of an action by another (especially when it is an adult assaulting a child) there are bound to be personal issues. The blame is on the abuser and the institution that allowed it to happen. If you have not noticed or read the BSA had insurance policies at the times of these atrocities were committed and the policies for the most part were for a cap of one million dollars
  15. PTSD, Depression and Anxiety as a result of trauma is not apples and oranges. My post was not in reference to how many valid claims there are but instead but instead how much is a valid/equitable compensation that there should be. As you have never gone on the record (except for calling claimants greedy) I will ask you once again...what do you feel would be a proper compensation by dollar figure for a survivor. Please answer honestly because I feel in your heart you want to say ZERO compensation.
  16. A thought came to me about just and fair compensation and how ridiculous the current offer is and let me explain. Survivors at a minimum suffer from PTSD, depression and anxiety. If the VA determined that you had these same conditions from a traumatic event (and the sexual abuse is considered (traumatic) you would be awarded a minimum of a 30% disability. A 30% disability would get you tax free approximately $500 per month or $6000 per year. In addition you would be entitled free medical and that could easily be seen as an additional $500 per month. If you got your VA award at the ag
  17. I just cannot get past the view of just compensation for a lifetime of pain is "greed" and that scouts who do "civic ceremonies and still go camping and have fun" creates a balance were I and other survivors (those who were abused by members of the BSA) and therefore we should get less.
  18. That is why I like Uber and Lyft I know how much I have to pay before I get inside.
  19. The biggest increase will come from the insurance companies when the current plan is rejected. I think the LC’s will have to double the amount committed and it won’t be tied to membership increases payable in 2035 (that part is pretty insulting).
  20. If BSA national goes bankruptcy alone claimants will share in whatever in whatever BSA national puts into the settlement.
  21. If this became a BSA National only Chapter 7 then all claimants will still get their share from BSA National. It would be less but not nothing. On the other hand, many local councils will find themselves in bankruptcy themselves and as more states allow claims to filed more LC's over time will face bankruptcy.
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