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Everything posted by johnsch322

  1. Broke and dislocated my little finger in elementary school. We were playing dodgeball with a red schoolyard ball. Went to my Cub Scout meeting after school and the Den mother was horrified by my finger sticking out sideways from my hand. When my mother picked me up I told her I just needed to soak it and it would be OK. I got a one night stay in the hospital and a big cast in Wiesbaden Germany.
  2. "Equitable compensation" to survivors has never been the goal of the BSA in this bankruptcy. The only goal that the BSA had was to escape from underneath the liability for the least amount of money possible. The upper limit of 5 to 10K of potential victims was arrogance on their part. If that truly was the amount that they had to pay it still would not have been 150-300k payment on average just do the math...225K (average of 150 to 350) X 10,000 = 2.25 Billion. Initially BSA told LC's and CO's they would not have to contribute and they negotiated with Hartford for a max of 650M so where wa
  3. I agree. The TCC would have endorsed the first proposal if the Hartford deal was not included. That proposal had even less money in it from the LC’s so LC’s would have been better off. But no the BSA sided up with the Coalition thinking it would be an easier yes vote and my opinion will it will end up a no. This will cost not BSA more money but will hurt the LC’s.
  4. There are not 98,000 claimants the recognized figure is 82,500. Even if every one of those cases were able to go to court not all would get an award. Not all of those awards would be for a million. And some of the awards would be upwards of a million. Insurance companies have the money but the BSA cut a deal with Hartford which set the bar for other insurance companies. Out of the whole settlement offer that is what angers me personally the most. If the insurance companies are not part of the settlement there will be much more for survivors.
  5. So in your opinion I am only entitled to treatment for emotional and physical injuries? Nothing for pain and suffering for the last 54 years? Nothing for a repaired sphincter that has trouble holding back fecal matter? The docs say the sphincter is as good as it will get. I have never said there was enough assets to pay what might be accomplished if the BSA was not in Bankruptcy. What I will say is that LC’s CO’s and Insurance company’s are not contributing enough to get released from their liabilities. I am sure that you hope it will get approved as I hope it won’t.
  6. As you are referring to my post I will tell you that I have read multiple post from multiple people discounting what survivors are due under the law. We are due compensation for pain and suffering as would an accident victim would be and anyone saying less is saying we as survivors are due less than others. There is no one throwing money at survivors. As I have said this is a line of thought I have read from multiple posters.
  7. The statute of limitations for criminal conviction will keep most of the abusers from prosecution both in open and closed states. What would be better for us in open states is if there are ono releases given to LC's, CO's and insurance company's.
  8. I will not go as far as BSA should cease to exist but I honestly do not believe they can police themselves. If the largest source of CSA to date happened in the BSA and if the BSA was truly repentant why would they not adopt the YPT that the TCC is recommending? If the BSA wanted fair and equitable compensation why would they cut deals with Hartford and set a precedent by doing so? Same could be said for the LDS church when both have and can afford much more? If the Local Councils want the benefits of bankruptcy without having to go thru bankruptcy why are they not contributing
  9. This line of thought is one of the most insulting words I have read on this site. Marie Antoinette "let them eat cake" would be comparable. I for one and other survivors I know are in therapy and have sought mental health solutions for ourselves and believe me it has not always helped. At best it keeps us barely on just the plus side of function with occasional slips backward. I know this because I live it on a daily basis. Since I have sought help (which started not to far in the past) I take my Prozac daily have meetings with my therapist and my psychiatrist. Any time I have to fill ou
  10. With the TCC pushing hard for YPT versus the BSA wanting window dressing of just one survivor board member I fail to see your point. The TCC is also pushing for better trust disposition of whatever money is awarded. I see no party that has liability in this matter throwing money at survivors in fact it is just the opposite I see the BSA, LC's, CO's and insurance company's making extraordinary efforts to pay as little as possible. It is very apparent that you are not a survivor and have not much idea of what transpires in a survivors life. Survivors are not driven by greed rather
  11. You would have to see the actual costs and the money saved. If it was a 10 year payback I would think that was reasonable. With the rising cost of gas and electricity and if it is in a cold weather climate it could have been a smart move.
  12. Either way a smart move. The coalition and/or the BSA should have never protested the email blast.
  13. This was a very smart move on their part and shows all that they are more about survivors than personal egos.
  14. That is only $17 per person per weekend....sounds like a deal.
  15. Surely you cannot be surprised. I have found the integrity of the TCC and its legal team to be top notch.
  16. This might be why the coalition is pushing for the low ball offer. If a majority of their claims are bogus they know those claimants will want the $3500. Their piece of that might be worth more than their legitimate claims.
  17. Does this mean you are in favor for a Chapter 7 liquidation of BSA? That would give you one less youth organization to compete with for members correct? I get down voted for questioning someone who wants to create their own non profit scouting? And for giving my opinion on the amount the LC's are contributing to the plan. Which by the way is an opinion held by survivors and non survivors alike.
  18. As a survivor I would say unsuitable and from the bankruptcy point of to be channeled the amount offered is supposed to be significant. When you look at the total liabilities 600M is not significant.
  19. Does this mean you are in favor for a Chapter 7 liquidation of BSA? That would give you one less youth organization to compete with for members correct?
  20. The LC's offer is 600M. If the plan passed that would get all LC's off the hook now and if other states open up their SOL's they won't be affected (essentially bankruptcy protection without paying the price). The TCC's and many of the law firms say that is to little to get those protections and have sent the LC's BRG dashboards that show larger amounts that could be contributed.
  21. Barry it is a mindset and I am a survivor of Child Sexual Abuse. I choose not to be a victim.
  22. No matter what the LC's offer was much to low and the and the BRG analysis of the LC's show that. On top of that the only people who will decide on the low ball offer will be survivors. It is a far stretch of imagination that even 75% of survivors would vote yes and more that that would more than likely have to.
  23. The TCC. Even the BSA says combined the LC’s have over 2 billion in assets.
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