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Everything posted by CynicalScouter

  1. Never going to happen. They won't go backwards on this, much less to THAT extent. And financially, they can't. 2010 - $10 to $15 2014 - $15 to $24 2017 - $24 to $33 2020 - $33 to $60 2021 - $60 to $66 What's changed since the time of the $10 fee for national? Bankruptcy, potentially a BILLION dollars in liability, LDS leaving, membership collapse in general, insurance premiums skyrocketing, etc. In 2010, the Cash and cash equivalents coming in was 42,127,000. In 2019 it was 198,914,000. Sounds great, right? In 2010, total liabilities was 327,312,000. In 2019 it was
  2. His amazement isn't so much that "this is how things are suppose to work", it is that this was our AoL/crossover patrol that picked up and ran with it right from the start in the middle of a pandemic. THAT is amazing.
  3. So, you'll only obey the BSA rules you want to and actively disregard those that you don't want to? Wow. That's not a really good example. Again, a scout is obedient.
  4. I can disagree with the rules and wish they would change regarding fundraising and remain in scouting. The difference is that you seem to be advocating is that scouts and scouters active disobey the fundraising rules. That's a huge difference.
  5. Bad example. You agree to participate in Scouts, BSA. You agree to their rules. No one is forcing their way into your classroom and tell you how to teach. You agree to be a chartered org or registered adult leader, you agree to abide by their rules on fundraising. And it's not "advice", it is a requirement of the program. Don't like it, don't participate in the program. A scout is obedient.
  6. Disagree how? That making up a as you call it "phony-baloney" excuse violates every known BSA regulation and guideline? Or that the BSA regulations and guidelines must be followed?
  7. That provision is listed in the Cubmaster’s Key Progress Record but NOT the Scouter’s Training Award for Cub Scouting Progress Record, so if you look at one you'd think it doesn't but if you looked at the other is it clear as day. I had someone stumble on this once which is why I remember it.
  8. Yes. Cubmaster’s Key Progress Record https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/training/pdf/511-053_WB.pdf
  9. Or, they can just, you know, follow the policies as laid out in The Charter and Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of America The Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America the Guides To Unit Money-Earning Projects, and the Fundraising Policies and Procedures Manual all of which prohibit in one way or another a) unit solicitation in general unless b) they have the expressed, written consent of Council. A scout is trustworthy and does not engage in "phony-baloney". A scout is obedient and follows the rules. Or did I miss something?
  10. In short, because Boy Scouts of America owns the right to the name, logo, trademarks, etc. By becoming a unit you agree to abide by (among other things) The Charter and Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of America which limits who may use the name, logo, trademarks, etc. to National. Councils and units may only use them if they are in compliance with National's Charter, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations which include provisions that you may not solicit unless the Council permits it and even then there are restrictions. The Charter and Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of America https://filestore.scouting.org/
  11. "Have not wanted to take action" meaning what? I feel like perhaps we are not getting the entire story here. If you have asked for your council to review, is it that they disagreed with your interpretation and sided with the SM's or they simply said nothing? As other said, if you really truly think this, then get it in writing from Council/your Scout Executive, forward to National, and ask for an Eagle review by national. You may have to speak with a lawyer.
  12. A search based on the zip code for Frederick OK indicates 29 packs within 50 miles and https://beascout.scouting.org/list/?zip=73542&program[]=pack
  13. May mean this. https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34403.pdf
  14. The solution I came up with is approve them through NOW but place a note "deferred" and set a reminder to yourself for January 1, 2021 to go back and review.
  15. Not my unit but one I know from friends and Roundtable discussions. They had a group of parents who decided that COVID was an excuse to make formal what had already been taking place under the prior SM. They were going to completely take over planning from the PLC. The scouts would be given a list of approved locations and events they could do. The head of this band of parents insisted it was still scout-led because the scouts got to select from the approved list. The plan apparently was to have the parents in charge attend the PLC to inform the scouts what they could and could not do in
  16. This can be the rebirth of the patrol method. My unit tried 1 Troop zoom meeting. It was a wreck. We have, however, seen patrols going hiking, fishing, biking, etc. Our SM and SPL have, in effect, "given up" on troop level activities and plan on patrol level events indefinitely (the only exception being a possible Court of Honor). I say "given up" in quotes because they are looking at this as a really positive thing; you have PLs who have to step up and patrols with weak leadership or shiftless scouts being put on the spot and embarrassed/shamed. Our new unit patrol/crossover Ao
  17. The Charter Organization Rep can be the Committee Chair either permanently or interim. Have the COR named interim CC and get the signatures done.
  18. You may have more legal hurdles than you can imagine. As others noted, hostels have tons of legal and liability issues, California in particular.
  19. First, that may have been the way it was done the first 80 years, but it is not how it is now. Your actions sound as if they are possibly illegal. Second, if there is "flagrant violation of YPT" then you have reported it to the Scout Executive and National, right? Or did you just decide to go your own way? Third, precisely what Council went bankrupt?
  20. First, although theoretically the "model" is for district's chartered organization reps should be elected the district chair, in practice Councils do it because CoRs are mostly just on paper. Second, what do you mean by a "private district"? You do understand that only the Councils are permitted to create or administer districts?
  21. Why would they want the trademarks? GSUSA isn't suing to get BSA's trademarks, they are suing to stop BSA from infringing on the trademarks owned by GSUSA. Why would GSUSA want to muddle their own existing program by running or having the branding/labeling associated with Boy Scouts of America?
  22. GSUSA has net assets of $180 million. I don't see them being in a position to outright "buy" BSA's assets. But merger? Technically yes, but why would they want to? What's the case?
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