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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. - What best practices can you share? Planning! Planning! Planning! And let the PLC decide what they want to do. Adults should zip it. You are there for health and safety 😜 - What defines a backpacking troop, anyway? Up to you! A Troop "ought" to be camping every month (12 times a year.) JTE Gold level asks you to have 9 short term and 1 long term camp (so 10 times). I would define a "backpacking troop" as one that does at least half its outings as backpacking... so 5 or 6 times a year. - How does your troop prepare recent crossovers and other young/small/inexperienced Scout
  2. My first troop was a backpacking troop. We had about 25 Scouts. At meetings, we would run one mile for conditioning. Most weekend trips were 15 or 20-milers done as loops. We would drive to a campsite, or trailhead on Friday night and camp nearby, usually within a mile or two. Ten+ miles on Saturday, then finish off the rest on Sunday to where the vehicles were. We were organized as patrols at the Troop meetings, but it was every man for himself on the trail. Bring all your own gear and food. It made things really easy for the group, but there was no patrol method. Had a great tim
  3. You are correct. Might be a bit passive/aggressive, but if you want, you can go into Scoutbook, open their profile, select Memberships, and end the ASM role the same day as it began (not sure you can delete that entirely...). As to the Committee stuff... that is under his purview, so out of your lane. Also, it is up to the Scoutmaster as to whom can sign off requirements. Since you have not appointed him as an ASM, you should tell him to cease signing off requirements, if that is your desire. Now, unfortunately, a Unit Advancement Chair and the CC still retain that capab
  4. Ok, CC is the only registered position there. The others are functionals assigned through the Organizational Manager in my.scouting.
  5. Anyone can take an application to Council. You just need the COR signature on it. The current person need have no role in that...
  6. Oh, and what position are they registered for in my.scouting.org? (NOT Scoutbook... Scoutbook is scoutbook.scouting.org) Your Registrar would not have assigned them to a Committee Position and an ASM position. Your my.scouting login should be the same as your Scoutbook login credentials, unless you have used your Google to sign in.
  7. Acknowledged. Sounds like you have also had a personal discussion with them and it was not fruitful. That train may have left the station, but... Do you think another personal discussion would help? If yes, focus on the person's behavior and how it is affecting the unit. Explain that one of the repercussions of taking on too many roles is that of creating a single point of failure. That is, if something were to happen to them (which no one can control), and because replacing them would require getting many people to step up and fill the roles, then having them do so much is expos
  8. Understood. Most likely, pointing out rules isn't going to curb their behavior. Sounds like you'll need an intervention, of sorts. How engaged is your Chartered Organization Representative, and do you know who your Unit Commissioner and District Executive are? How many other like-minded volunteers/parents have you discussed this with? Are you considering leaving the unit if things aren't resolved?
  9. So, if this person were to limit themselves to one function, which do you think would be most value-added to the unit? For any position you pick, I could point out a list of responsibilities, most of which are likely NOT being taken care of, or done well, at the moment in your unit. Most volunteers I work with simply do not have the time required to dive deep into a position and do it to a level of excellence. Many do a passable job, and that has to be good enough... A good handful don't do much at all, nor care to learn what it takes to make a Scouting unit function well. These ar
  10. No, you should check who is listed in the Functional Roles under Organization Manager in my.scouting. You, may be able to tweak those...
  11. So, as an Assistant Scoutmaster, this person works for you (Scoutmaster), and as Scoutmaster, you answer to the Committee Chair. You see the conundrum there?
  12. Short answer: NO! Now, your Scoutbook roster isn't the official document. Before we go too far down the rabbit hole, may I ask what roles you have under your profile in my.scouting.org ?? Longer answer: You cannot be a CC and Assistant SM in the same unit. Having the "Key 3 Delegate" title in Scoutbook makes no sense, because, as CC, they are already Key 3. Regarding the other Committee positions, it begs this question: how many Scouts are in the Troop? You can see @DuctTape has quoted you chapter and verse above, per your request. Finally, reality often does not ca
  13. I often say, the Scouting program is a mile wide, and, if you choose a specific area, you can go a mile deep as well. Ranks and requirements are the breadth... merit badges, awards, and further training (Kodiak, NYLT, NAYLE, etc) are the depth... For adults, you can go even deeper in the training opportunities offered in Aquatics, Shooting Sports, High Adventure, Outdoor Ethics, STEM, etc, etc, etc... I wholeheartedly concur with @OaklandAndy, in that most adult volunteers are simply ignorant of the opportunities Scouting offers for all ages.
  14. Bring back a Bird Study as Eagle required! Or make it one of a group... Bird/Mammal/Insect/Reptile and Amphibian/Fish and Wildlife Mgmt/Forestry/etc etc etc Drop Cit in Society ASAP...
  15. And we are missing a great opportunity to be THE organization that puts outdoor stewardship as a core value while we are in the outdoors. We dabble in it... to get requirements signed off...
  16. Hey, wait... are we in the same council? Just looked at the training stats for our council/district. Only 68% of unit leaders have finished their position required training. Or, from the other angle, 32%, council-wide, have not completed their basic position training. There's a good place to start... We are the only unit with 100% trained adults in our district. Council-wide, we are the largest of 8 units with 100% trained. Gold JTE for the past 7 years... (so >= 85% retention year over year, >= 9 short term outings per annum, >=70% of Troop at summer camp, etc. etc. e
  17. We make earning the awards fun 😜 Fun with a purpose. The purpose is to experience the personal growth (and other Scouting methods) reached while pursuing the award. The award is simply a "tangible" milestone marking the intangibles we experience along the way...
  18. Do they have the "attachment" rates for Scouts BSA awards?
  19. Great idea, but it is all about the money... Girl Scouts of the USA (part of WAGGS) is simply not going to give up an $800 million dollar revenue stream to either 1) merge with the Boy Scouts of America (part of WOSM) and become one WOSM NSO, or 2) accept "Scouts of America, or Scouts USA" as a trademark infringement which confuses their business model and target audience (although they lost that lawsuit...) https://www.wsj.com/video/series/the-economics-of/from-thin-mints-to-tagalongs-how-cookies-fuel-girl-scouts-success/B4839193-1AB9-4CCE-B106-C2BAEE40E912 https://www.reuters
  20. LOL, thought I was a connoisseur of the obscure... had not heard of Elbonia... guess I have a lot to learn, yet. https://dilbert.fandom.com/wiki/Elbonia
  21. @curious_scouter, it wasn't your recharter paperwork that was due on 16 Nov, it was your recharter PAYMENT that was due!! 😜 Never forget... it is all about the money. The service (even four months later) to youth is just a collateral benefit of having your cash. <sarc off>
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