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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. I have already attended that funeral twice... Camp Linwood Hayne, Georgia-Carolina Council, and Treasure Island, Cradle of Liberty.
  2. "Don't let it become a salaried organization: keep it a voluntary movement of patriotic service." BP
  3. It is important to say that maybe, just maybe, we don't have the complete story here. If I were the COR or SE, I'd like to hear from about three or four more people to hone in on "the facts of the case" before forming any judgements about the situation.
  4. Estimates as to how long BSA can last on life support waiting for a Chapter 11 confirmation? What do the tea leaves say about the imminence of Chapter 7?
  5. @yknot, in the upper right corner of any post you do not like, you can select the three dots and hit "Report"
  6. @yknot, you really are too much... 1. "However, healthcare is somehow viewed as a low risk, nurturing profession mainly because many women pursue it." No one ever said it was "low risk" I even said, 2. I never made any such claim, that women are incapable of holding leadership positions... Please search my posts, and show me wrong. 3. No one ever said women prefer menu planning. What @Eagledad said was "Boys by nature want action and adventure. That other stuff like meeting, planning, and planning menus is not in their wheelhouse. " Again, search his posts
  7. Yes, I'd like to see the average age of the youth abuser, and the average age of the youth abused. Those ages would give us a clearer picture of the problem.
  8. elitts, thanks...I had exhausted my supply of pearls
  9. +1 I believe the "regimental system" would be ideal. That is, a patrol exists in perpetuity. A Scout grows up in one patrol, and is always a member of that patrol. As new Scouts join the Troop, they are assigned to patrols as manning needs, based on those who have left or "graduated" It would be awesome if you had a "Sorting Hat" https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Sorting_Hat to determine which patrol a Scout should go into. Alas, we mere mortals must do what we can. I think random selection is probably best. The ideal patrol is 5 to 8 Scouts. Above six, and they natural
  10. I would push it further and say it is mostly mental/psychological (rather than "as much") We have some 12 year olds that do just fine. We have some 14 year olds that still have significant challenges with anxiety and homesickness. I have already excluded two 14 year olds from our upcoming trek that have not demonstrated the level of maturity I want. (Yes, I said "I want", because I will be responsible for them in the wilderness. )
  11. On the trips I lead, I put in the remarks, "Must be 14 by the start date, or with adult leader approval." I have made a few errors in judgment over the years in opening trips to all ages, only to wind up dealing with problems caused by immaturity or lack of physical ability to do the trip. (not my own immaturity or inability...for those of you who want to swing at that softball... 😜 )
  12. Even with an aggressive and skill intensive program, in which we provide huge amounts of opportunity, it takes new Scouts on average about two years to get to First Class. That is, actually doing the requirements as written, without them being spoon-fed by adults. (Fitness requirements, for example.) If a Scout focuses and learns by her own ambition and initiative, First Class can be done in about 90 days, which is the minimum time. (This is for the ones who join later, like the 15/16 year olds.)
  13. Great question! In reality, they weren't. That is, you can organize your Troop any way you wish, and if you want to have an older group called the Venture Patrol, then go for it. Here's a website with some more details... http://www.seniorscoutinghistory.org/seniorscoutsite/venture.html Programmatically, who knows why the BSA moved away from this? The old heads here (like me) remember the Leadership Corps, which was essentially the same thing. http://www.seniorscoutinghistory.org/seniorscoutsite/leadershipcorps.html The REALLY old heads will remember Rovers, Emergency Servic
  14. We 'make it work' by using Troop Guides during the first six months and a lot of adult skill instruction during the first year. I wish we didn't have to 'make it work.' Our reality is that, around 16, our Scouts move on to other things. Venturing, OA, jobs, girls, cars, hanging with friends, school clubs, music, sports, martial arts, etc, etc. Loyalty to an institution is not part of our wider cultural mindset any more. In general, there is more of a narcissistic "What's in it for me?" attitude, and the belief that you must be involved in all those other activities in order to co
  15. Our fire position is responsible for stove set up and getting an adult to check, charcoal prep if we are Dutch oven cooking, and firewood gathering/prep/lighting. There must always be enough tinder/kindling/fuel on hand for the next fire. At the end of the trip, we leave it for the next group.
  16. You are mixing apples and oranges... The article is referencing physical assaults, not fatalities. Would you agree one is worse than the other? (Just to be clear, a fatality is worse than an assault, in my book.) And DWB is 45K people from around the planet. Can we limit our discussions to folks in the US as our target population? If so, there are 22.3M healthcare workers in the US. Even if I allow you the courtesy of saying all 45K were from the US, they are still only 0.2% of the entire healthcare workforce. Obviously, far less than that fits the bill... https://www.cens
  17. Depends on how you define "risk" I suppose....for infection? Sure. For fatalities? No way... https://www.facilities.udel.edu/safety/4689/
  18. So being male disqualifies them? How sexist of you! I hope the moderators take note of your discriminatory comments and take the action against you that you prescribe as you twisted others words to match your own biases and angst. And Dr. Barber and Dr. Peterson are more studied in their fields than, I assume, you are. Unless you care to reveal your academic credentials or put up the research and experience of others. ???? Gobbledygook The only opinions talked about there are Google's... However, there are upwards of forty citations to scientific research made in his m
  19. Please view a few of the videos I posted, which discuss the science behind the gender differences, and I'll be glad to engage further...
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEDuVF7kiPU&ab_channel=JordanBPeterson @yknot, it seems you are twisting @Eagle1993 's words a bit.
  21. https://jenikaplan.medium.com/the-great-girl-scout-cookie-scam-b024ffad6e1b
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