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Posts posted by Thunderbird

  1. @WisconsinMomma  Something to consider: Item #10 on the Journey to Excellence (JTE) criteria for troops involves holding 2-3 courts of honor, "where troop plans are reviewed with parents."
    However, that doesn't mean that they need to go on and on trying to inform the parents about every single little thing.  They could hit the highlights and leave all the details for the newsletter, weekly e-mail, e-blast, website, or whatever communication(s) you want to use.  Over an hour for announcements and FOS seems excessive.
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  2. A 12-year-old Boy Scout (Den Chief or not) is not an adult and cannot take the place of an adult for YPT purposes.

    The Guide to Safe Scouting says:

    "Two-deep leadership on all outings required.  A minimum of two registered adult leaders, or one registered leader and a participating Scout’s parent, or another adult is required for all trips and outings.  One of these adults must be 21 years of age or older."

    While this doesn't sound like an "outing", Cub Scouts still require adult supervision.  Den Chiefs are activities assistants, but they are still youth - not adults.

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  3. @fred johnson  Scoutbook isn't intended to replace the Handbooks or the blue cards.  But it can serve as a backup, and also a great place to keep notes or pics.  For example, Scout visits a historic site as part of Citizenship in the Nation mb.  He can make a note of the date, take a pic(s), add some notes.  We still do most everything face-to-face, but it's nice to have a backup.  In addition, it's nice that everybody has access to the same information (assuming that it's kept up to date).

  4. "Boy Scout: Life Rank, Senior Patrol Leader"

    Outside of Scouting, most folks have no idea what the terms "Life Rank" or "Senior Patrol Leader" mean.  I think this is why the Eagle Scout Project Workbook uses the term "Eagle Scout Candidate".  I think it would be acceptable to say Eagle Scout Candidate or Eagle Scout rank, anticipated winter 2018 (or something similar).  Most folks would understand both of these to mean that you are close to earning Eagle Scout rank, but haven't earned it yet.

    This would be similar to applying for a job that requires a degree while you are still in college.  Something like: John Smith, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, expected June 2018.

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  5. 11 minutes ago, MattR said:

    Related story: My council is changing FOS to some other acronym. Not only that but next year each unit will be sent a bill for $200/scout. They can donate the money or sell popcorn or any of the other council fundraising. So last night at our district council meeting we were talking about girls and I asked what the GS council charges each youth. They looked at me funny so I explained to them that there are all these great plans for adding girls but do they know about this charge? If money is an issue and they have to raise $200 per scout to stay in the BSA but could sign up for probably much less if they go with GS, I asked them what they think the parents will do.

    $25 membership fee for the GSUSA vs.

    $233 ($33 + $200) for BSA + your council

    That sure looks like a disincentive to join BSA

  6. Scoutbook only has one version right now - a web app.  It can be used on mobile or desktop / laptop.  You can add a shortcut to your smartphone or tablet so that it looks like an app from iTunes or Google Play.

  7. I think that there are times when collections drives can work as Eagle Scout projects, but they are more than just collecting items.  Here are a few examples:

    Bryan on Scouting:  Reminder about nontraditional Eagle projects was music to this Scout’s ears

    This Scout did more than just collect donated musical instruments.  He also got them repaired and refurbished.  In addition, he organized local musicians who came in and gave a 1-hour lesson to the foster kids who would be getting the new instruments.

    Bryan on Scouting:  An Eagle Scout project doesn’t have to be permanent

    When this Scout was younger, he only had black trash bags to carry his belongings from one foster home to another. :(  So the Scout put together a duffel- bag drive for foster kids.  He filled 100 high-quality duffel bags with blankets, flashlights, and stuffed animals.

    Bryan on Scouting:  Eagle Scout service project benefits those on four legs

    Here's another one where it included a collection drive, but the Scout also organized an adoption event and raised awareness about retired racing greyhounds.


    One way to come up with Eagle Scout project ideas (and they are everywhere, as others have already pointed out) is for the Scout to think about who would benefit from the project?  Foster kids, veterans, children's hospital / ward, local park, wildlife refuge, zoo, etc.

    If the Scout has some kind of "connection" with the service project, that's great, too.  For example, this Scout's twin brother has Autism and is legally blind, so he decided that he wanted to do a project to help kids with special needs: a sensory room specially designed for kids with Autism.  The room included special lighting, padded floors, and educational toys.

    Bryan on Scouting: 2017 Eagle Project of the Year:  He built sensory rooms for kids with autism


    • Upvote 3
  8. 50 minutes ago, JasonG172 said:

    Let not assume the scout store didn't UP SELL this gentleman and told him he needed that patch.  Its happened in front of my eyes.

    "Have you taken some training"  this could be YPT, oh then here is a TRAINED PATCH

    I can see that.  "So you say you want to be an Asst. Cubmaster?  We've got a patch for that right over here ..."

  9. @Jameson76It's at the Scoutmaster's discretion (or whoever is delegated to approve by the SM), but I think the intent is to have the Scouts gain skills by practicing putting up and taking down at least one type of shelter (tents, improvised shelters, snow caves, etc.).  I'm not currently a SM, but I would count a hammock + rain fly.  (I like Tampa Turtle 's "elevated tent" concept!  :D)  I would also recommend / encourage that they try different types of shelters when possible (and where it makes sense).

  10. If you want more in depth information, there are also a couple of PowerPoint presentations available at the link below:

    The Essentials of Merit Badge Counseling

    The Merit Badge Program


    I don't know if any of the new Cub Scout adventures deal specifically with aviation or not, but I think some of them deal with weather, kite flying, and science.  So you could fit them in there.

  11. @LeCastor  Good point.  However, there are some situations where cabin counting might count (at the Scoutmaster's discretion).  For example, the National Outdoor Award for Camping and the Order of the Arrow eligibility requirements do not specifically exclude cabin camping (although, obviously, in order to earn First Class rank and complete the requirements for the camping merit badge, a certain amount of the nights camped can't be in a cabin).

  12. The BSA updated and reprinted the SPL Handbook and the PL Handbook in 2017.  The Troop Program Features have been replaced by Program Features for Troops, Teams, and Crews: A Guide to Program Planning (volumes 1-3).

    Most of the information in the new books is available for free at:



    Here is a link to a suggested generic PLC Meeting Agenda.

    All of these are suggestions for troops - modify them however you like or as needed to fit what your troop wants / needs.

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