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Everything posted by 5thGenTexan

  1. I have a request. Can we get some sort of facts of where things now stand, without opinion of what might happen. I would like something to help take to my committee for those that have been paying zero attention. I know at some point National had a tough time when they would be out of cash to stay running. Does that date still exist? I have seen July 20.... what is the significance there? On the what if side... IF National (personally I think its just when). Does that mean program is gone. Advancement is gone. Scoutbook is gone. Everything is pretty
  2. The general populace, at least the ones that respond to news stories on local news sites want nothing to do with the BSA ever. "Its a haven for pedophiles" "They are just as bad as the Catholic Priests" "I would never let me kid alone with those people" Then you have the comments about allowing girls to join. I don't think the opinion of Scouting in the general population is as positive as those in the various programs. When news stories start hitting that there are thousands of claims of abuse after YPT began in the past 20 -30 years. Well.. it will darn near impo
  3. Has the video of the townhall been posted yet? https://www.dropbox.com/s/raga71esknhqb1b/BSA Town Hall 3-11-2021.mp4?dl=0 Yeah, I dont think I understood what it was initially.
  4. I think even two years ago if the BSA head honcho gets up and talks about it for 30 minutes to rank and file volunteers they HAD to know what the situation was. To this day I still hear the talking points from back then. Either people havent kept up with developments or they have their heads in the sand to avoid any news to the contrary of those talking points.
  5. At University of Scouting 2 years ago I sat and listened to Michael Surbaugh explain how the files BSA kept were the only reason lawsuits existed because a paper trail was there. My Council has, not recently mind you, but has pushed the rhetoric that they are financially independent of National and we have plenty of money to continue without National at all. Whenever I bring anything up regarding what might happen I am fed this line by the DE and other leaders in my Pack and the Troop, as well as other District folks. Looking at the documents provided last night, Circle 10 has 504
  6. One of C10 camps is for whatever reason is incorporated. https://nonprofitlight.com/tx/dallas/camp-wisdom-inc Two of the camps are fairly easily identifiable on tax maps. Another is weird. The property the ranger's resident sits on is listed. The camp itself is on Corps of Engineer property, so that will stay with the US Govt. But, cant find anything on the personal property on the land.
  7. I don't know how things are other places so, this may be just applicable to my council. I am a bit concerned about our Camp Rangers when properties may be sold off. I think all of our rangers live on site in homes owned by the council. Not only will they lose their jobs, they will also lose their homes.
  8. So... I had a new Webelos girl sign up and I drove the 40 minutes to the office this morning to get it turned in. I collected from the parent for March - December + new membership fee. All well and good. I am expecting to pay $80 and go on my way. They tell me its $85.50 and I am like... What?? Since Texas was shut down for a week in Feb for the Artic visitor we had, they just decided to tack an extra week of Feb on and charge for it. I declined their offer and countered with, we will just take care of it next week.
  9. I came in to read about the new membership numbers tonight. Sunday was our Scout Sunday. Then we had a Pack Meeting in the afternoon. Had a Webelos Den Meeting tonight. I think if I can limit my time around the adults I will be ok. Does that make sense?
  10. I am not referring to "National". I mean people from across the country told me I suck.
  11. There is a definitive line that you can even see in my communication with other leaders in my Unit and District. Pre WB and Post WB when I was told on a national level I wasn't worth a crap and I should quit and find other ways to volunteer my time. The problem is, I believed them. Probably 85% of the problem right now. Any confidence I had... they destroyed.
  12. It is really an effort to do anything Scout related. I just can't get into it. Without getting into to much detail, I have always had self confidence, anxiety, and depression issues. Being a leader was helping me a lot I think, I was talking to leaders outside my unit, getting out of the house going to RT, After my WB experience in October that I will not rehash here. things went south. I went from mad to disappointed to really depressed. At the beginning of December. I left all the Scout FB groups, I unfriended everyone on FB that wasn't family. I have removed myself as an adm
  13. Yeah, I am hesitant. I needed Tetanus for Part C last Fall. Got it on a Monday morning and I had a fever for the next 4 days in addition to sleeping a lot. That was just Tdap. I am worried this one might kill me.
  14. Our 2021 UoS was this past Saturday. They wanted $18 to participate virtually. In lieu of my previous "donations" I decided to sit this year out and my Webelos Den worked on Cast Iron Chef Saturday morning.
  15. My Council is making bank on cancellations... In October I had to bail on Webelos Woods with my own kid because my uncle died due to Covid and the service was that weekend. Since I didnt request a refund 14 days in advance I had to eat the paid fees. In December we had a Pack campout planned and a couple of days before I got sick and couldnt go. It was just a cold. I was the only BALOO trained leader going so since I couldnt go, neither could the Pack. I made the reservation for the campsite (we have to pay to use Council camps now). Since the cancellation was less than 1
  16. Thats good I guess. My kid doesnt give a rat's.... when it comes in the mail so I didnt renew for another year
  17. I have 46 Scouts on our Pack roster. 12 are not returning. Some of those just never showed up after Join Scout Night, and that kind of thing is not abnormal. We picked up a new Scout that I will take the app in when Jan comes. I am not unhappy with that. I dont know how anyone else is doing because I am not talking to any other leaders in the district or any RT any more.
  18. I have one of those. I do like it. I have this for hot weather. Its been to the jungles of Belize and Mexico as well as Scout adventures.
  19. I know... "Its Wikipedia" but there is a bit of a timeline of how things have progressed.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boy_Scouts_of_America_sex_abuse_cases
  20. I am not an attorney, I dont even play one on TV and I dont stay in Holiday Inn Express. Does the "Proof of Claim" that the COs filed to protect themselves also protect those "Scout Accounts"? At least the money would stay with the CO and not go to the lawyers?
  21. Assuming that worse case scenario happens, Does that mean one day we get an email saying cease all Unit operations immediately.? IF the local council were to survive, would we cease all operation until that Council restructures? Honestly, I am worried about our Camp Rangers... they live on Council property. This would be a huge blow to them
  22. Once again, overestimating how long ago the 80s were. I was in Cub Scouts 1981-1984 or so. My dad was CM and he is only 69 this year. Not 80s.
  23. I wasn't suggesting BSA training to help with my issues. Just that, if without those issues I think Wood Badge would have been a better experience for me.
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