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Everything posted by Hawkwin

  1. Proposal ready! I would love some feedback before I send it to the subcommittee. Sections to be changed are one color, quoted GtoA is another, and my response is another. Policies of Troop XXX These polices have been developed and approved by the Troop Committee to insure fair and equal treatment of all Scouts. These policies are to inform parents and Scouts of the policies of the Troop. 1. Troop Policy and Organization 1.1 Attendance a. It is recommended that the Scout attends as many meetings as possible to gain the most benefit of the resources available to
  2. Thanks. I don't think my troop is very big on the GtoA. The fact that I, a lowly parent, had to quote it to the SM and CC illustrates that lack of clarity we have on this issue. Wish me luck! I'll likely post my proposal here over the weekend to gain feedback before I send it to the subcommittee. We might end up with a "crowd-sourced" solution.
  3. That's outstanding. I can't honestly say that the above is reflected in our troop's current SM conferences. I get the sense that they are more about preparation for the BOR than they are about the larger issue of the items you list (a committee member stated as much regarding his son passing his recent BOR). I will definitely inquire deeper on this issue when I have the discussion with the subcommittee. I get the distinct impression that the SMCs are currently used only as a "final check" on whether or not the scout is ready to pass the BOR and little else. I don't get the impression that thes
  4. I've not been a CC but I've been a member of the committee and whether it is a scout committee or any committee for that matter, being organized is, for me, the greatest indicator or future success. My #1 pet peeve as a committee member would be to go to a meeting with a clear agenda and the CC either allows for various unlimited tangential conversations or topics, or starts such on their own. I don't want to hang around for 30 extra minutes to get through the entire agenda because we spent 10 extra minutes on three different tangents.
  5. Can you elaborate on that? I don't think I understand what you are stating. Thank you.
  6. Yep. Glass half full; win but still lose result. Where do good ideas go to die? Subcommittee. Both sides shared their opinion and the SM eluded to being incorrect without admitting such and tried to tie being "active" to the SM conference and I replied that being active may be a requirement for advancement but it is not a requirement for the SMC. If there is an issue with activity, that is something for the BOR to resolve, not for the SM to require in advance of the SMC. I saw a lot of heads nod at that comment but the end result was it was referred to an adhoc subcommittee, for whic
  7. sexual activity happened in tents between boys long before the acceptance of trans scouts.
  8. IIRC, when all this started to become news, there were stories about how BSA approached GSUSA but was rebuffed. One such snip: I think they would have made it work if they could.
  9. I've been gone this weekend and a lot has developed while I was gone. I am not going to comment further other than to state that the district is taking the issue seriously. I will not comment again until after the committee meeting tomorrow night. I appreciate all the comments and i have my own opinions that may or may not be directly in line what others posted above - but for the benefit of my scout, I must continue to assume best intent even when occums razor would suggest otherwise.
  10. CC emailed me back tonight. Apparently they heard from the district. CC indicated they had already made plans to discuss this at the next committee meeting. Was not happy that I did not give them enough time to respond to my emails or that I got the district involved. I apologized for not giving him enough time to respond. I assumed the best intentions for four days but on the fifth day, I gave up and got the district involved. My fault. I will own that. CC meeting is on Tuesday. Will see how that goes. I get the sense that this policy might actually change.
  11. Yuck! Food for thought - but since my son is not quite 13, I hope we have plenty of time to let this become water under the bridge for him. If not, then our choice at that time (or prior) will certainly be clear. The troop down the road would be glad to welcome another future Eagle to their ranks.
  12. Yes. He is currently an ASM in the troop. I will likely try to reach him by phone tomorrow. The current SM already announced he has plans to move away in a couple of years or so. I just didn't know he was stepping down prior to that departure (which is a really good idea for the new SM to take over while the previous SM is still available to assist). I guess I wonder just what the existing SM would think they accomplish by making things hard for my son - and I don't envision how that would even happen. My only current connection to the troop is as a MBC so I don't see how they could make
  13. Yep. No. we will see what the committee says, as well as what the incoming SM thinks of this policy, and then if need be, let my son decide if he wants to wait until the November camp out for a SM conference and a BOR in December or if he has had enough and wants to switch troops. Very likely, he will chose to wait. Switching troops is very likely more disruptive to him than delayed advancement.
  14. Are you my DC? 😆 That is almost identical to what he stated too. He indicated that I could request a formal appeal to the district if I appeal the COR and they don't back down either, but, and I loved this response, he stated that option was "not overly palatable." 😁
  15. Got a response from the DC within a couple of hours. Very pleased with how he handled it. Not the result I necessarily wanted but I very much appreciate the time and consideration they provided. I learned for the first time that the SM is stepping down to ASM in January so while we may not get the result we wanted, we might avoid any complications in the future if we just be patient. Doesn't fix the lack of response from the CC but unless I take on an active role in the troop, I don't see the need to really interact with them again. I will likely seek out the future SM and ask him what hi
  16. Thanks, the dynamics of all this are so foreign to me. I expected that the SM served at the discretion of the committee. I've since learned (through a bit of research) that the COR appoints the SM so all this time I spent trying to get the CC on board has been somewhat wasted. I wonder if should have started this process with the COR Rep instead. The COR Rep was copied on the SMs reply.
  17. @an_old_DC Thanks again. I am going to wait and see what response I get from the district and I also plan to bring this up at the committee meeting next week if it is not resolved by then. As far as I know, the rest of the committee is unaware of this issue and they might have a different opinion after it has been shared. I am aware of at least three advocates on the committee that would very likely support a change to this unwritten rule (their scouts will be impacted too and my son is in their patrol). I assume these things are voted on but I have no idea.
  18. Yes, there is another troop very close by (and we have some ties to that troop) but they meet on a week night. The current troop meets on Sunday night which is perfect for us. I called the CC tonight and got their voicemail. No response so far. Email sent to the DE, DC, and the DAC (district advancement chair) a few moments ago with all the emails and a timeline. @fred johnson Just to give you a bit more insight, Here is how I started my reply to the SM: And how they began their response: I think you might have it right with your fiefdom comment.
  19. @an_old_DC and @fred johnson In complete agreement but unfortunately, I think that ship has already sailed. I did not include all of the reply of the SM but it was heated, critical and as stated prior, was to all the ASMs too. He became immediately defensive when I initially questioned his policy and pointed out the rules. Now that Scouting Magazine has also stated the same, I don't think the relationship can be recovered. I hope I am wrong but I doubt it. The SM has already stated that he only has a few more years with the troop (2-3 I think) but this appears to be a policy supporte
  20. SM never gave him a date. I think your secondary idea is good - and might have been one we could follow earlier in this process but the SM has now ignored an email from my son and two emails from me. Telling him we will be at the library on a specific date and time seems like just another waste of our time. I want to give the troop and the scouters every reasonable possibility to save face and correct the issue. Where as the SM has copied all other leaders in their initial email response to me (I assume to try and shame me), I have only communicated with the CC and SM. I have left the ASM
  21. I am calling the CC by phone tonight. Give them one more chance. I am unfortunately done with the SM on this issue. If no resolution tonight, I will be forwarding all my previous communication to TPTB at the district with a request to speak to them by phone (I only have their email addresses). Regardless, I will encourage my scout to sign up for his BOR at the next meeting without the SM conference (as is his right) and I plan to sit in on the BOR (as is my right) just to make sure that this scouter conduct has not spread to individuals that would comprise his board. This has been a
  22. Thank you. That answered my next question. Neither the CC or the SM have responded to my emails on this topic.
  23. No. Exactly the same - which is why my daughter's troop failed three different times (1st year Daisy fail, 2nd year Daisy fail, 1st year Brownie fail) and why she spent a year as a Juliette (2nd year Brownie), and the local council tried to trick me and a few other parents into being the leaders so we spent that year as a Juliette (no other troop would accept her), and eventually begged and pleaded (*cough* demanded *cough*) to join an existing troop and not join another brand new one. My daughter (now 2nd year Junior) has never participated in a bridging ceremony because all of her
  24. We will see. I plan to forward the email to the CC and see if I get a response. I don't plan to interact directly with the SM at this point. I still have not received an email response from the CC which is very disappointing and I am thinking that I might need to visit the committee meeting and discuss that issue separately. Parents and scouts should expect a timely response from our volunteers, even if that response is "no."
  25. They did, I sent it to them! Not only was the question answered, it was answered in a way that was artful, professional, and real world (without being specific my case). Color me very impressed.
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