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About Jeff5521

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  1. Thanks for the feedback... I emailed the Unit Commissioner and COR to let them know what was going on. The COR said he would see if anyone is available to take over. I'm not holding out much hope for that. As far as selling the equipment we are not going down that road. We will simply turn it all over to the CO and let them start back up the troop down the road or dispose of it all as they see fit. One question, as the treasurer I have a stack of receipts, bank statements and other paperwork. Should I just turn that all over to the CO in case they need it? Again I'm closing out
  2. So our troop is winding down, we have no more adult leaders able / willing to step up and take over. Scout Master and Committee Chair are stepping down at the end of the year. The COR is not involved in the troop and has not shown up for any meetings since taking over a year ago.. The parents and the boys have elected to move over to a troop with more leaders / boys rather then continue with the current troop. What are the logistics of shutting down the troop? Obviously we need to let the COR & CO know our plans, do we just tell them you have no more boys or adult leaders and "w
  3. For the Eagle COH, do you have the scout un sew and Life rank Insignia so you can pin the eagle award on or do you just pin the eagle award over the top of the life rank?
  4. I'd like to say this thread has been very useful to me. I just took over as treasury for a troop that had very little record keeping. Between rechartering, banking issues, re establishing dues, budgeting, etc it is like "drinking from a fire hose" as we like to say at work. Great discussion, thanks!
  5. I understand all of the general fundraising and agree I just get hung up on popcorn. Some of our scouts go out and sell, some of our scouts do not the the extra time to sell. The parents of scouts that do not sell are happy to just write a check for camp fees. However the parents of the kids selling popcorn are expecting the commission to pay down their scouting expenses. Perhaps we need to reset that expectation, however I can guarantee this will end popcorn sales for us. Perhaps we could say all popcorn sells go into a campership fund and the any parent can apply for a scholarship
  6. What I still stuggle with is popcorn sales. The door to door sales part is an individual activity. Would this scenario work: Lets say summer camp is $200 per boy and you have 5 boys going. Your summer camp fund need $1000 so you set a $200 sales goal. Lets say three boys sell $200, $225 and $175 comissions, can you ask the remaining boys to write a check to the camp fund for $200 each? Does this pass the test? If so now lets say one boy sells $400 comission, you still require the $200 comission or check from the other boys and then have $200 left over, that goes into the general fun
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