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Everything posted by BS-87

  1. While I don't want to bump the thread again, I have to. Glad to see a great example of the free market at work, thank you OGE!
  2. Is there a way to flag this thread for moderators? The first thread was fine, this second thread is just trolling.
  3. It's wholly within the rights of a Chartering Organization to say that they don't want a person who is leading their kids to be in possession of tobacco, smell like tobacco, or use nicotine products while performing any duty of their position. If that expectation is set, a CO is perfectly able to remove that person from their position for that reason for the same reasons you've listed. Also, while I'm a fan of exercises in reason such as this, I don't think you're presenting this issue very maturely. Personal health is a subject that is appropriate to talk about around scouts. Not s
  4. Working on a political campaign shows a level of engagement and citizenship any SM should be proud to see his scouts participating at. Granted somebody's poisoned the poor boy's philosophy, at least you helped instill him with excellent passion and capacities!
  5. Boys can use pornography to groom other boys for abuse just as easily, and probably more frequently than adults use pornography to groom boys for abuse. Understanding that, I think it's a good idea to have the situation reported, because bringing the subject to daylight will do more to deter abuse by a youth against a youth than you'd think.
  6. Boys and Girls are different, and so they need to learn things differently. They develop different capacities at different rates, have different activity needs and capabilities, and quite plainly do not get much benefit from co-mingling until roughly middle-school age. I'm going to go look for references for these assertions, because something tells me what may seem like common sense to scouters is less common than it is sensible.
  7. I skipped a couple steps in the gunpoint argument because I thought we'd gone over this libertarian staple in the past. In order to refuse to pay the tax, you must refuse to pay income tax, or pay an amount much less than what's due. If you do not pay your taxes, your wages will be garnished or you will acquire a lien. So in order to avoid those penalties, you must deal in cash only for work. Doing this whilst an IRS target is on your back will cause you to commit tax fraud. Fraud will get you summoned to court, and so if you refuse you will have a warrant issued fo
  8. Beavah, it takes reducing the proposition to its most absurd ends that will show best what the ruling is capable of. _________________________________________________ It is the case that Congress feels the best way to get healthcare is by owning health insurance, and so they require all Americans to have X amount of coverage and provide documentation or be taxed for not doing so. If you refuse to pay the tax, you will be arrested. If you refuse to be arrested for something so absurd, you will be held at gunpoint. _________________________________________________ Now
  9. It's actually a pretty gloomy day for individual liberty. I can't wait until fat people are getting taxed for the burden they place on healthcare providers and therein the taxpayers. Maybe we can get taxed/held at gunpoint and forced to eat a menu designed by the First Lady. It's perfectly constitutional apparently. I'd say I'm upset by the decision, but I'm more just disappointed that so many people are willing to overlook the implications of the mandate because it's the engine for some common sense regulation on insurance providers in the name of consumer protection.
  10. If the rationale for excluding gay leaders is that Scouting is not the appropriate atmosphere for the subject of homosexuality (or probably all explicitly sexual subjects) to be brought up and discussed, then this individual coming camping with a boyfriend is directly contrary to that aim and needs to cease immediately. I think that's the same reason a Crew doesn't allow 19 yr olds in a Venture Crew of opposite genders to share a tent. Scouting is not an appropriate atmosphere for anything sexual. When you consider discussion of the explicitly sexual is a method of grooming or dese
  11. Is he a registered leader with the Troop? The answer to this question doesn't matter I would say the same logic that the BSA uses to exclude homosexuals from leadership is the same logic that would dictate that this practice of bringing a boyfriend along cannot be tolerated. On another note, it shouldn't be tolerated if a young man is bringing his girlfriend along either.
  12. Tokala - Chartered Organizations pay the charter fees each year at rechartering time. That along with all membership fees collected at the same time all go to National.
  13. Bobwhite89 - I realize fundraising and membership are the ugly things that a DE is basically required for in order to make sure they happen, but are those necessary to the mission? What can the BSA do better than anyone else? - Are there better youth programs for citizenship and values? - Are there better run camps to provide outdoor programming? - Is there another youth program in the country with the brand recognition and resources capable of letting them recruit the raw numbers each year that Scouting is able to? If those are the things that BSA can do better than anyone
  14. Sounds like a good plan on both counts. Council offices as call centers/customer service. Volunteers who aren't in it for recognition or knots taking ownership of the Districts back from professionals. It sounds excellent in theory. If it fails, the program will be carried out forever by the grassroots, but just won't be a powerful national movement.
  15. TT: I think I might have been the scout you're talking about back in the day... If that's any indication, teaching the other patrol members how to ignore that kind of manipulation or bullying instead of following along with it will help more than trying to address the kid or the parents directly. He'll stop doing it if people stop giving reinforcement to the actions. Consider his attitude as a product. If you react to the product, you've purchased it from him. If he cannot sell his product, he will adjust it until it sells or will leave the market.
  16. I have to admit when I'm wrong, and I was wrong that two-deep is required for all activities, when in fact the standard is for outings. "Two-deep leadership is required on all outings. Two registered adult leaders or one registered leader and a parent of a participant, or other adult, one of whom must be 21 years of age or older, are required on all trips and outings. The chartered organization is responsible for ensuring that sufficient leadership is provided for all Scouting activities. There are a few instances, such as patrol activities, when the presence of adult leaders is not req
  17. Contact the leader in violation directly. Make the whole of the Troop Leadership retake Youth Protection Training. Check in periodically to make sure policies are being followed. Remove those leaders resistant to policies after retraining.
  18. Best advice has already been said. Call the SE. When someone is not following policy, it has to be reported. Abusers are extremely adept at explaining away their transgressions to people they know and trust. An SE just sees things in black and white and if the errant behavior does not fall back in line with policy, he drops the ax to err on the side of caution as must be done when objectively looking at any case of suspected abuse.
  19. I understand the 'official capacity and liability', & I get that friends of the family are most often the offenders in abuse cases....but come on.... We're supposed to treat each other like strangers? You don't have to treat him like a stranger, but you said it yourself about who the most common abusers are. Following the guidelines protects your child, your CM friend, and your friendship with that individual. If your child made an accusation, you would immediately have to trust your child no matter if the accusation is true or not. Following the guidelines means that somebody'
  20. Whoa... I really hope these are hypothetical, because if these are all taken from real examples of behavior, there's a HUGE problem. All are False, and here's why. What's worse is you could show these explanations to a predator and they'd say I'm paranoid and that you're paranoid and crazy for being so over-protective. 1) Youth Protection Coverage starts and ends with the event's open and close. SM taking an unrelated youth home with him to unload the car is ok. False, Youth Protection is always, in all contact with youth of the program in any setting. This would even include
  21. It's become apparent that the founders and major shareholders needed a way to cash-in the shares of Facebook before the bubble bursts. I think the IPO signifies what everyone is realizing, and that FB is at its peak. This could start the feeding frenzy that kills Facebook. A lot of folks who took stock instead of regular pay at Facebook are going to have a lot of capital really soon to leave and start their own projects...
  22. Sorry for the word order, I'll clarify because I forgot to explain the results of that law. Because of that law; and the limited supply of chairlifts, long waiting lists, and long manufacture times, many public pools and hotel pools will not be opening this summer for public use. This means the law has said that because everybody can't use the pool, then nobody should be able to use it.
  23. When laws get passed requiring all public use pools, including hotels, have a permanent chair lift installed for handicap accessibility, this is touted as a great victory for equality. What it does is prevents people who enjoy something from enjoying that thing because it's not something all people can enjoy. At least with marriage there's the option of just not letting anyone have the tax and legal goodies instead of banning the whole institution. What I don't get is how in the wrong cases, the government will take the "If everyone can't enjoy it, nobody can" mentality like with the poo
  24. Come on Merlyn, is it really such an emotionally charged argument that you have to disingenuously misinterpret what everyone's being perfectly clear on and then go on a tantrum/rampage? I hope a mod cleans up your post a little to; a) make the page easier to read and b) show you that kind of behavior isn't acceptable
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